
=== xGrind is now known as xGrind-AFK
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
ChevekHi, I would like to propose a patch for #lp2057792  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/2057792 . It is a simple text file to add to the systemd package for /etc/sysctl.d/. I cannot find useful documentation on how to proceed. https://canonical-ubuntu-packaging-guide.readthedocs-hosted.com/en/latest/tutorial/ is mostly empty and12:33
Chevekolder version I could find are obsolete. I'm reaching you for help on this.12:33
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2057792 in linux (Ubuntu) "Some Games are crashing linked to a vm_max_map_count too low" [Undecided, Confirmed]12:33
ChevekI would like to build a systemd package with the patch on my ppa to provide the bug report some testing about the change.12:35
=== xGrind-AFK is now known as xGrind
tsimonq2Chevek: I can follow up in a bit, otherwise I'd recommend ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com15:30
tsimonq2We're working on enhancing this documentation but we're also busy with Noble. :)15:30
tsimonq2!dmb-ping | Gooooood morning15:30
ubottuGooooood morning: bdmurray, kanashiro, rbasak, seb128, sil2100, teward, utkarsh2102: DMB ping15:30
tsimonq2We have two pending packageset updates, and I've had to play sponsor lately.15:31
tsimonq2vorlon volunteered to write some scripts to make this view clearer but I haven't heard about progress on that front yet.15:32
tsimonq2https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/devel-permissions/2024-March/002483.html (he neglected to mention this is for Jammy *and* Noble)15:33
tsimonq2We also have https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/devel-permissions/2024-February/002458.html15:33
tsimonq2Please at least review these requests.15:34
vorlontsimonq2: backburnered due to time_t; someone else could take a stab at it17:04
vorlonit's "germinate Ubuntu, germinate Kubuntu, set subtraction"17:04
Chevektsimonq2 It should be easy, I just want to add a file with this line "vm.max_map_count=1048576" (and some comments to explain the situation), with name "10-vm-max-map-count.conf", which should be located in /etc/sysctl.d/. This should be achieved in the systemd package, e.g. here17:41
Chevekhttps://code.launchpad.net/~git-ubuntu-import/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+git/systemd/+ref/ubuntu/mantic-updates in order to test this on mantic with a PPA.17:41
juliankFWIW I've done anki appmenu-gtk-module aqemu atomes caribou18:50
dbungertlooking at wiipdf19:06
juliankI'd have expected it to be a leaf, but it is not apparently?19:08
juliankah it is19:09
juliankvorlon: please remove-package -b -a armhf deepin-movie libdmr-devlibdmr0.119:09
juliankvorlon: please remove-package -b -a armhf deepin-movie libdmr-dev libdmr0.1 (fixed)19:09
dbungertlooking at xbase6419:10
juliankYeah no, not fixing deepin-movie, this is silly19:15
juliank* dhcp-probe19:15
juliankTurns out libfastcdr1t64 has wrong symbols file still saying libfastcdr1, hence fastdds got wrong dep19:36
juliankUpdating Debian NMU and syncing19:36
juliankSo fastdds is going to need another no-change rebuild once fixed fastcdr has been built19:37
juliankvorlon: in the meantime while we get new fastcdr built; remove-package -b -a armhf fastdds-tools libfastrtps-dev libfastrtps2.11 fastddsgen sounds reasonable (fastddsgen is a leaf afaict, script doesn't show it, and is reverse-testsuite-trigger)19:43
julianknot sure this blocks anythging19:43
juliankdbungert: You went a bit wrong there with telepathy-mission-control5, libmission-control-plugins0t64 is the right library, the depends was correct, the culprit is the libmission-control-plugins0 dependency19:53
juliank▸   dh_installdocs -plibmission-control-plugins-dev \19:53
juliank▸   ▸   --link-doc=libmission-control-plugins019:53
juliankThis creates it and needs to be adjusted, not debian/control19:54
juliankdbungert: The global-ben.rebuild-for.txt shows you the library name that we want, not the broken one :)19:54
dbungertjuliank: thanks for looking.  I'll check again.19:58
juliankShould I add versions to the report?19:58
juliankNot sure19:58
juliankAh no, then rebuild-for picks up the old version even if somebody uploaded a newer one19:59
juliankthat would be silly19:59
jbichaChevek: I believe properly fixing #2057792 at the distro level should be done through the kernel configuration and not through adding a file to /etc/sysctl.d/20:02
jbichabug 205779220:02
