
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> any update on the plasma ppa packaging? i cant rollback to normal repo :(08:32
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VFSWqW94Qs/08:35
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> or i can just remove then reinstall ?08:37
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> im back to main repo .. the systray icon for snap apps still missing...09:45
BluesKajHi all12:34
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> hiyas13:02
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> Rik uploaded to archive, unfortunately it is stuck behind a massive transition. (re @myfenris: any update on the plasma ppa packaging? i cant rollback to normal repo :()13:02
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> noted (re @sgmoore: Rik uploaded to archive, unfortunately it is stuck behind a massive transition.)15:56
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> no worries, ill wait for it .. back to 5.27.1015:57
=== GSMarquis77 is now known as GSMarquis

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