
tortalthe more features we create the less faith i have for the future of the internet00:01
tortalgood ol days when MSBLAST was the biggest problem... and warez was a thnig... IRC was a THING. noww... really pub channels  are mostly filled with necromancers, sadists, and lonely ppl... so there is no humor.. there is on only people acting as if they were sop etc etc.00:03
tortalLike i really want to keep irc alive but the public channels are on a downhil00:03
tortal(im waiting for the OFF TOPIC-cop to react now)00:04
SwollenTyronehi guis00:39
SwollenTyroneFor running YoloV8 COmputer Vision, do I need a powerful GPU, or CPU primarily? Will a slow GPU limit the computer vision processing?00:46
esvGuest86, you don't want to encrypt your boot partition, the bootstrap module does not have enough information to open it upon start00:57
* esv thinks he's late again00:57
Josephurlol, probably already did it and rebooted :P00:57
nickserpesv: cant the bootstrap module accept something simple like a private key or password for your partition?00:58
esva) I don't know enough.00:58
JosephurWhat is the defactor BitLocker type encryption that encrypts even the boot partition for Linux?00:58
esvb) I haven't seen an encrypted machine with /boot encrypted.00:58
JosephurUEFI + TMP Required of course00:59
esvmmmm, I just deployed a UEFI vm with full disk encryption on kvm, let me see.01:00
esvI just hit enter, I had a different goal in mind.01:01
nickserpUEFI is the goat01:01
esvyup, my vm does not have /boot encrypted01:02
akiktj- wrote a guide on how to encrypt /boot too01:03
esva mere 5 yrs ago...01:04
* esv goes back to his corner01:04
tortalanybody still uses true/veracrypt EFI ?01:09
tortal... here01:09
JosephurDoes your vm have a TPM, and is booting in UEFI mode?01:12
Josephur"Almost Full Disk Encryption (FDE)01:12
akikesv: linus wrote linux 30 years ago. can you imagine?01:14
tortalwell, doesnt all reasonable laptops and now dekstop come with TPM01:19
tortaland please make me udnerstand why bitlocker for instnace loads drivers and stuff,,, but is still "encrypted".. what i dont get is how a OS boots without decryption01:21
tortalsure.. forward secrecy or something like that...01:21
tortalbut.. that's off topic...01:21
tortallike.. suddenly this bitlocker thing came... and it's so funky and weird... i get that the TPM performs hardware accelerated decryption. But what happens when you "login" to your OS.. is it someone magically known to the CPU and TPM that "OK, now you're able to read -R /some/path ?01:24
tortali need a book on this01:25
JosephurI'm not certain TPMS main function is to accelerate decryption, as much as it is to identify the drive is connected to its original machine to trust it.01:26
JosephurI'm not even sure the TPM module accelerates it at all actually, I think it just stores the keys01:26
tortalok.. so the acceleration happens in the compatible CPU then01:26
JosephurI could be totally wrong :D01:26
tortalnever mind.. CPU and TPM must be compatible for this thing to work that's for sure01:27
tortalmaybe CPU has a dedicated "invisible" core for that purpose... not really interesting either case. what is interssting is why truecrypt solved it only by software and TPM really doesn't make me feel safe.. unless it also encrypts whats in ram.. that would be good01:29
JosephurDoubt it's a core, probably some instruction sets designed for quick crypto functions01:29
tortalmust be01:30
tortalit's own thread at least01:30
tortalbecause otherwise it would force context switching01:30
akiki heard the magical term aes-ni some years ago when talking about the functions that accelerate the encryption01:37
akikwhat does this mean on ubuntu 22.04? "Memtest86+ needs a 16-bit boot, that is not available on EFI, exiting" i think i ran that on endeavouros uefi system02:02
akiki don't think i've ever heard the term 16-bit boot before02:03
JanCakik: install the version from jammy-backports02:03
JanCthat's version 6.x which supports UEFI02:04
JanCeither that or install 'pcmemtest' (memtest86+ v6 is a merger between memtest86+ v5 and pcmemtest)02:05
akikJanC: ok thanks02:06
SwollenSammyHello, Im seeking a Gaming Laptop with native Linux compatability with Ubuntu-based OSs. I want to program Yolov8 and play vidya games on it, so i need a decent GPU. I like the ASUS laptops ive seen but worry about its driver compatability, i dont want to wait months or do some hotfix to get the keyboard working for example, so Im leaning twords02:07
