[03:55] sgmoore: it you're at SeaGL I will be too [03:55] table or not [04:06] errr, I'd better check the dates [04:06] my calendar is often jammed already [05:16] actually, Novemember and at the UW sounds fun [05:16] I have nothing but good memories of the HUB [05:17] hotels might be a bit cheaper too [12:45] Good morning. So in my fog, I managed to set a good fire in the house and charred my foot pretty good. I was in the hospital late last night, but I am okay. I have to go to the burn specialist today, so will be a short day. [12:47] Morning Scarlett, Oh Boy!!, Hope you'll be OK, and not too much damage at home (re @sgmoore: Good morning. So in my fog, I managed to set a good fire in the house and charred my foot pretty good. I was in the hospital late last night, but I am okay. I have to go to the burn specialist today, so will be a short day.) [14:00] Minor damage, it could have been so much worse. Other than my foot I am okay. In other news, my desktop boots now, but no keyboard or mouse. Playing around with reinstall now. [14:21] +1 to that (re @Rick_Timmis: Morning Scarlett, Oh Boy!!, Hope you'll be OK, and not too much damage at home) [14:21] https://ubuntu.com/blog/the-coronation-of-a-new-mascot-noble-numbat [14:59] Ooo I like that [15:00] Glad that we finally have it. [15:01] I have a Wallpaper Contest Blog Post in draft on Invent, I'll get it ready tonight , and Post it to the website. (re @ahoneybun: Glad that we finally have it.) [18:08] what a nice thing to awaken to! [18:08] love the new logo [18:08] err, mascot