=== michel_ is now known as Badegakk [00:25] Hello [00:26] Is there a easy way to change bit depth and Kilohertz as default sound setting === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life === tim is now known as Guest5684 === Guest5684 is now known as tim_ === tim_ is now known as tim === tim is now known as Guest2895 [03:14] dchiodi0087: Why are you running 5.24? 5.27 is superior in almost every way. === leaftype is now known as leaftype2 === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [06:40] Hello all there use to be a start menu icon on my Ubuntu 22.04, it's no longer there don't know why, can anyone help [07:30] I'm doing it just for stability, I don't want to backport (i tried it and i noticed some bugs here and there) when 24.04 LTS is out I'll update it immediately (re @IrcsomeBot: dchiodi0087: Why are you running 5.24? 5.27 is superior in almost every way.) [07:32] Did you happen to change the global theme? (re @PJtunes: Hello all there use to be a start menu icon on my Ubuntu 22.04, it's no longer there don't know why, can anyone help) [08:03] Just changed the wallpaper (re @dchiodi0087: Did you happen to change the global theme?) [08:32] oh how strange, have you tried restoring the previous one? (re @PJtunes: Just changed the wallpaper) [08:33] oh strange, have you tried restoring the previous one? (re @PJtunes: Just changed the wallpaper) [09:46] Not yet, I should try that out === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life === vincejv_ is now known as vincejv === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life === Bluefoxicy_ is now known as Bluefoxicy === wodencafe2 is now known as wodencafe [12:49] Hi all [12:52] hello [12:52] so i can install any plasma version i like on the latest distro? === kiska37 is now known as kiska3 [18:19] Greetings [18:19] are you experiencing problem with https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports-extra/ubuntu too ? [18:20] 503 Service Unavailable [IP: 2620:2d:4000:1::81 443] [18:25] Remap-ubuntuppa: ppa.launchpad.net ; https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/ [18:25] ok launchpad is down [18:25] oops [18:25] https://status.canonical.com/#/incident/KNms6QK9ewuzz-7xUsPsNylV20jEt5kyKsd8A-3ptQG-R6bil1_KnGrNhlmDfGeBqxPulG7NPS3y2X0ZcEptVQ== === floown_ is now known as floown === simon_ is now known as simon__ === simon__ is now known as simon_ === fort_ is now known as Fortunato777 === fort_ is now known as Fortunato777