=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^ [03:17] good morning === JanC is now known as Guest7855 === JanC_ is now known as JanC [08:17] * enyc meows danza lotuspsychje pagios JanC [08:18] * enyc ponders how ubuntu seen reputationally by others [08:18] Why this ongoing snap controversy etc [08:20] * danza meows enyc back === JanC_ is now known as JanC [17:40] I wonder what the Linux world would have looked like if Canonical had ignored the push against them and forged ahead with their intended original path. Unity, Mir, Snap, a store with paid apps and free apps, etc. Part of me thinks the Linux desktop would have really gotten ahead if that had happened. It seems like the desktop is secondary to... everyone, really. Even Microsoft no longer has [17:40] the desktop at the forefront of their efforts. === deepSleep is now known as Guest8410 [19:14] I doubt it [20:19] UWN: Issue831 now available to our reading public: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-831/43245 :D [20:20] Bashing-om: do you work for Ubuntu? [20:35] mandem0110: just a volunteer like the rest of us [20:47] mandem0110: ^ We labor for love :D [20:47] Do volunteers get paid? [20:49] mandem0110: Define what you mean by "paid" - recompense comes in many forms - Money is not one of these :D