SwollenSammyLenovo Legion for Lenovos native linux compatability.02:07
JanCakik: also, 16-bit boot mode is what BIOS used, and what DOS used to run in02:11
JanCit's usually called "real mode"02:11
akikjacekowski: in endeavouros the only problem was that grub was missing some video mode drivers02:12
akikjacekowski: after i added those, it just ran02:12
akikoops wrong nick02:12
tortalSwollenSammy: Feels like you'll be able to get more aid in #hardware ,, the only ubuntu related thing here i see is the driver compat, and that's alwyas easy to check. You'll prolly find someone that has a gaming compuer there02:14
SwollenSammyyes im there now <302:15
tortalplease... no emojis,...02:15
tortalascii is all good02:15
tortaloh, webchat does that... my bad02:16
tortali only use one emojis.. ok two...02:17
tortalduke nukem and tophat.02:17
tortaland i feel like im already corrupted by social media by going that far02:17
=== xGrind is now known as xGrind-AFK
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
LuckyLucdid ubuntu just add adware to the terminal apt update?04:06
LuckyLucGet more security updates through Ubuntu Pro with 'esm-apps' enabled:04:06
LuckyLuc  vlc-plugin-qt libvlc5 vlc-data libvlccore9 vlc imagemagick vlc-bin04:06
LuckyLuc  libopusfile0 libjs-jquery-ui libpathplan4 vlc-l10n libmaven3-core-java04:06
LuckyLuc  graphviz libavdevice58 libgvpr2 libgvc6 ffmpeg libopenexr25 python3-scipy04:06
LuckyLuc  libpostproc55 libpostproc55 libcgraph6 libmagickcore-6.q16-6-extra04:06
LuckyLuc  vlc-plugin-samba libcdt5 libavcodec58 libavcodec58 traceroute04:07
LuckyLucsorry for the spam I did not mean to send all those apt names04:10
toddc!pro | LuckyLuc04:53
ubottuLuckyLuc: Ubuntu Pro is a service offered by Canonical for expanded CVE patching, ten-years security maintenance and optional support. Anyone can use Ubuntu Pro for free for personal use on up to 5 machines. For details please see https://ubuntu.com/pro and https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-pro-faq04:53
toddctoo late04:54
=== DarkG_ is now known as DarkG
=== Guest8569 is now known as HentaiMaster
HentaiMasterI shall fornicate with the deepest crevices of your soul06:52
=== Guest9168 is now known as HentaiMaster
akiki'm unable to update snap store snap. says ubuntu software is running09:57
akikthis is ubuntu 22.0409:57
lotuspsychjeakik: thats a known bug so it seems10:01
lotuspsychjei have it on 24.04 aswell10:01
akiklotuspsychje: can i update it from cli?10:02
lotuspsychjeyou need to manualy refresh with snap store not launched10:02
akik# snap refresh10:03
akikAll snaps up to date.10:03
akiki was looking for update/upgrade10:03
lotuspsychjeakik: did you close snap-store?10:04
akiklotuspsychje: i closed ubuntu software10:05
lotuspsychjeakik: how about; sudo snap refresh snap-store10:06
akikerror: cannot refresh "snap-store": snap "snap-store" has running apps (ubuntu-software), pids: 337510:06
akikubuntu software is not running (i closed it)10:07
lotuspsychjekillall snap-store10:07
lotuspsychjethats really an anoying bug..10:07
akiklotuspsychje: thanks that worked10:08
lotuspsychjeogra_: ^10:08
akikso is ubuntu software gui the same thing as snap-store?10:10
=== marcopolo1 is now known as Guest6614
=== marcopolo1_ is now known as marcopolo1
lotuspsychjeakik: it is on current ubuntu releases, before it was gnome-software10:17
lotuspsychjeon 24.04 is gonna get called app center, also snap10:18
ogra_lotuspsychje, 24.04's snap-store shold fix that ... sadly it is by design that gnome-software (the old store) keeps a service running once you started it10:18
lotuspsychjeallrighty, good to know ogra_ : )10:19
ogra_i never understood why gnome decided it wants to eat your desktop resources after you once installed a single app usign their gui10:19
lotuspsychjegnome software was pretty slow too10:22
akikso it's not going to be fixed for 22.04 ?10:25
kjetilhoso - stick to using GNOME Software?10:27
akikso no?10:28
kjetilhoI don't know, I just wondered if that was a possible solution based on the explanation from ogra_10:28
hwaethello. ubuntu just offered me an update, and then it directed me to a paid version of ubuntu to complete the update10:33
hwaetare the days of free ubuntu going to die soon10:33
hwaeta lot of people would pay for ubuntu if it became paid only. but it would be disappointing10:34
