
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
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pickanick Q: How can one check what 'apt autoremove' will remove?  man apt says on apt autoremove , "You should check that the list does not include applications you have grown to like even though they were once installed just as a dependency of another package."  but does not say how.03:26
rboxit tells you what its goint to do...03:30
tsimpsonpickanick: you can add "--simulate" to the command to see what it will do without it actually doing anything03:33
JollyRgrsrunning 22.04 having crashes since going to kernel 5.15.0-100 (happened during apt upgrade). not sure how to remove it as any attempt I try via apt says to run dpkg --configure -a (which crashes when trying to build the images) and dpkg --purge for the kernel says it can't b/c of dependency issues (I booted to kernel 5.15.0-97 to try and remove 100)03:55
JanCpickanick: by default 'apt' tells you what it's going to add/remove and asks for confirmation03:59
preachnot always04:00
preachsometimes apt install will not ask04:00
JanCwhen it only installs exactly what you asked for (no dependencies or other additional changes)04:01
JollyRgrsJanC: yes it does ask that... but once it starts and then crashes... it wants dpkg to do the --configure -a to fix it. that's where i'm at04:06
pickanicktsimpson: thanks I didn't know that04:07
pickanickJanC: preach:  yes apt does not always ask04:09
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preachapt -f04:14
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Bergeragcan you say what is wrong with this08:08
Bergeragscp root@ip_address:~/target_file.*08:08
geirhamissing an argument08:36
geirhaneeds at least one source argument and one destination argument08:36
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BluesKajHi all12:19
Sadikkoladata recovery14:23
leftyfbSadikkola: can we help you with something?14:23
Sadikkolajust to understand how chat works.14:26
leftyfbSadikkola: this is an Ubuntu support channel14:26
leftyfbSadikkola: if you're just looking to chat, feel free to join #ubuntu-offtopic14:26
Sadikkolai hv some questions about Lubuntu but will come back later, thanks14:32
kubast2Any chance will see bfq i/o scheduler set as default in 24.04? I'm aware that 64 deep ncq nvme queues exist, but they don't always behave as well as having an i/o scheduler on top of ncq queue.14:47
leftyfb!next | kubast214:48
ubottukubast2: Noble Numbat is the codename for Ubuntu 24.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.14:48
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|Aspire|hi, anyone can lend me a hand with a webcam issue?17:53
bprompt!ask | |Aspire|17:56
ubottu|Aspire|: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:56
=== deepSleep is now known as Guest8410
GSMarquisHow do I set the login screen to have same scale 200% as my workspace?18:14
|Aspire|webcam led is green but black screen in cheese and other applications18:39
|Aspire|what can I do?18:39
leftyfb|Aspire|: did you try going into the cheese preferences and selecting the appropriate Device?18:40
leftyfbalso, is this a usb webcam or one built into a laptop?18:40
|Aspire|yes, I have 2 cams, integrated and USB18:41
bprompt|Aspire|: is possible the app "cheese" is looking at the wrong camera, check settings18:41
|Aspire|the weird thing is that both cams are listed twice, which made me wonder whether they are mounted twice18:41
bpromptpossibly looking at the one that's off18:41
leftyfb|Aspire|: what is the model number?18:41
|Aspire|causing a lock of sorts18:41
|Aspire|bprompt: I checked all of them and reduced the resolution, but to no avail18:42
|Aspire|leftyfb: I'm not sure regarding the model details18:43
leftyfb|Aspire|: lsusb18:43
|Aspire|the usb cam is DZ-X1118:43
|Aspire|this is the USB cam: Microdia Camera VR18:44
|Aspire|This should be the integrated one: Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTS5129 Card Reader Controller18:45
|Aspire|those were the details I got for running LSUSB18:45
|Aspire|what else can I do?18:48
|Aspire|I spend most of lastnight googling for some answer, but to no ...18:49
bprompthmmm the suspect would be drivers18:49
ioria|Aspire|, can you paste the lsusb output ?   lsusb | nc termbin.com 999918:50
bprompt|Aspire|: yeah,  is simpler if we look at the output :|18:50
|Aspire|I've added ls -l /dev/video*  - just so to make sure its not a permissions issue18:53
ioria|Aspire|, probably you're out of luck... but what are the  other applications you tried ?18:55
ioria|Aspire|, install guvcview and (just to be sure) relogin in the Xorg session (not wayland)18:57
|Aspire|I tried the webcam on another laptop which worked out of the box, no issues18:57
bprompt|Aspire|: did it work in Kamoso?18:57
|Aspire|bprompt: nope, same issue18:58
bprompt|Aspire|: from the lsusb output, seems the "Microdia VR" is the onboard webcam18:58
