
Guest83I'm new to ubuntu and was looking for a link on how to make it more secure.00:06
Guest83Looked in forums but got frustrated finding a simple how to.00:07
Guest83Anyone here?00:08
Bashing-omGuest12321: What is your use case of ubuntu that leads you to consider enhanceing security ?00:10
Bashing-omgone ^ ;(00:11
* topcat001 recommends greying of offline nicks00:16
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spirillenHey, I'm using KDE, but every time the monitors enters standby and I reactivate the monitors, all programs are moved to screen0, anyone who know how to solv this?00:59
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coolchrishello after careful evalulation i have determined linux is a piece of sht06:55
mkoucan I include comments on my commands, so when catting history I can see info about commands I've done in the past?07:36
elSmith-When I can't remember the ssh command that lets me log into the server I type: history | grep "ssh"08:22
TheBeanCan't wait for the new Server LTS release08:23
akikmkou: yes: id # show uid08:25
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stennoi don't understand that you can simply boot into recovery mode to reset your root password09:29
stennowhat good is your root password if it can simply be reset when you are in front of the machine09:30
CosmicDJstenno: physical access is almost always game over 🤷09:36
stennowell. fair enough i guess09:42
CosmicDJstenno: there is full disk encryption though, IIRC you can also password protect BIOS and grub IIRC09:43
stennohmm interesting09:43
stennothanks, i will investigate in that!09:44
tpanarch1sti'm not sure if I am going about this wrong but i'm trying to create a separate user - which I have done - and give them .ssh access via a certificate. I have 1. created the user 2. created a /home/.ssh directory for them, 2. created an authorised_keys file for them, copied the public key in  and then sudo chown -R katherine:katherine ~/.ssh  3.09:55
tpanarch1stthis didn't work with the error Permission denied (publickey). I tried sudo chown -R katherine:groupnameredacted ~/.ssh - this errored on connection attempt too. Output from terminal here https://paste.debian.net/1311224/ thanks09:55
meimaybe you didn't copy the right key?09:58
meialso if you are using ~/ i assume you are doing things by the same user, so why the chown?10:01
tpanarch1sthey mei - I ***think*** it's because I turned password authentication back on but I didn't restart the ssh daemon10:03
meiallowing password won't prevent you to use a key10:04
meiif you get the password prompt it means the key failed10:07
CosmicDJtpanarch1st: man ssh, ~/.ssh/ and ~/.ssh/authorized_keys need specific permissions10:09
tpanarch1stthank you, but it makes sense that this is the issue because then I couldn't get access and I could previously10:10
tpanarch1sti've rolled off a backup10:10
meiare such permissions enforced?10:10
meimaybe just recommended10:11
tpanarch1sti'm just going to redo this then i'll report back10:11
meiwell you don't have to disable password login before key is working10:11
meithe moment key is working it will stop you asking the password10:11
meifrom which user are you doing it? you are using chown and ~/ at the same time. it sounds something is wrong10:12
kjetilhohi - `apt-get changelog linux-image-generic` has a generic changelog from linux-meta - is it possible to access the "true" changelog from https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/5.4.0-174.193 ?11:23
kjetilhohmm.  linux-libc-dev has that changelog, actually.11:24
mkoudoes anyone have had issues with gnu calendar - https://ibb.co/3184Gh2 - the times of the events sometimes isn't sorted by order, for example the event 07:00 - 08:00 is showing after the event 11:00 - 12:00?11:31
mkoualso, I can't add more calendars, seems like 7 calendars is the max, can it be increased?11:31
BluesKajHi all12:23
tpanarch1stmei all sorted thanks12:32
tpanarch1stand thanks everyone12:32
CosmicDJtpanarch1st: so what was it in the end?12:42
tpanarch1stI didn't reset the ssh daemon after turning on password authentication again12:43
tpanarch1stso i think i crashed it ha12:43
tpanarch1stive just certed my three vps's and set my best mate up as backup on all of them12:43
MaiandrosHi. I have recently installed Ubuntu server 23.10. But it takes days (literally) to load or to execute a command. Any thoughts on where can I adress my problem?13:00
stennonot enough RAM and its swapping?13:01
stennoit can literally be dozens of things13:01
stennoyou need to put in some basic research first, like check system resources13:01
stennoswapping is usually the thing that comes to mind first13:01
leftyfbMaiandros: "load or execute a command". Can you be more specific here? Can you also share the system specs you are running on?13:01
leftyfbMaiandros: "load or execute a command". Can you be more specific here? Can you also share the system specs you are running on?13:04
stennoit's like asking 'my car doesnt work, what could be the reason'13:05
Maiandros4core AMD 3,7Ghz and 8GB of DDR3 ram13:05
leftyfbMaiandros: and the commands?13:05