lotuspsychjehwaet: wich ubuntu release are you on?10:35
lotuspsychjehwaet: you probably see bug #204777810:49
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 2047778 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Software Updater unable to cancel Ubuntu Pro upgrade" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204777810:49
hwaetok so it's a bug10:49
lotuspsychjehwaet: ubuntu pro gives you 5 machines for free, so its not really paid10:49
lotuspsychjebut the greyed out packages is not really what needs to be happening10:50
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
aogdon't understand why the script I've put in /etc/network/if-up.d is not executed after reboot, any way to troubleshoot?12:05
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BluesKajHi all12:49
stevessssso.. systemd messages.. if I ever see over 1 minute on a bootup item out of "no limit" and it doesn't show a percent progress and no completion indicators other than how long an item has been running, or if its been on the same indicator for over 1-2 minutes I tend to reboot feel the computer is frozen12:56
stevessssI feel time passed should not be a sole-progres indicator unless there is a known time by which any boot-task or install task shoudl be finished by reliably12:57
ogra_you should file a bug upstream then 🙂13:00
stevessssyeah.. I think in general ubuntu could be friendlier at diagnosing sata-link and hard drive and other hardware errors more gradefully... like if a journald block takes more than 10s to write or resets a few times it should show a user a list of possible causes in the first minute rather than retrying for 1 hour13:02
stevessssand if hardware is good then it needs to boot in 1-min for most users every time after bios-posts13:02
stevessssand if it takes 10 mins for a step but is completing it needs a realistic progress-bar13:03
stevessssbadly-traced and improperly traced issues with messages having little to nothign to do with their underlying cause give linux user-friendliness a bad rap.. it has improved a lot in the last 10-15 years since the 90's but still elements of that bad-rap are there13:04
leftyfbstevessss: linux does a LOT better job with error messages than other OS's. The other benefit is, it's all open source. So you can create the change you want13:14
=== guideX_ is now known as guideX
=== zer0bitz_ is now known as zer0bitz
szstri want a linukkz daystro where all ersions are 1.0 a' all aughware14:35
szstrsystemd tried to do it then ensnare the irebox ersion number behind snagd14:35
szstri think we should start a rawject to release all numbers as one dot zero14:37
szstri might be thinking a' busyboks14:37
p3limI need to test dependency patterns, I kinda want to test something like the following:  apt list 'python3 (>= 3.11)'14:54
p3limany clue how I can do this?14:54
lotuspsychjewelcome sayan_15:38
sayan_how are uoy15:39
sayan_how are you15:39
lotuspsychjesayan_: how can we help you today?15:39
sayan_who are you...?15:40
lotuspsychjesayan_: this is the ubuntu support channel you joined here; you can ask ubuntu related questions in this channel15:41
sayan_you are Ai....??15:42
sayan_you are Ai....??15:42
=== TomTom_ is now known as TomTom
Guest6468Hi all, I'm on Ubuntu 22.04 Have this Dell monitor with DisplayPort and HDMI ports - works with HDMI, but when I connect with Displayport the display goes blank after the very initial stages  of the boot process, I do see some lines being printed but then nothing but a blank screen - any hints how to solve this ? TIA16:40
lotuspsychjeGuest6468: graphics driver loaded correctly? check sudo lshw -C video16:43
Guest6468lotuspsychje, I use the default driver for the builtin intel GPU (don't have a graphics card)16:44
lotuspsychjeGuest6468: and the displayport cable is original too, no hdmi adapter to DP?16:45
Guest6468lotuspsychje, I've tested the cable and monitor DP port are both fine16:46
=== Guest6468 is now known as blindCommissione
=== blindCommissione is now known as blindCommissionr
lotuspsychjeblindCommissionr:  allrighty, lets try this; type journalctl -f in a terminal and plug out/back in your DP cable16:48
lotuspsychjeand see if we can catch useful errors16:48
blindCommissionrlet me try that lotuspsychje thanks for your help16:48
lotuspsychjethen paste all the output you get at dpaste.com16:50
