
jbichamwhudson: no, sorry. similar problem for folks00:10
mwhudsonjbicha: what do you think the way forward is? we could just disable the failing test00:10
dokojbicha: please subscribe desktop to freerdp300:11
jbichadoko: I'll have to ping seb128, I don't have that access00:11
jbichamwhudson: sorry, I haven't had time to look into them00:13
mwhudsonjbicha: the failure is that retrieving information about the argument of a method fails to detect the default argument00:21
mwhudsonjbicha: i assume it's the new glib but there are so many layers of things i don't really understand in play...00:25
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mwhudsonjbicha: here's a patch that skips the failing bits. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jfXNcQ2MYb/ i'm not super happy about this but it's blocking other things...00:49
jbichamwhudson: I won't stop you from uploading00:54
mwhudsonjbicha: that'll do for now00:54
Eickmeyerqueuebot seems to have crashed and has been down all day my time.01:45
dokoyou're not the first one to see that. just see the backlog01:48
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seb128doko, Eickmeyer, according to https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2024-February/005924.html I think we need to wait for vorlon or bdmurray to be around to figure out the queuebot status, I suspect from that email that some others (maybe me included?) might have access to the env but the email has no detail and afaik that didn't get documented so I've no idea where one should poke to get the bot back online09:15
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bluesabreHello release team! A small request from the Xubuntu team for 24.04: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-meta/+bug/205863110:25
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Launchpad bug 2058631 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "FFe: Add gdebi to Xubuntu 24.04 for .deb files" [Undecided, New]10:25
slyonubuntu-archive, we should probably drop the xpra armhf binaries: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xpra/+bug/205837313:03
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Launchpad bug 2058373 in xpra (Ubuntu) "FTBFS on armhf (3.1.5+dfsg1-0.2)" [Undecided, New]13:03
LocutusOfBorgslyon, why not cast it?13:14
LocutusOfBorgoh wow cython13:14
slyonLocutusOfBorg: because this isn't the first issue of this type and upstream doesn't support 32 bit architectures anymore.13:15
Eickmeyerseb128: ack14:25
Eickmeyerubuntu-release: URGENT UIFe: https://launchpad.net/bugs/205865914:26
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Launchpad bug 2058659 in ubuntu-mate-settings (Ubuntu) "[UIFe] Ubuntu MATE bootstrap slideshow incomplete" [High, New]14:26
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seb128Eickmeyer, UIF didn't start yet, you don't need an exception14:50
Eickmeyerseb128: It's kinda... preemptive.14:51
seb128which sort of contradict being urgent...14:51
LocutusOfBorgI ignored pacemaker test failures on armhf... this way I unblocked something15:10
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blackboxswbdmurray: Thanks for the rejecting the prior upload cloud-init v.24.1.1 yesterday. cloud-init v.24.1.2 is appropriately queued now for whenever SRU vanguards have ample time :)16:08
LocutusOfBorgvorlon, libfm bootstrap please?16:26
LocutusOfBorgyour copy failed16:26
Eickmeyerubuntu-archive: Looking for an ack for ubuntucinnamon-environment for a binary:NEW of ubuntucinnamon-live-settings.17:39
juliankSo all packages in https://magenta.jak-linux.org/ubuntu-archive/distcheck/noble.armhf/removal-candidates.with-proposed-missing.txt can be removed, command to run is at the end18:05
bdmurrayI finally found it.18:06
juliankthese new removal-candidates reports in https://magenta.jak-linux.org/ubuntu-archive/distcheck/noble.armhf/ are interesting, they show all leave packages18:06
bdmurrayleave is an appropriate slip18:06
juliankthen they pretend you remove all leave packages and show would be leaf packages, iteratively, until no leafe packages are left :D18:06
juliankI'll write another email announcing the reports in more detail18:07
bdmurrayFrom the record queuebot is at prod-community-reports-sponsoring@community-bastion-ps518:07
juliankThese run hourly18:07
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: dotnet7 (mantic-proposed/universe) [7.0.117-0ubuntu1~23.10.1 => 7.0.117-0ubuntu1~23.10.2] (no packageset)18:10