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Bug 2057792 in linux (Ubuntu) "Some Games are crashing linked to a vm_max_map_count too low" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/205779220:02
jbichakernel's build configuration20:02
dbungertjuliank: ok, double checking telepathy-mission-control5, I made a legit change to reduce hardcoding but I'll revisit the doc part20:05
juliankdbungert: I don't agree fwiw, libmission-control-plugins0t64 is in the same source package, the dependency is there to enforce a = relationship on the same binary version, probably due to use of private APIs20:06
juliankbe careful :)20:07
juliankIt just gets sed at ABI bumps anyhow :)20:08
juliankI'll sign out, it's 9pm on a Saturday, but of course IRC pings go to my phone so be careful :)20:09
juliankI should eat some dinner20:09
dokonice, the list is half the size now20:12
dokolooking at keybinder20:15
dbungertI'm double checking all mine based on Julian's feedback above20:16
vorlonjuliank: happy to - appreciate it if you point to the reason as well though for completeness20:18
vorlonjuliank: (in part because I open proposed-migration bugs for packages where appropriate for tracking, and tag them time-t)20:19
juliankvorlon: reason: depends on lots of hardcoded libs and too lazy to fix for leaf package20:19
vorlonjuliank: for deepin-movie-reborn?20:20
vorlonfwiw it showed as a candidate on https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/proposed-migration/update_output_notest.txt20:20
dokolooking at ibus20:20
vorlonbut maybe broken only on armhf20:20
juliankvorlon: yeah for deepin-movie-reborn20:22
juliankI think the fastdds has explanation20:22
* juliank is busy cooking spaghetti with Beyond meatballs20:23
vorlonjuliank: just because it bothers me, can you say why fastcdr's .symbols file was wrong? was this a case of multiple libraries in the same package? (early versions of the script unfortunately only fixed the dependency for the first one)20:23
juliankvorlon: sorry I'm afraid I don't know, I think there's only lib in there20:24
vorlonjuliank: and yeah, I'll file a bug on the deepin-movie-reborn one - just because deps on the old package name are satisfiable doesn't mean we want to ship with them around, as you well know that can make the resolver angry on upgrade20:25
vorlonjuliank: removed fastdds binaries, but fastddsgen seems to only have a test dep?20:30
juliankCan keep it and force-badtest it?20:31
vorlonbadtest which?20:31
juliankfastddsgen/armhf if it is passing now20:31
juliankOtherwise removed test dep would be a regression20:32
juliankI'm on my phone tossing pasta I haven't checked20:32
vorlonI'll migration-proposed/0 it20:33
vorlonLocutusOfBorg: libfm built, trying the copy again20:37
dbungertjuliank: OK, I understand what you're saying now on telepathy-mission-control-5.  Reverting previous upload and fixing libmission-control-plugins-dev20:39
Chevekjbicha: One could change this line https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux.git/tree/include/linux/mm.h?h=v6.2.12#n203  but I wonder if there is a value that fits all use cases. Having a file in /etc/sysctl.d/ seems a better way for people to adjust the value to their needs, don't you think ?21:58
ChevekThis value seems hardcoded in the kernel source. I'm not aware of a possible configuration for this value, except patching the source file directly.22:05
ChevekAFAICT either you add a file to /etc/sysctl.d/, either you patch the kernel like this https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/tree/max_map_count.patch?h=linux-steamos22:09
ChevekFedora choose the /etc/sysctl.d/ way : https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/systemd/blob/f39/f/10-map-count.conf22:12
juliankFile probably ought to be shipped in procps22:32
juliankprocps is what ships almost all sysctl.d files22:32
juliankour systemd only ships /etc/sysctl.d/99-sysctl.conf22:33
juliankChevek: So you want to add a task for procps package, do one of (1) apt source procps, patch it to add the file, generate a debdiff, and attach it to the bug (2) git ubuntu clone procs, patch it, submit merge request22:33
juliankChevek: Or just attach the sysctl.d file and hope someone picks it up; if you attach a patch, well a debdiff (and subscribe ubuntu-sponsors) or open a merge proposal, it lands in the sponsoring queue22:34
juliankBut then I'm not sure this could get sponsored easily22:35
juliankThis needs coordination from like kernel team, desktoop team, and possibly product management22:35
