
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
ducassehey all, i'm having some trouble with nfs after an upgrade to 20.04 - it fails with "Job nfs-server.service/start failed with result 'dependency'"07:20
ducasseany ideas?07:20
rfmducasse, I think that means something nfs-server depends on couldn't start..  maybe "systemctl list-units --state=failed" to see?07:25
ducassenope, the only thing that's failed is a deluge daemon07:26
lotuspsychjethere seems to also exist bug #188435707:27
-ubottu:#ubuntu-server- Bug 1884357 in nfs-utils (Ubuntu) "nfs-kernel-server does not start because of dependency failure" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188435707:27
ducassethe nfs kernel module is loaded, and i can't find any errors in the logs07:27
lotuspsychjeand https://askubuntu.com/questions/1286659/nfs-wont-start-after-upgrade-to-20-0407:28
lotuspsychjewonder if purge nfs and reinstall/reboot would fix ducasse 07:31
lotuspsychje(if you dont loose configs this way)07:31
ducassenvm, i think i fixed it07:39
=== markthomas1 is now known as markthomas
lotuspsychjeyou can ask your server question here if you like ThatGalAlex195 12:30
ThatGalAlex195I'm logged into a PC turned server right now via SSH, i can see on its physical display "blk_update_request: I/O error" and Buffer I/O error on dev fd012:32
ThatGalAlex195what does that mean?12:32
ThatGalAlex195Is it serious?12:35
=== sdeziel_ is now known as sdeziel
=== halves7 is now known as halves
QuarkThatGalAlex195: you can ignore it. I believe it is referring to a floppy drive.13:36
ogra_you could blacklist the floppy module that might prevent anything from trying to access it 13:47
ogra_it -> the device 13:47
ThatGalAlex195how do I do that?13:53
QuarkThatGalAlex195: https://vernon.wenberg.net/linux/disable-the-floppy-drive-module-in-linuxubuntu/13:57
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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