[22:39] happy Friday gang [22:40] very cool getting an x-ray (OPG) in one of my dental practices during beer evening tonight [22:40] turns out i'm one of those types with a wisdom tooth that never showed up due to rotating 90 degrees below the gum line :O [23:09] have a few unemerged teeth. think it's a family thing [23:10] "one family member was so bad, even the teeth didn't want to come out!" [23:21] please, send them over here [23:22] the removed teeth? :) [23:27] * penguin42 had 5 out last week [23:27] the dentist is 'hmm, they're really badly damaged, probably acid reflux?' me; 'nah, it's the hot orange cordial I drink' oh, that'd do it... [23:29] lol, yikes