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mihaelI'm running ubuntu 18 on an ec2 instance. And suddenly, the instance becomes unreachable with status check: (1/2). What's the best way to search for any Memory/CPU error that might have caused it?04:09
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plastikmanpossible that the underlying hardware has issue in aws04:46
plastikmanstop/start the instance in the console04:47
plastikmanis you have sar running you can use the sar tool to look at historical CPU/Memory/Network04:49
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kjetilhoatop is like sar on steroid08:22
kjetilhobut it has to be installed to gather data before the crash/hang.  so look at journalctl if there are any hints from before the last boot08:23
itaiHi, I cannot install ffmpeg on ubuntu due to broken packages https://pastebin.com/RzhyTtNE11:01
itaiApparently I have mixed multiple repositories11:02
itaiHow can I solve this?11:02
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JonTheNiceGuyHi :) I'm having a constant issue with my (cheap) bluetooth headphones on Ubuntu 22.04 where it connects initially fine, but on device re-connection it doesn't establish the audio connection until I disconnect and reconnect it. I've posted about my issue on AskUbuntu but I don't know how to get more help on it. The post is here:11:59
JonTheNiceGuyhttps://askubuntu.com/questions/1507596/bluetooth-audio-not-working-after-reconnection I'm just going into a call but I'm happy to give any information to move the thread along. I have pipewire installed, if that helps?11:59
QuarkJonTheNiceGuy: have you considered a wired headphone, or a more expensive Bluetooth one? :-D Kidding though, and sorry I don't have an answer.12:04
QuarkI had had issues with Bluetooth headphones in just about any OS.12:05
ThatGalAlex195Is this channel for Ubuntu Server too?12:24
lotuspsychjeThatGalAlex195: for specific server issues, there is #ubuntu-server aswell12:26
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BluesKajHi all12:49
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lotuspsychjewelcome applepear13:54
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BergeragHelloy , can u tell me is there any reason why not to enable ipv6 on ovpnserver ?15:26
shadow255Bergerag: vpn may be considered somewhat pointless on ipv6 since network address translations aren't needed15:28
kjetilhohuh?  how is that related at all?15:30
kjetilhoVPN is used to secure traffic between yourself and some other system, typically work servers15:31
Bergeragyes something like that i was thinking too15:31
Bergeragso ipv6 should be safe and secure by itself ?15:31
leftyfbBergerag: if you're asking, you don't need it15:31
Bergeragwithout the vpn15:31
kjetilhomy VPN tunnel (wireguard) runs over IPv6 (and it provides a new IPv6 address for my node)15:32
leftyfbkeep it simple, don't enable ipv615:32
Bergeragyeah thats what they told me on the another channel too15:32
kjetilhoif you disable IPv6, you are missing out on parts of the Internet15:33
leftyfbkjetilho: not really15:33
lotuspsychjewelcome OutOfService15:43
Bergeraghmm kjetilho why missing parts of the internet without ipv6 ?15:49
CosmicDJBergerag: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv4_address_exhaustion15:50
webchat87hi its me again :-). any good ideas how to clone ssd m.2 from laptop to another bigger ssd m.2? some easy way. thanks. clonezilla dosent work ....16:10
webchat87anyone clone disk with gparted?16:52
ravagewhy does clonezilla not work for you?16:53
webchat87ravage.... clonezilla didnt work well16:53
ravagesome details would be useful. it clones disks device to device16:54
ravagewhat is "not well" about it?16:54
webchat87inode seem to contain garbage.....16:54
webchat87that say clonezilla and after finish my ubuntu (source disk) dosent boot for a while...16:55
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webchat87yes disks device to device16:56
leftyfbwebchat87: why haven't you just installed ubuntu from scratch and restored from backup like was suggested yesterday?16:56
webchat87leftyfb ok i will do it. can you suggest some free backup programs. Easy to use. And i need to backupit to USB drive becourse my disk is full. thanks a lot17:01
leftyfbwebchat87: rsync17:07
asanto72Do you also experience http://ppa.launchpad.net/ is dead?18:25
leftyfbasanto72: https://status.canonical.com/18:27
asanto72leftyfb, thank you18:28
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chonkinI want to try to install the nvidia driver 550.54.14.   here is my current setup : https://dpaste.com/HWKUAL7LU19:57
CosmicDJchonkin: you're heading into unsupported territory...20:05
chonkinCosmicDJ,    This is a work computer that has been lagging for months. After I compile in Simulink, the GUI elements lag so badly, the only way back in is to cold reboot the machine.   this became so routing, I worte a bash script to reboot the computer from the command line using qdbus.   I was in this channel previously, wherein I was advised to upgrade 20.02 to 22.04.   I have done so.  I have also upgraded to kernel  6.0.5 and  I have  HWE20:07
chonkinhardware enablement.   These (rather lengthy)  changes has not resolved the problem.20:07
