
meenaholman: i finally have an AMI that i can use to test cloud-init on AWS very easily!14:36
meena(very easily == it only took a week to get there)14:36
meenadch: ^14:36
dchmeena: have you tried running cloudinit in a jail? seems silly but its possible15:12
* dch wonders if there's a fake cloudinit-server daemon or if I should roll my own...15:12
meenadch: I've seen a blog post somewhere of someone doing that15:33
meenaone of the big jail managers supports it15:34
meenadch: there's this one, https://lseek-urandom.blogspot.com/2024/02/using-freebsd-jails-to-debug-cloud-init.html15:37
meenaright, and cbsd supports it too, but the stuff they support is rather inferior15:39
holmanmeena: yay! 15:53
holmanmeena: glad to hear it! 15:53
meenaholman: i finally gave that rundir change a run, and it works as expected15:53
holmanmeena: thanks for testing that, glad we're making progress there15:54
meenaI'm just glad i finally got a pipeline for testing; it's arm64-only for now, but, eh15:54
holmanblackboxsw was out last week, and I expect he is wrapped up in 24.1 release work now15:56
holman but if you haven't already could you mention in the PR that you tested it? 15:56
holmanat this point the rundir PR depends on his review15:56
falcojrwe're currently uploading 24.1.2 stuff XD15:57
blackboxswawesome meena! And we just released 24.1.215:57
meenablackboxsw: did it contain my last patch :O15:57
meenafor future reference: How do I ask for a patch to be included in a current release?15:58
blackboxswthx falcojr . yes uploads to -proposed should have queued in unapproved already `[ubuntu/mantic-proposed] cloud-init 24.1.2-0ubuntu1~23.10.1` just waiting on bot announcements in ubuntu-release15:59
falcojrmeena these point releases are mostly for breaking regressions from the previous release. Otherwise changes will wait till the next quarterly release. If you do find breaking changes, you can file a bug and call it out as such16:01
meenait's not a breaking change, just the adduser thing that doesn't respect homedir16:02
meenaworks now with my fix16:02
blackboxswmeena: at one week prior to a release `24.2` we'll ping with community-notice in IRC to request if there are PRs, bugs or  features that need to be wrapped up prior to our next scheduled release. Generally we try to tag those bugs as 24.2 label and set priority label on them to ensure they aren't overlooked by next planned release.16:02
blackboxswso expect ping/communication around May 27 per our schedule in the topic of this channel https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/2024-cloud-init-release-schedule/4167916:03
meenaI can, or should, carry this patch until then, given that it fixes real a issue16:05
blackboxswalso in the weeks right after an upstream release we keep an eye out for any unforeseen regressions that warrant a hotfix as james alluded to. if something crtiical comes out just after 24.1 we go into hotfix mode to put in will-scoped fixes for this cases, no additional communication needed beyond the bugfiling and representation of criticality16:05
meenayeah, no, this is and old bug16:05
meenaI could've fixed it earlier, but I only really started testing things when holman pinged me about the rundir changes16:06
meenaanyway, I'll get onto the growfs stuff, and then get back to wading knee deep in stuff I don't know (kernel code)16:08
holmanmeena: I forgot to ping in IRC this cycle for the 24.1 release sorry about that16:08
holmanmeena: curious how your testing workflow on Amazon looks, if you have any code or informal docs that you don't mind sharing 16:10
holman(don't feel like you have to put something together of course)16:10
meenaholman: i have shell code right now… would be nice to turn that into TerraForm / OpenTofu16:10
meenalemme toss that onto a git thingy16:11
holmanmeena: I'm technically not working until Friday but will be happy to take a look when I'm back online16:16
meenaholman: https://codeberg.org/meena/test-cloud-init16:26
meenai guess i could also make my AMI public, so no one else has to go through the pain of doing that16:28

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