
jamespageI'm looking at an SRU sponsorship which is using systemd drop-ins to tweak the behaviour of a service so that it starts after another service - feels like drop-ins are designed for sysadmins rather than packages - is there any prior art/option on this topic?11:40
jamespagerbasak: have you seen anything like this before?11:40
cjwatsonYou can have drop-ins in /usr/lib/systemd/system/ as opposed to /etc/systemd/system/, and I think the former is designed for packages11:41
cjwatsonThere can certainly be complex interactions, but it doesn't seem fundamentally wrong11:41
cjwatson(or /lib/systemd/system/ for older releases)11:42
blucadrop-ins in /usr are definitely for packages11:42
cjwatsonI see a moderate amount of prior art looking in /usr/lib/systemd/system/*.d/*.conf here11:43
jamespagegreat that answers my question - dev is looking for a minimal fix which does not involve changing the way we generate systemd units using openstack-pkg-tools for the SRU's11:43
jamespagedev is fixed to generate the right stuff11:43
jamespagebut TBH I'd quite like to move away from that approach - its a bit of a hangover from having to suppprt three init systems.11:43
sudipcan anyone with superpowers please click on this link - https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=mantic&package=sagemath&arch=amd64&trigger=sagemath%2F9.5-6ubuntu0.2&ppa=sudipmuk%2Fsagemath-112:17
seb128sudip, clicked12:19
sudipthanks seb12812:19
slyonjbicha: FYI I forward-ported the 64-bit time-t NMU from gpaste 44.1-2.1 to 45-2 (from experimental): https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gpaste/45-2ubuntu414:11
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