ldiamondI've been having issues where my laptop's load goes up to 120 making the system completely unusable, requiring hard shut down. CPU didn't seem to be the issue but swap was 100% while memory wasnt.20:09
chonkinI have logged the computer's temperature readings ,  logged  the memory usage and swap file using watch on  free -h.   Logged the ps aux for CPU overutilization by an errant process.    I have purchased two NIC cards (currently sitting in a box a few feet away)  under the theory that the built-in ethernet was fritzing and the OS was waiting for it to do something.20:10
chonkinAfter compile, the machine is in a zombie lag state. I have closed matlab and simulink completely. disabled all ethernet connections and pulled the  RJ45 wire out the back of it.   The lag persisted after those.20:11
chonkinWhile it seems like I am typing a lo there, this is actually a short synopsis of the months of troubleshooting I have put this computer through to no avail20:14
imiok so this script makes bash segault: https://termbin.com/vo0a -- is that a bug?20:15
chonkin`ubuntu-drivers devices`  does not show 550.54   https://dpaste.com/EX6WWBT5V20:17
CosmicDJchonkin: there will be 545 in noble... https://packages.ubuntu.com/noble/nvidia-dkms-54520:17
CosmicDJimi: last answer at https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/296641/segmentation-fault-when-calling-a-recursive-bash-function20:18
chonkinThe reason for 550.54  is because of this in the release notes  "Fixed an issue that sometimes caused Wayland applications to run at less than one frame per second on Maxwell, Volta, and Pascal series GPUs."20:19
CosmicDJchonkin: you're running wayland? that was already available on 20.02/22.04?20:19
chonkinCosmicDJ,    I'm not sure.  I have KDE plasma on this.  https://dpaste.com/HWKUAL7LU20:20
leftyfbchonkin: why not try xorg?20:21
chonkinleftyfb,    I'm happy to try that.  What drawbacks do you see in trying to change the display driver from 535 to 550?20:27
leftyfbchonkin: lack of support20:28
chonkinleftyfb okay the graphics platform reads "X11"20:42
emojiihi beutifull people21:08
chonkindoes anyone here know what a  "kernel memory leak"  is and what that has to do with slabs?21:08
emojiisomebody want to share a tech book link21:10
leftyfbemojii: do you have an ubuntu support question?21:12
CosmicDJchonkin: the kernel shouldn't leak memory... and slabs are explained at https://www.kernel.org/doc/gorman/html/understand/understand011.html "Each cache maintains blocks of contiguous pages in memory called slabs which are carved up into small chunks for the data structures and objects the cache manages."21:19
chonkinCosmicDJ,   at the very worst (if this is not a graphics driver issue)  anothe rpossibilty is that a piece of software called Vivado is creating a memory leak, which persists as lagging long after the process has been killed or stopped21:22
candlejackIs it possible to configure snap to update applications at a set time every night?  I could configure systemd to run 'snap refresh' but if there's an official way to do it I'd prefer that21:23
chonkinIf i want to change from an nvidia driver 535.161.07  to  linux-modules-nvidia-545-generis-hwe-22.04  ,  how do I go about that exactly?   Should i perform a "purge" first of the existing driver?21:42
GrandPa-GI am looking for idea how to display up to 8 videos on same screen such that with one, all screen, with 2, split screen, etc. The videos may not start at same time. It will actually be done in python on a raspberry, but any suggestions might help21:43
jaz_how can i choose the right nividiax  gtx 105022:17
jaz_right driver i mean22:17
jeremy31jaz_: Have you checked the driver manager in software & updates?22:19
jaz_many drivers22:20
jeremy31jaz_: What does it show?22:20
jeremy31version 535?22:21
jaz_it showed properitery tested22:22
jeremy31jaz_: What result from terminal for>  mokutil --sb22:22
jaz_secureboot enebled22:23
jeremy31jaz_: Those Nvidia drivers won't load with Secure Boot enabled unless you use mokutil to sign them22:23
jaz_how ?22:26
jaz_if i turn off   secure boot frm the bios  , will it  work ?22:28
jeremy31jaz_: It should as then the kernel will allow the Nvidia driver to load22:29
jaz_thank you  for help gentle man22:31
Bomboi ran sudo pm-suspend, but there was an error (nvidia timeout), nothing is suspended, but the xorg, '(II) event1  - Power Button: device removed' i don't see anything on the screen but console, is there a way to wake up the xorg again?22:47
ahcI have a Seagate 2GB usb drive. It was a One Touch that I reformatted as ext4. Now it reads as 1 Partition of ext4, but MBR, Partitioning as Master Boot Record.23:49
ahcWorst is, it reads 120 GB — 20 GB free (83.6% full).  I'd like to re-format it. Get it showing more free space.23:50
ahcI guess I delete that MBR partition, select all and create a new partition, something not MBR. Any suggestions welcome.23:51
sarnoldahc: i'm a bit confused; is it 2gb or 120 gb or 100 gb? :)23:55
ahcIts 2TB, my bad.23:56
ahc120 GB — 20 GB free (83.6% full) reads from Ubuntu Disks23:57
ahcI never liked that "One Touch" Windows formatting, so I tried to format it ext4. Didn't get that right.23:58
sarnoldaha :) that's a much nicer disk, hehe :)23:59

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