[01:49] VanUnamed, KDE Plasma has requirements with regard Qt5 & KF5 versions, let alone the versions packaged for various releases being limited (Ubuntu repos or KDE Backports), so it'd be very difficult to cherry pick any KDE Plasma release based on your Kubuntu release. [04:55] but i want to put kde 5.8 [04:56] Plasma Workspace for KF5 = version desired 5.5.5 [04:56] can it be installedon a more recent kubuntu distro [04:58] VanUnamed: Short answer, no. Long answer, *technically* it might be possible if you have a lot of skill and determination, but the amount of software you would have to compile, the number of tools you would have to use, and the scope of the task you'd be tackling to do this would make this daunting for even highly skilled users. [04:58] so why it is isaid linux is open source [04:58] if then you have to accept whatever thing is put in without question [04:59] It is. What you want to do is possible. It's just on the opposite side of the spectrum from easy. [04:59] i run linux mint eightene [04:59] if now i go and reinstall it, i wont even have the update i have got so far [04:59] Open-source code gives you the tools to do pretty much whatever you want. Knowing how to wield those tools and having the time, energy, and determination to wield them properly is a different story. [04:59] i tried new plasma, it's trash [04:59] it looks like windows ten [05:00] you can re-theme recent plasma to look like almost whatever you want though [05:00] that's probably orders of magnitude easier than building plasma 5.5 [05:00] theme is not the same [05:00] menus, bar, how it works, is not controllable by a skin. [05:00] oh you'd be surprised [05:01] i would? i messed with it a lot ont he desktop, it still isnt at alllike 5.5 [05:02] https://imgur.com/HEnohjy [05:02] ^ this was my KDE Plasma 5.27 desktop not too long ago [05:02] you can change how the application menu works by right-clicking on it and selecting a different menu. [05:02] You can see I moved the options bar out of the applications themselves and into a global menu [05:03] and also created a notification and desktop switcher area [05:03] https://kubuntu.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/cd62/afefab3515.png [05:03] all of this with just the default Breeze theme and some adjustment of where widgets were and what widgets I used. [05:03] windows ten look. [05:03] yep, so change it! KDE is renowned for it's ability to be changed. [05:04] (I mean that in an encouraging way, tone doesn't come through well via text) [05:04] https://news-cdn.softpedia.com/images/news2/Linux-Mint-17-KDE-quot-Qiana-quot-Officially-Released-Get-While-It-s-Hot-447957-11.jpg what i got [05:04] it can be changed to look like that? [05:05] pretty close, yeah [05:05] yet, how does a skin change how menus are disposed [05:05] just install the Oxygen icons and enable the Oxygen application themes and whatnot [05:05] I've done that before, it looks quite good. [05:05] or how the connection manager is, for example [05:05] the control panel is UNUSABLE, on the new one. [05:06] mmm, that part isn't so easy to change. Funny you say that though, I found the old control panel to be somewhat miserable and the new one to be a breath of fresh air :P [05:06] anyways, fiddle with it, you'll find something you like. If you really can't make it work, there are other Ubuntu flavors to experiment with that might do what you want. [05:07] idk. all i know is my old version is full of bugs [05:07] and it's costing me time [05:07] and heart problems [05:09] also, where do i find the requirements for the new kubuntu [05:09] my laptop is ten years old [05:20] Oh [05:21] Which laptop VanUnamed [05:21] hp fifteen [06:37] Good Morning === alucardromero4 is now known as alucardromero === denis is now known as Guest6749 [12:31] Hi all [15:40] Is there a reason why most of the time I update the system, the bluetooth will stop working? What should I inspect? I tried every discussion on the matter but to no avail [15:41] Seems like a linux-firmware error of some sort [17:28] Installed flatpak and discover backend using the kubuntu.org instructions. It crashes discover as soon as I click a menu catagory. [17:36] Remove discover backend and all is good again. === boopda is now known as boopda_ [18:46] Heyo! [18:46] GSMarquis: please email your experience to the kubuntu-devel ML, or at least report it to the IRC/matrix chan - #kubuntu-devel [18:47] https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/kubuntu-devel [18:53] hi === ahmed is now known as Guest1121 [20:01] Whats good free iso burning app? Trying to get Ubuntu loaded on old system from usb drive [20:11] user|67: balenaEtcher is pretty decent [20:11] I use it quite a bit. [20:12] https://etcher.balena.io/ === alucardromero5 is now known as alucardromero === william is now known as Willy-- === jcea1 is now known as jcea