stennoand the program you are executing is what?13:05
MaiandrosI know my question is at least vague...but I don't know where to begin with13:06
stennoexecute the program and also execute top13:06
stennoand see how the system resources get used and if it starts swapping13:06
stennomabye it's just that the program itself sucks13:06
leftyfbMaiandros: start with what you mean by "load or to execute" and which commands13:06
MaiandrosI have done this....it took 4 hours to execute apt upgrade and 26 hours to install Apache213:07
stennocould it just be your internet connection then...13:07
stennoslow package repositories13:08
MaiandrosWhile CPU and RAM where 5% of CPU load and 1.5GB of RAM used13:08
leftyfbMaiandros: please run this as a test:    apt download nmap13:09
stennoso if you do apt upgrade, what is the connection speed?13:09
Maiandrosmy speed is almost 200Mbps13:10
leftyfbMaiandros: please run this as a test:    apt download nmap13:10
MaiandrosOk I will do13:10
leftyfbMaiandros: take note of how long it takes to run13:11
leftyfbMaiandros: it hasn't finished yet?13:12
stennomaybe it takes time for your message to reach them13:14
leftyfbMaiandros: is it still downloading?13:15
Maiandrosit is stuck...I guess it is downloading13:15
leftyfbMaiandros: your issue is more than likely the mirror you are using. Kill that process and run this:    cat /etc/apt/sources.list | nc termbin.com 999913:16
MaiandrosOk guys...I will clean install again and I will come back again13:16
leftyfbMaiandros: no13:16
leftyfbMaiandros: there is nothing indicating a new install will fix anything. Reinstalling will just postpone you resolving the issue13:17
leftyfbMaiandros: your issue is more than likely the mirror you are using. Kill the apt download with CTRL+c and run this:    cat /etc/apt/sources.list | nc termbin.com 999913:17
MaiandrosThank you leftyfb...I will so when I becomes operational again13:18
leftyfbMaiandros: press CTRL+c13:19
leftyfbmaybe a couple times13:19
leftyfbMaiandros: press CTRL+c a couple times13:20
leftyfbMaiandros: CTRL+ALT+F313:22
MaiandrosSorry for the trouble guys...I am going to (hard) reboot and come back again. Thank you very much for your assistance13:22
veegeeMaiandros no thank YOU for your questions13:23
Habbiethe Search on https://packages.ubuntu.com/ defaults to kinetic, but kinetic is gone13:40
Habbie(happy to report this in a more useful place if somebody can point me to it)13:41
Habbielike the file bug link on the bottom!13:41
Habbieah, already reported https://bugs.launchpad.net/pkg-website/+bug/205779613:42
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2057796 in pkg-website "Package search defaults to 'kinetic' which returns no results due to EOL" [Undecided, New]13:42
ogra_Habbie, this site is maintained by some community person ... if you scroll down there is a "report a bug with this site" link13:43
ogra_ah, sorry, missed that you already found it13:44
Habbie:D thanks13:44
ogra_(either way, this isnt a canonical service so it might take a bit to be fised)13:44
Habbieat least now i know :>13:44
stennoleftyfb: imagine it will take another day for them to install their ubuntu and they will be back tomorrow with the same question :P14:25
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bpromptallo emojii19:30
li--chatHello Ubuntu User19:58
webchat87i try to clone ubuntu with clonezilla ...... some error occur and process stops. after diconnect target disk, source disk didnt boot.... bios dosent recognized this disk.... but running live usb and listening disk in terminal, disk exist... after some reboot finaly ubuntu boot again .... any ideas? thanks21:41
leftyfbwebchat87: it sounds like you have faulty hardware, potentially the source disk. I would recommend not powering on that drive unless you have no backup of the data on it, in which case, use something like ddrescue to make an image and only use that image to restore files21:42
webchat87leftyfb thanks.... its ssd m.2 mounted ..... smart data seems to be ok.... a wanna clone entire disk to another ssd a bit bigger...... of course i did backup...21:48
leftyfbwebchat87: "some error occur and process stops"21:49
leftyfbIt would it be very helpful to have those errors in a pastebin or a screenshot21:50
webchat87leftyfb  hmm i didnt make photos.... a dont think that any log exist.... maybe yes, but where?21:52
leftyfbit doesn't21:52
bpromptwebchat87:   "disk exist" and "disk good" are not exactly the same thing, corpses do exist, they're not very alive though21:53
webchat87do you think that best way its make image backup, put new ssd inside..... install ubuntu again and restore all data?21:54
bpromptwebchat87:  and the liveUSB session is running off the usb-stick, so works because the usb-stick is fine, and doesn't depend on the SSD m.221:54
bpromptwebchat87: I thought the SSD m.2 was inside =)21:54
leftyfbwebchat87: I would do just that, but do not plug the old drive in until after you've installed ubuntu on the new drive. But also, you said you have a backup. Just restore from that21:54