juliankMaybe we do want to remove https://magenta.jak-linux.org/ubuntu-archive/distcheck/noble.armhf/removal-candidates.with-proposed.txt though18:12
julianki.e. this contains more than "leaf & missing build in proposed"18:12
juliankbut it's all leaf packages that have a newer source package in proposed18:12
juliankso their binaries would get reinstated18:12
juliank(if they have any)18:13
juliank20 * * * * curl https://magenta.jak-linux.org/ubuntu-archive/distcheck/noble.armhf/removal-candidates.with-proposed-missing.txt | grep -o remove-package.* | sh -`18:23
juliank^ handy cron tab to just automate removing this I suppose18:23
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: dotnet7 (jammy-proposed/universe) [7.0.117-0ubuntu1~22.04.1 => 7.0.117-0ubuntu1~22.04.2] (no packageset)18:23
juliankI guess you need to pass it through yes or sed in a -y18:23
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: dotnet8 (mantic-proposed/universe) [8.0.103-8.0.3-0ubuntu1~23.10.1 => 8.0.103-8.0.3-0ubuntu1~23.10.2] (no packageset)18:37
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: dotnet8 (jammy-proposed/universe) [8.0.103-8.0.3-0ubuntu1~22.04.1 => 8.0.103-8.0.3-0ubuntu1~22.04.2] (no packageset)18:44
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: click [amd64] (noble-proposed/universe) [0.5.2-2] (no packageset)18:49
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: click [arm64] (noble-proposed/universe) [0.5.2-2] (no packageset)18:49
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: click [ppc64el] (noble-proposed/universe) [0.5.2-2] (no packageset)18:50
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: click [s390x] (noble-proposed/universe) [0.5.2-2] (no packageset)18:52
juliankAlso to mention this here: The reports now correctly consider any seeded package to be not a leaf package, even if it is18:53
julianklike ubuntu-minimal has no reverse depends, but it's in the minimal seed so it's not offered for removal18:54
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: click [armhf] (noble-proposed/universe) [0.5.2-2] (no packageset)18:55
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted click [amd64] (noble-proposed) [0.5.2-2]19:02
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted click [armhf] (noble-proposed) [0.5.2-2]19:02
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted click [s390x] (noble-proposed) [0.5.2-2]19:02
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted click [arm64] (noble-proposed) [0.5.2-2]19:02
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted click [ppc64el] (noble-proposed) [0.5.2-2]19:02
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: ghdl [amd64] (noble-proposed/universe) [4.0.0+dfsg-0ubuntu1] (no packageset)19:05
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted ghdl [amd64] (noble-proposed) [4.0.0+dfsg-0ubuntu1]19:07
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: ghdl [arm64] (noble-proposed/universe) [4.0.0+dfsg-0ubuntu1] (no packageset)19:12
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted ghdl [arm64] (noble-proposed) [4.0.0+dfsg-0ubuntu1]19:13
seb128bdmurray, thanks, I've added a small section about it to my distro services index document19:27
bdmurrayseb128: thank you19:57
tsimonq2ubuntu-release: Hello, could we please get a followup review of this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/calamares-settings-ubuntu/+bug/205606120:04
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Launchpad bug 2056061 in calamares-settings-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "FFe: Calamares customize menu" [Undecided, New]20:04
LocutusOfBorgtransition page is not getting updated?20:05
vpa1977ubuntu-archive: gtk+3.0 migration is blocked by armhf failure of cjs which fails to build on armhf due to mozjs102 dependency.20:19
vpa1977mozjs102 fails to build on all architectures in proposed due to usage of distutils. Would it be possible to remove mozjs102 from noble-proposed and remove armhf for mozjs102, cjs, cinnamon?20:19
vpa1977jbicha: please correct if I've made any mistakes here =)20:19
jbichaItzSwirlz: ^20:25
jbichacinnamon itself has some reverse depends that would need to be removed too20:26
jbichato be clear, mozjs102's ftbfs needs to be fixed but maybe it's ok to fix it after the time transition20:27
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: gnome-user-docs [amd64] (noble-proposed/main) [46.0-1ubuntu1] (ubuntu-desktop)20:44
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mwhudsonubuntu-archive: pls remove searchmonkey/armhf from release (or just delete the project, i think it's dead)21:27
