
ChmEarlnoble-proposed: apt-cache search t64 | grep -P '^lib.*t64' | wc -l -> 66502:20
ChmEarlthere are already 464 t64 libs in noble main02:20
ChmEarlfor a total of 1130, while Debian side has 1700+02:21
ChmEarlit won't be long for time64 transition in Noble02:22
ChmEarlWrong, proposed has 200+ more to add 02:26
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
lotuspsychjeapp centre cant update itself as its running so it seems, prob known bug already?09:44
ogra_thats not a bug ... snaps can never update themselves while they are running ... but unlike gnome-software app-center doesnt keep a permanently running daemon around that prevents it from updating at all10:02
ogra_you should have gotten a desktop notification along with the journal message though, telling you to please close the app center ... if you didnt get that, that would be a bug10:03
lotuspsychjeogra_: did not get a notify no10:04
lotuspsychjejust in inside error inside app centre10:04
ogra_thats a bug then 10:08
lotuspsychjealso closing app centre doesnt update snap store10:08
ogra_indeed, it would only do that when the next update slot is scheduled ... but you should be able to refresh it manually after closing10:10
lotuspsychjeogra_: but the average user should not be need to refresh manualy via apt when gui doesnt ?10:11
lotuspsychjeor would a reboot auto refresh?10:13
lotuspsychjeno dice on reboot10:22
ogra_lotuspsychje, autorefresh only happens on a random schedule snapd sets itself 11:04
ogra_(and definitely not directly after reboot since that would potentially saturate your network immediately)11:05
ogra_you'd have to wait for the next auto-refresh to kick in 11:05
=== sven is now known as Guest7836
lotuspsychjeogra_: allrighty12:04
=== halves7 is now known as halves
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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