[00:58] why does /etc/issue think I need a dozen digits of precison for system load. ex: System load: 2.67822265625 === chris14_ is now known as chris14 === JanC is now known as Guest7855 === JanC_ is now known as JanC [07:30] Hello folks! Can I get a review on: https://code.launchpad.net/~gabriel-samfira/simplestreams/+git/simplestreams/+merge/452267 ? [07:58] Hellou folks ! [07:59] can u say what is wrong with this [07:59] scp root@* [12:47] jamespage: ^ could the openstack team review https://code.launchpad.net/~gabriel-samfira/simplestreams/+git/simplestreams/+merge/452267 perhaps please, as it's entirely a glance client related change? === xispita is now known as Guest3800 === xispita_ is now known as xispita === xispita is now known as Guest7267 === xispita_ is now known as xispita === JanC_ is now known as JanC === sdeziel_ is now known as sdeziel