=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [12:49] Hi all [19:39] https://status.canonical.com/#/incident/KNms6QK9ewuzz-7xUsPsNylV20jEt5kyKsd8A-3ptQG-R6bil1_KnGrNhlmDfGeBqxPulG7NPS3y2X0ZcEptVQ== [19:53] How do you get the attention of everyone in Ubuntu? Shut down the PPA service for an hour. [19:56] heh [19:59] TIL it's basically impossible to type a > symbol if using a US keyboard with the layout set to German. [19:59] (testing some localization-related things around disk encryption) [19:59] and the > and < keys are on a key that physically doesn't exist for me