blindCommissionrlotuspsychje, https://dpaste.com/B2V4PBXDY16:53
blindCommissionrlotuspsychje, is it this line here maybe ?"unable to get EDID for xrandr-DP-1-1: unable to get EDID for output"16:55
lotuspsychjeblindCommissionr: i would rather suspect, kernel: i915 0000:00:02.0: [drm] *ERROR* Step 2 of creating MST payload for 00000000bcddbb9e failed: -516:56
lotuspsychjeblindCommissionr: wich kernel version are you on?16:56
blindCommissionrerrm how do I check that ? I'm on 22.04 LTS16:57
lotuspsychjeuname -a16:57
blindCommissionr6.5.0-25-generic #25~22.04.1-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Tue Feb 20 16:09:15 UTC 2 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux16:58
lotuspsychjeok you're already on HWE kernel so that most up to date16:58
lotuspsychjeblindCommissionr: wich desktop brand is this?16:59
blindCommissionrit's definitely something on my system, as the monitor works fine with a windows laptop16:59
lotuspsychjehmm ok16:59
lotuspsychjeblindCommissionr: coud you share your full 'dmesg' log please17:00
blindCommissionrlotuspsychje, desktop brand? oh hmm it's a custom built by me... 10 year old or thereabout17:00
lotuspsychjeblindCommissionr: i was just wondering if your bios has a setting to switch hdmi to DP17:01
lotuspsychjedid you ever had your DP port working on this system?17:02
blindCommissionrlotuspsychje, I would think so but can't be sure17:04
blindCommissionralso lotuspsychje it's been a while since I dabble in these dmesg thingy... what the most practical way to extract that ? logs app on ubuntu ?17:05
lotuspsychjeblindCommissionr: you can type sudo dmesg in a terminal or find them in /var/log/dmesg17:05
blindCommissionrlotuspsychje, here the dmesg: https://dpaste.com/F5KHKAUBV17:09
lotuspsychjeblindCommissionr: ok so your mobo/system is an ASUS All Series/Z97I-PLUS, BIOS 0319 04/23/201417:14
lotuspsychjeblindCommissionr: maybe you could check if there are newer bios updates for your mobo17:14
blindCommissionrlotuspsychje, i can try searching for that yes. do you think it's lack of bios support ?17:16
lotuspsychjeblindCommissionr: no, im not certain of your root cause yet, maybe its a kernel/ intel drm thing not sure17:16
lotuspsychjeblindCommissionr: but on your side, you can try see if there's a bios update + check your bios settings anything related hdmi/Displayport17:17
lotuspsychjeonce we rule that out, we could dig for other causes17:17
blindCommissionrlotuspsychje, I had a look before on the BIOS and saw nothing relating to video17:17
blindCommissionrnothing in the way of options17:17
blindCommissionrcheck for latest bios version on the mobo17:17
lotuspsychjeyour dmesg spams a lot of usb errors too17:17
blindCommissionryes I know17:18
blindCommissionrhave no idea why17:18
lotuspsychjebut unrelated to your issue17:18
blindCommissionrlotuspsychje, theres a bios dates from March 2016, mine is from 2014...17:20
blindCommissionrlotuspsychje, theres a bios dating from March 2016, mine is from 2014...17:20
lotuspsychjeyeah try that blindCommissionr17:21
blindCommissionromg goinf down the rabbithole... never done a BIOS update before17:21
ubottuTo see how to update your bios on Ubuntu visit the community collected methods here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIOSUpdate17:22
lotuspsychjeblindCommissionr: think you can do it via usb==>bios too http://dlcdnet.asus.com/pub/ASUS/mb/LGA1150/Z97I-PLUS/E9272_Z97I-PLUS.pdf17:23
lotuspsychjeblindCommissionr: another idea could be testing xorg vs wayland at your ubuntu login screen17:39
blindCommissionrlotuspsychje, test how? something like: at login screen choose Xorg or Wayland, then choose input port at monitor to see if it works?17:41
lotuspsychjeblindCommissionr: yes, default 22.04 logs in to wayland, log back out and go pick xorg + your DP port/cable17:41
lotuspsychjeyes for a test17:41
blindCommissionrnot sure now (after so many tests) if i've done that already :-) can try it again....17:42
lotuspsychjeany step we can rule out is good to find your root cause17:43
blindCommissionrI guess yeah17:43
blindCommissionrI'll report back soon17:43
lotuspsychjegood luck17:44
blindCommissionrback lotuspsychje , Xorg vs Wayland makes no difference, BIOS updated, and still no difference18:17
lotuspsychjeblindCommissionr: allright, tnx for testing that all, lets see if a previous kernel can make a difference18:19
