[11:28] Morning all, will be back today. Mostly catch up day. [12:19] Hi all [12:28] Hiyas [12:37] sgmoore: I uploaded your plasma 5.27.11 [12:38] armhf is waiting on a FTBFS qtwebengine [12:39] thank you [14:40] Well, my desktop won't boot. Everything from xorg and up is complaining error loading shared libraries libpng16.so.16 I have done all I can do with aptitude. I must have a rogue package somewhere from when I had proposed enabled. [14:47] Sgmoore: sorry if I'm playing captain obvious here, but what I do in that situation is re-enable proposed then use ppa-purge to remove and rollback all proposed packages. I hope that is helpful. [14:49] It is, thank you [15:02] You're welcome Scarlett. Welcome back too. Let me know if there is anything I can help with. [16:11] Now I can't get past initramfs. I am done for today. I will try again tomorrow. [16:31] Sgmoore: again playing captain obvious, but we have a collection of recovery techniques that might be handy. I expect you know all three's [16:36] ^^these, but it might be a good reminder. I'll add the ppa-purge trick in there too. https://kfocus.org/wf/recovery.html. best wishes. [16:40] I have to admit I am not fully here in mind yet. I will review your doc, thank you so much. [17:53] Alright I have something that resembles a desktop. I had an i386 libpng installed which wrecked everything haha. Disabled i386 for now... [17:56] oh yikes, that's odd [17:57] Indeed [17:58] I shut off my laptop when I got the news, and I was probably in the middle of an upgrade or something. I really don't remember. Oops is all I can say. [17:59] All good now [18:02] I will be back officially tomorrow. I have had enough fun for one day haha. [18:02] Sounds good Scarlett. Have a good day. [18:08] Thank you too [18:09] hey, fwi, found big power regression in 6.5.0-25. 50% more power usage; ACPI related. Aaron may have mentioned it. Will know more today. [18:16] Welcome back Scarlett [18:17] Okay, and thank you [20:00] @sgmoore et al. https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2024-March/001344.html [20:01] In case you are not subbed to that list [20:22] Thanks RikMills [21:36] Thanks and subbed now