
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> @ahoneybun On KDE Gitlab we don't have repo upload rights, so although we have our project work tracked there we don't have any code. I could ask them. Alternatively we could use Launchpad, which would keep stuff together06:47
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> Re Wallpaper, I'm going to go with 31 March same as brand contest06:47
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> So we'll need to package the wallpaper up in early April ready for LTS06:47
arraybolt3Rick_Timmis: You... don't have repo upload rights? I'm fairly certain with a KDE Invent account you can just... create repos. I was able to right off the bat after making my account, didn't need any approval or anything.15:21
arraybolt3You can't push to existing repos without permission like usual, but it's just a GitLab instance.15:22
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> In truth I haven't actually tried to ush anything there. I just picked up on this info from something @sgmoore mentioned when we set up the Kubuntu-Team projects.15:23
arraybolt3well make a project and give it a try, I'd bet a large pizza it will work.15:23
arraybolt3now whether we *should* use it or not is a different question, but I think we definitely *can*.15:24
arraybolt3er, make a repo and give it a try I mean15:24
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> I had a think further about what @ahoneybun mentioend, whilst I was out walking the dogs. Actually I don't think its bad to be across multiple platforms for stuff, because it gives Kubuntu a wider footprint into different communities. I think that so long as we keep our sotre front upto date with where everything is (i.e our websiute) then it'll be OK15:24
sgmooreI agree, I see no harm keeping our docs and website on github15:47

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