[05:54] Hi there. I'm having trouble during the initial reboot after a fresh install of xubuntu. I chose the erase disk and install xubuntu option (Jammy), installation finished and prompted for a restart, and I'm met with the xubuntu logo. [05:57] This never finishes the reboot, but when I press escape, I can see some logs, and it's stuck on a "Starting Shuts down the' live' preinstalled system cleanly' step [12:49] cc [12:49] cc [12:49] ca va ? [12:49] yo [12:49] salut [12:49] YAAAAAAA [12:49] YAAAAyyyyy [12:49] pas grave si tas 14ans [12:49] t'as quel age toi ? [12:50] 35 [12:50] ca te derange si je suis plus jeune ? [12:50] nan je szui plustot syympa [12:50] sa te dirais d'activer notre camera virtuel === bonnin_mael_ is now known as XXXXXXXXXX [12:50] Hello [12:50] eerr [12:51] ah ok si tu veux qu'on parle il faut que tu paies mon reseau stp envoies 10 balles paypal [12:51] sa te dirais d'activer notre camera virtuel [12:51] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ&ab_channel=RickAstley [12:51] [12:51] Scripts.com [12:51] Bee Movie [12:51] By Jerry Seinfeld [12:51] NARRATOR: [12:51] (Black screen with text; The sound of buzzing bees can be heard) [12:51] According to all known laws === gunnar is now known as Giraf [17:26] how to enable dark mode to gnome software center [18:38] Hi I hope someone can help me. I installed xubntu on a VPS running ubuntu  22.04. I can connect to xubuntu desktop using RDP. But not able to connect to the internet. [18:39] Installed firefox.. But when trying to launch firefox I get the following error on terminal [18:39] Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified Error: cannot open display [18:40] I can force connect using xhost +.. But feel that this is not safe. plus I need to run this command everytime I open my connection. [18:40] what am I missing? [19:13] cloudkrest, it's some sort of horrible mess in snap, fortunately the workaround is simple, set the XAUTHORITY environment variable to "$HOME/.Xauthority" before running firefox. I do this in my ,profile (but only if $DISPLAY is localhost:* for some reason I forgot) [19:17] So I am a little confused as I am a relative noob.  Are you able to tell me the commands so I can understand exactly what's done? [19:18] cloudkrest, not reliably as you're using RDP instead of SSH X forwarding like I did. You could read https://askubuntu.com/questions/1181046/x-snaps-not-starting for some more detail [19:19] That's ok. hopefully I can get a better idea with the link you sent [20:37] Need some help if possible... Running xubuntu 22.04, nvidia driver.. 144hz monitor.. on the login screen its at like 60hz but when i login it goes to 144... cant figure out how to get login screen to be at 144 if anyone knows [20:37] so it looks really bad [22:59] ? [22:59] hello