juliankChevek: So I subscribed desktop team; added tasks for procps and gamemode - gamemode is supposed to enable specific game modes, so it could just set the sysctl when running games I suppose22:39
dokoqutebrowser, but not so cute dependencies ...22:41
juliankdoko: Seems you inadvertently dropped various deltas in libcanberra22:44
juliankAt the very least pipewire-pulse | pulseaudio became pulseaudio | pipewire-pulse again which it shouldn't be22:45
juliankThis causes germinate to seed wrong22:46
juliankOK I think the rest is reasonable, but the ubuntu changelog also got lost in the merge22:47
juliankoh these patches are missing now too22:47
dokohmm, ok, looking22:48
juliankThe last ubuntu upload was 0.30-10ubuntu7 , I think you may have accidentally? pulled the Debian source22:48
juliankBut yeah I think these three parts need to be reinstated or desktop will shout at you :)22:49
juliankSo we'll have a bunch of libcanberra rebuilds to do later then, they should show up on https://magenta.jak-linux.org/ubuntu-archive/distcheck/noble.armhf/global-ben.rebuild-for.txt eventually22:50
juliankno-change rebuilds would be taken care by my run tomorrow morning fwiw22:51
* juliank just did `rebuild-for "libfastcdr1t64" fastdds` now that the new fastcdr has been built22:53
juliank(well manually but still counts :D)22:53
dokoyes, Debian. sorry.22:56
juliankIt's good sort of, we needed to merge it, but forgot22:57
juliankWe didn't do t64 transition on it apparently22:57
doko´jbichaplease could you have a look at the libcanberra merge? no t64 upload yet ... :-/22:58
juliankvorlon: We need a KPI for current count of failed tests per architecture22:58
dokojbicha: ^^^22:58
dokotoo tired now22:58
juliankI'm probably happy to keep misbuilt libcanberra on armhf for now maybe and sort this out after everything else migrated23:00
juliankI don't expect we have lots of tests exercising it23:01
juliankNot sure which symbols changed there tbh23:01
juliankback to KPIs23:02
juliankDebian has really nice dose-distcheck report in https://qa.debian.org/dose/debcheck/unstable_main/index.html23:02
juliankincluding historical view23:02
juliankthey also have number of uninstallable dependencies graphs23:03
vorlonwhy does purple-lurch consistently break the test bed23:03
juliankseems fitting for the name?23:03
vorlonit's only a no-change rebuild too23:04
juliankarmhf and s390x autopkgtest queues are empty again23:04
juliankamd64 is at 17k tests now23:04
julianki386 at 8k23:05
juliankarm64 at 3k23:05
dokoshlibs.local, fixing23:05
vorlondoko: which one?23:05
dokopurple-lurch. uploaded23:06
juliankI changed my cron job to run global-ben and removal-candidates first before it spends the ~15 mins on dose-distcheck23:13
juliankSo you should get results at like 1-2 minutes past the hour now, as fresh as possible :)23:17
dokovorlon: purple-lurch ftbfs on armhf, implicit ... I can look at that tomorrow, but not now23:17
Chevek@juliank: Thank you for pointing me to the right package and for your participation to #2057792. I'll try to patch procps.23:22
juliankhttps://magenta.jak-linux.org/ubuntu-archive/distcheck/noble.armhf/global-ben.log has a bit nicer log messages now23:25
juliankLots of missing proposed builds; or old proposed builds23:25
juliankRebuilding log messages like the following are useful for context:23:25
juliank# Rebuilding gst-plugins-good1.0 due to gstreamer1.0-plugins-good 1.24.0-1ubuntu4 depending on {'libsoup2.4-1'} - should be {'libsoup-2.4-1'}23:25
juliankThese are issued for every `rebuild-for` command in the `global-ben.rebuild-for.txt` report23:26
juliankthat one seems buggy though23:26
juliankvorlon: libsoup2.4-1 maps to libsoup2.4-1 (itself) in your https://people.canonical.com/~vorlon/armhf-time_t/ftp-override-map.txt23:27
juliankas does libsoup-gnome-2.4-123:28
juliankDoes this mean no change needed?23:28
juliankoh there is a new dash in there23:29
juliankI *think* global-ben only logs "missing proposed build" for binaries that exists in armhf release pocket23:30
juliankGod polishing up these tools will be messy but I think they are all useful23:31
juliankProbably shipping them in like apt-archive-reports in apt-team on salsa because lolz23:32
juliankoof 00:3823:38
julianksmell you later, as some would say :)23:38
vorlonjuliank: yes those dashes :)23:41
vorlondoko: purple-lurch> thanks, removing from release pocket then and filing a bug23:42

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