bdmurraymwhudson: delete the project?21:35
mwhudsonbdmurray: um. package21:38
bdmurrayI'll remove the armhf binaries w/o a bug but removing the package should have a bug report.21:40
mwhudsonprobably just removing the armf binaries is the right thing for now21:40
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted gnome-user-docs [amd64] (noble-proposed) [46.0-1ubuntu1]21:42
juliankI think I have a better reverse-depends now with my new script21:44
juliankIn some sense, that mode hasn't been written into it ;)21:44
juliankBut it respects provides and everything21:45
juliankBut it's also useless perhaps21:53
juliankvpa1977: I ran my script new report on libcjs0 and it's a bit useless due to notification-daemon, x-window-manager provides: https://magenta.jak-linux.org/ubuntu-archive/distcheck/noble.armhf/reverse-depends.libcjs0.txt21:54
jbichanotification-daemon is especially tricky since it's both a regular package and virtual package21:56
juliankFiltered those out now21:56
juliankSo vpa1977 hard to remove cjs, the graph is a bit high21:57
vpa1977it looks like a quest to upgrade mozjs102 then ... ;(21:57
juliankWe *could* remove it and break stuff21:58
juliank# if you're in this list, your packages may not stay in sync with the source21:59
juliankOUTOFSYNC_ARCHES  =21:59
juliank# if you're in this list, your uninstallability count may increase21:59
juliankBREAK_ARCHES      =21:59
juliankWonder if we should set one of these for armhf21:59
juliankOr `NEW_ARCHES`22:00
juliankNot sure if launchpad can handle those well22:00
juliankOUTOFSYNC_ARCHES sounds useful?22:02
juliankSo if armhf is not built in the new version, the old version will be NBS but we go ahead anyhow22:03
juliankbdmurray: So we could try setting OUTOFSYNC_ARCHES = armhf in britney.conf and that should ignore missing builds on armhf; normally it removes outdated armhf builds but our britney does no removals so this sounds like it should help22:07
juliankDebian has set mips64el to out of sync22:10
juliankWould be nice to do a dry-run22:11
juliankNot sure how one could do a dry-run22:12
* mwhudson afk for a while22:29
UnivrslSuprBoxjuliank: britney2 should be runnable on your local host, no? You can download all the Release files and point it at your local mirror then read its excuses to figure out what it wants from you22:51
UnivrslSuprBoxThis might be a little (overly braindead|not exactly what you need), but you can use the stuff here to download the files that Britney needs to the `noble` directory of the current directory: https://gist.github.com/UniversalSuperBox/59518f7b522bb1fb77305ab945b61daf23:10
tsimonq2UnivrslSuprBox: Oooooh, that's useful, thanks23:23
UnivrslSuprBoxtsimonq2: This is exactly how we run britney2 at `$DAYJOB` given we don't have the ftpmaster and britney2 on the same machine (or anywhere mountable)23:23
UnivrslSuprBoxwe have a few less ports to worry about though23:24
tsimonq2heh :)23:24
sarnoldthe mirror copes without the by-hash contents?23:27
tsimonq2ubuntu-release: FYI, I consider fixing bug 2058277 for Noble to be a release blocker for Lubuntu.23:34
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Bug 2058277 in snapd (Ubuntu Noble) "[SRU] 2.62" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/205827723:34
tsimonq2I don't expect it to take that much time, just making that clear. :)23:35
UnivrslSuprBoxsarnold: not sure actually, the archive at `$DAYJOB` doesn't publish by-hash. I would expect britney2 to use the legacy paths though.23:42
UnivrslSuprBoxThere's definitely a smarter way to download all the necessary information, but I was feeling particularly unga bunga on the day I wrote this and it was 50x faster than what we were doing before for the same workload. It's actually quite slow on the Ubuntu archive...23:43
bdmurraytsimonq2: noted23:45
sarnoldUnivrslSuprBox: yeah if you wanted only a partial copy, the by-hash directory is surely going to make that hard :)23:50
UnivrslSuprBoxWell, Britney2 is only interested in the Packages files at the end of the day, I don't think it's all that smart at finding them.23:51
UnivrslSuprBoxYep, it's not smart enough to use by-hash, not in Ubuntu or Debian's fork. It checks the Release file to ensure the architecture it wants is there, then builds its own path to the binary-<arch>/Packages file.23:56
UnivrslSuprBox_with that said_ I think my serving suggestion will fail because the Release file will be either -ports or not-ports.23:56
UnivrslSuprBoxwell I tried :(23:56

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