webchat87i have to change ssd m.2 in my laptop and install from usb .....I wanted to make it more easier :-)  ......cloning....and just change it ...hmm ...maybe no way21:58
jeremy31webchat87: That could work, cloning anyhow21:59
webchat87jeremy31 could work, but dosent work for me....22:01
bpromptwebchat87: well, I've done "imaging", using other tools but CloneZilla does the same thing, pretty much just what you said, boot from usb with tools, image either just a partition or a whole HD, whole image is a 10gbs or so file, save it to stick, when restoring I can restore it in around 5 - 7 minutes, a 14gbs installation, so it does work22:03
bprompton slower systems the restore has taken as much as 25 minutes22:04
leftyfb" some error occur and process stops"    this needs to be addressed before attempting to clone the drive again22:04
bpromptwebchat87: you wouldn't want to "restore" a corrupted installation :)22:05
webchat87its possible that the problem was windows installed on target disk? in my opinion clonezilla should unmount all disk.....partition disk and format disk and copy disk... its right?22:05
leftyfbclonezilla doesn't care what's on the destination drive22:06
bpromptwebchat87: for "imaging" tools, they don't see an Operating System per se, all they see is blobs and bits and clusters and sectors22:07
webchat87bprompt pls best program for image disk ?22:07
bpromptwebchat87: what I have used?  well, "best" is relative, I can tell you what I've used, Norton Ghost and Acronis Disk Image22:08
jeremy31webchat87: Use clonezilla on ISO22:09
bpromptwebchat87: but as I said, for "imaging" is just blobs, and as I said, I was running those tools from a bootable USB session22:09
webchat87everything is relative :-) but this program are windows programs no?22:09
bpromptwebchat87: yes, but I'd like to point out, that I've used stuff like "testdisk" to get files from a corrupted windows partitioin, that is "testdisk" using a liveUSB "parted magic" session22:10
Quarkwebchat87: on Linux, I use `dd`.22:12
bpromptwebchat87: that said, the issue may just be that you may run say Norton Ghost and you'll end up with the same "corrupted drive error", because they all to drive checks before imaging22:12
bpromptQuark: "dd" works well, only thing is, it adds lots of blanks unless target and source are exact22:13
webchat87jeremy31  I used clonezilla but some problem with cloneing disk ....22:13
bpromptwebchat87: yeah, but you're making an assumption your source HD is good to begin with22:14
webchat87Quark  I check dd but seems to be little bit complicated and little bit dangerous :D22:14
Quarkbprompt: I see. Is adding blanks a bad thing?22:15
bpromptQuark: depends, if I want to use the blank area, yes :) hehe22:15
QuarkOh, so it becomes unusable. I didn't know that.22:16
jeremy31webchat87: is the new drive bigger than the old?22:16
bpromptwebchat87: "dd" is not bad, but is a "raw imager", is great for imaging, but you have to make sure you image the correct ranges22:16
bpromptQuark: well, I recall using "dd" to image I think it was a 2gb stick, then I restored the image to a 8gb I think it was, well, when I check the 8gb, it was reported as a 2gbs =)22:18
webchat87bprompt I assume that the disk is fine .......based on usage and smart data... maybe i am wrong22:18
webchat87jeremy31 yes its bigger but dosent matther becource after clone i can make change with gparted o similar22:19
jeremy31webchat87: Might be an issue with Windows partition, might have to reboot Windows a few times in order for Windows to fix22:20
webchat87jeremy31 problem was clonig disk..... clonig start and after some time some error occur22:21
webchat87ooooo Inode seems to contain garbage22:21
jeremy31webchat87: I have seen issues after Linux resized Windows for an install, I think chkdsk in Windows will fix it22:21
webchat87that was the error22:22
bpromptwebchat87: is the HD with a windows OS?  and it runs, right?   I mean, was wondering if you use something like a "benchmarking" app to test it, something maybe like "hddscan" , is free and tiny, and I think is stand-alone22:22
bprompt"someone" clicked on the wrong button =)22:24
bpromptwebchat87: is the HD with a windows OS?  and it runs, right?   I mean, was wondering if you use something like a "benchmarking" app to test it, something maybe like "hddscan" , is free and tiny, and I think is stand-alone22:26
bpromptin case you missed that22:26
bpromptright, I figured you clicked the wrong button :P22:26
bpromptohh rats, I even have the wrong nick heheh22:27
bpromptI need to get some psychotherapy with ChatGPT =)22:27
ThatGalAlex195I cant remember ubuntu's offtopic IRC channel, thats why im here22:30
QuarkSo many Ubuntu channels.22:33
webchat87bpromt no, its ubuntu disk22:37
felcothere is a date for the 24.04 release?22:39
Quark25 April 2024.22:39
bprompt25 april, but pretty sure it'll be extended to April 30th 11.59.99999 PM22:41
felcoXD thanks22:41
Quarkbprompt: From where is that time locale?22:43
bpromptQuark: yeah really hehe22:44
bpromptQuark: I mean, I've seen them before giving a data, and then off it goes, I know May 1st is someting reliable22:44
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