
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> @sgmoore the plasma qtwebengine stuff is optional, so I have disabled it for now on armhf in the interests of the stack getting built in the archive05:02
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> armhf after all is not a priority05:03
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> there is a patch to fix qtwebengine build, but it results in failure on symbols on 32 bit armhf, which I really don't want to dig into05:05
RikMillsEickmeyer: plasma-distro-release-notifier hard build depends in control on libqt5core5a libqt5gui5 libqt5widgets506:34
RikMillsthese are renamed for the time_t64 transition, and really should be build depending on libs like that anyway06:35
RikMillsthe qt5 -dev packages as a bd wil pull them in06:35
RikMillscan you fix this06:35
RikMills*really should not06:36
BluesKajHi all12:23
EickmeyerRikMills: There were reasons at the time, but I forget why it needed the b-ds. If you remove them, it will FTBFS. That said, it can change to the time_t64 versions, but *technically* shouldn't have to.15:05
EickmeyerRikMills: Furthermore, those build dependencies were like that in Neon, so please, don't tell me something should or shouldn't be a certain way.15:08
EickmeyerI'm not new to packaging anymore.15:08
EickmeyerRikMills: vorlon already did the NCR on it, there's nothing for me to do.15:10
RikMillsEickmeyer: sorry, I was not trying to be confrontational. but no, it won't FTBFS as qtbase5-dev depends on those libs or the new names16:16
RikMillsneon does some odd things sometimes16:16
EickmeyerRikMills: *at the time* it would FTBFS without explicitly naming those libraries, qtbase5-dev wasn't enough.16:17
RikMillsthat is very odd16:18
EickmeyerBut, considering there's a version in proposed right now and uploading more to proposed is going to just gum-up the works and not help the transition along unless it's Architecture: all, I'm very leery of uploading anything.16:19
EickmeyerI mean, unless it's a definite bugfix.16:20
EickmeyerFixing something that might be superfluous packaging isn't going to help anything right now.16:21
RikMillsfair enough. I was just going through some kde things that had a similar issue, and the notifier popped up in rdep build deps search16:21
RikMillsso thought I would mention it16:22
EickmeyerMight be something to tackle for 24.10 as that notifier will still work in Plasma 6 with updated deps.16:22
RikMillsyeah, needing to build depend on a shared lib means that there is something wrong with the deps of one the dev packages somewhere16:24
EickmeyerIt probably was at the time even if it's not now.16:25

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