
=== rfm_ is now known as rfm
ChmEarlwow, noble has hundreds of lib*t64 packages, seems like unstable05:31
RikMillsmandem0110: ChmEarl we are in the middle of the time_t64 transition which is why05:42
RikMillsa lot of things stuck in proposed due to that05:43
ChmEarlRikMills, ty, I'm ready for t64 in Noble after following things in Debian sid05:58
mandem0110RikMills: I have *no idea* what time_t64 is...09:27
RikMillsmandem0110: basically transitioning on architectures that store time/date as 32bit to storing as 64bit09:37
RikMillsbecause in 2038 32bit will reach its limit, and dates would roll over to start at year 190109:39
RikMillswhich would be bad in a y2k ish way09:40
mandem01102038 might not even happen...09:42
enycmandem0110: /115:18
mandem0110enyc: ??16:44
enycmandem0110: mistake =)18:18
mandem0110How did you even manage to..... nevermind.......18:21
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
ChmEarl good time64 build of xen-4.18.1 in Noble19:43

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