
bluesabreUnit193: Want to flex your debian powers? https://salsa.debian.org/xfce-extras-team/elementary-xfce01:07
Unit193bluesabre: Nah, but sure I'll sponsor that.03:19
Unit193Are there really no other updates to that package?  Huh.03:20
bluesabreI think not...03:22
Unit193I could do my normal thing, but I won't. :P03:23
Unit193https://codeberg.org/Unit193/yt-dlp/commit/9e5d4946c81ca2d4beca6ede71889c20c34e25d4 :303:23
-ubottu:#xubuntu-devel- Commit 9e5d494 in Unit193/yt-dlp "d/rules: Opt-out of trimmed changelogs."03:23
Unit193bluesabre: Want me to turn your comma into a period?03:25
bluesabreUnit193: yes please03:40
bluesabreUnit193: thank you!!!09:45
Unit193Sure thing.09:45
Unit193Looks like you already got it in for 24.04 though.09:50
bluesabreYeah, didn't want to deal with red tape. Happy to sync over it.09:51

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