|Aspire|bprompt: thats odd19:00
|Aspire|ioria: guvcview gavemethis error: 4L2_CORE: (VIDIOC_DQBUF) Unable to dequeue buffer: No such devi19:01
|Aspire|ioria: what do you mean login to Xorg?19:02
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ioria|Aspire|, you log out, get to the login screen, click the clog and select Ubuntu on Xorg19:03
|Aspire|bprompt: I'm confident that this is the external USB CAM because when I unplugg it and run LSUSB it no longer shows19:03
|Aspire|ioria: ok, will try it19:03
bprompt|Aspire|: hmmmm, I checked on the Chicony one, and they seem to only make "usb webcams"19:04
|Aspire|logged back in using Xorg19:14
|Aspire|ioria: same issue though19:15
ioria|Aspire|, what's you kernel ? uname -r19:15
|Aspire|V4L2_CORE: Could not grab image (select timeout): Resource temporarily unavailable19:16
|Aspire|ioria: 6.5.0-25-generic19:16
ioria|Aspire|, uvcdynctrl -l | nc termbin.com 999919:18
|Aspire|ioria: https://termbin.com/993f19:20
ioria|Aspire|, cat cat /var/log/uvcdynctrl-udev.log | nc termbin.com 999919:23
ioria|Aspire|, sorry, cat /var/log/uvcdynctrl-udev.log | nc termbin.com 999919:24
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ioria|Aspire|, did you select the right output in guvcview ?19:32
|Aspire|ioria: I tried all 4 options and none of them resulted in success19:35
ioria|Aspire|, no idea then; unplug it, plug it again and check 'dmesg | tail'19:36
|Aspire|it looks like the USB device dis/connected19:39
|Aspire|do you want to see the output?19:40
|Aspire|what about the integrated cam, doesn't it seem odd that both are having the same issue?19:45
ioria|Aspire|, no idea sy19:48
ioria|Aspire|, i would try on older kernel19:49
|Aspire|what aboutthe error messages19:49
|Aspire|[libwebcam] Invalid or unsupported V4L2 control encountered: ctrl_id = 0x009A0001, name = 'Camera Controls'19:50
|Aspire|what does that mean?19:50
|Aspire|ioria: https://termbin.com/33xz19:58
|Aspire|uvcdynctrl --list | nc termbin.com 999919:58
younderVFL2 is Video For Linux. Looks like you can't load a driver for that device.20:04
|Aspire|hi younder, thanks for your reply, what makes you say that,20:04
younderNormally you have plug and play. It checks the id and automatically loads the driver, but here the control is 'unsupported'. Which I presume means it is not in it's database.20:06
younderHad a similar problem with some Zed stereo cameras.20:07
|Aspire|according to that link it says drivers are missin, cheese will report no devicefound20:08
|Aspire|but in my case I'm getting just a black screen20:09
|Aspire|younder: did you resolve your issue wth Zed stereo? and if so, how?20:11
younderNo, they never worked properly :(20:12
younderYou are dependent on proprietary drivers from the vendor. And when they don't work you are stuck. You could try contacting them..20:13
|Aspire|younder: I had trouble on windows, and was hoping it would work on linux, :))) looks like a dead end then20:16
|Aspire|I wonder whether its configuration though,20:22
|Aspire|I got this from https://webcamtests.com/ -During testing, there were errors due to which it is impossible to determine some parameters of your web camera. Reload the page and try again.20:22
|Aspire|Parameters, thats configuration right20:23
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Zedwasn't  me20:43
yannouri|Aspire|> Can you provide us with more information, so we can help you? Like the type of camera21:28
bpromptyannouri: he kinda  left21:31
yannouribprompt: Thanks21:34
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pflanzeHi. I'm running a set of package installations on a 23.10 64-bit VPS. With many packages, the installation process hangs on "Setting up" for 1.5 minutes (or 10 seconds for some other packages).22:37
pflanzeLoad is almost 0, network is fine (a seprate ssh login is working just fine).22:37
pflanzeI've rebooted the server, and am running "dpkg --configure -a" now to let it finish, still same problem.22:38
pflanzee.g. "Adding saned group and user..." is blocking, so was "Setting up ipp-usb", "Setting up usbmuxd", "Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/sockets.target.wants/avahi-daemon.socket → /lib/systemd/system/avahi-daemon.socket.", and many more22:38
pflanzePackage installations have been ongoing for half an hour now.22:39
pflanzeHanging: "==> Installing the firefox snap"22:40
pflanzeBefore I rebooted, "top" did also hang. Since I rebooted, that one doesn't hang anymore.22:41
pflanzeDNS resolution works fine22:41
pflanze(Now it has finished.)22:42
pflanzeBut I'll have to install more Ubuntu servers that way, so, still, what was causing this?22:43
pflanzedmesg has many "unity-greeter[1720] trap int3 ip:74175171ca0d sp:7ffd4ecb2080 error:0 in libglib-2.0.so.0.7800.0[7417516d8000+9a000]" messages (others with different numbers)22:45

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