lotuspsychjeblindCommissionr: allright, tnx for testing that all, lets see if a previous kernel can make a difference18:19
lotuspsychjeblindCommissionr: reboot and enter grub, from there pick an ubuntu previous kernel version lower then 6.518:20
blindCommissionruhhh hmmm I boot directly to this, I somehow disabled grub... any idea how to bring it back ?18:20
blindCommissionrto this... lol! to ubuntu I meant18:21
lotuspsychjeblindCommissionr: you can always enter grub with hitting shift or ESC18:21
blindCommissionrhmmm not so sure about that... I'll try18:21
blindCommissionrfound out that grub has timeout=0, changing that18:23
=== acer is now known as Sheba
daft https://youtu.be/KTrcwWo3zuE?si=vxsZaV2K975WgUfD demo of my phone system. running partually on ubuntu18:39
daftoeps not #offtopic sorry.18:39
blindCommissionrlotuspsychje, so after figuring out how to enable grup saw that I only have two kernel versions... previous one very minor version below, honestly I don't think that will make any difference... :-/18:54
blindCommissionrI may try... booting some bootable distro... just to ensure a clean system (of sorts)...18:55
blindCommissionrif that detects the DP monitor fine... then maybe time for a clean re-install...18:56
blindCommissionrlotuspsychje, still thre ?19:12
blindCommissionrlotuspsychje, still there ?19:12
tomreynblindCommissionr: i have not followed the full chat. but at the time you dumped the dmesg at https://dpaste.com/F5KHKAUBV you were running a pre-release BIOS version, BIOS 0319 04/23/2014 wthe latest is Version 2704 5.43 MB 2016/03/31.20:08
tomreynhttps://www.asus.com/supportonly/z97i-plus/helpdesk_bios/ lists the latest, and, when you expand it, all previously supported bios releases. note that there was a versioning change when support for 5th gen intel core CPUs was introduced.20:10
tomreynthe version you have now is older than the first release version listed there20:11
tomreynblindCommissionr: i would definitely look into upgrading the mainboard firmware (bios) before you spend any more time on attempting to debug this issue at the software / OS layer.20:14
=== Josephur__ is now known as Josephur
=== alucardromero2 is now known as alucardromero
=== jakubby is now known as kubast2
kubast2Hey, how can I whitelist a directory to firefox snap?22:21
kubast2I've an html file in /opt22:21
kubast2I know that I can just copy the help document from /opt to /home just looking for something that still integrated with the application openning relelvant help pages22:22
cbreak_kubast2: the only thing that I found working was to uninstall the snap firefox and install the one from the firefox ppa, which obviously is a very radical solution22:23
kubast2I see I guess this also fixes firefox not using the system cursor in kubuntu22:27
kubast2Found mozilla.org's deb repo22:44
=== diceLibrarian2 is now known as liceDibrarian
JanCcbreak_: better to use the official (=supported) Mozilla repo than the PPA on Launchpad22:59
cbreak_I'm using the one from "Maintainer: Ubuntu Mozilla Team <ubuntu-mozillateam@lists.ubuntu.com>"23:00
cbreak_that's a different one?23:01
cbreak_hmm... looks like it is: deb https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/mozillateam/ppa/ubuntu/ lunar main23:01
JanCthat one is not officially supported, unlike https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/install-firefox-linux#w_install-firefox-deb-package-for-debian-based-distributions23:04
JanCcbreak_: ^23:04
=== Rahoul1 is now known as Rahoul
cbreak_nice, thanks23:06
cbreak_wonder if that's more likely to cause problems with some ubuntu-ism23:06
JanCofficially supported by Mozilla I should say, not by Ubuntu  :)23:06
mccHello, I am trying to run a closed source program. The documentation warns it is only supported on Ubuntu LTS 20.04 (I am on 23.10) Before running it, it asked me to install various ubuntu packages, which all successfully went in *except* lsb, which Ubuntu says doesn't exist/has been obsoleted ( https://files.mastodon.social/media_attachments/files/112/147/483/062/253/445/original/fc83745ea3055908.png ). Following a recommendation on a23:07
mccforum, I ran `sudo ln -s /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 /lib64/ld-lsb-x86-64.so.3`, and afterward the program was able to run with no problems. However, manually creating a softlink in /lib64 feels unsafe. Is there some other package that is supposed to be providing this .so?23:07
cbreak_mcc: have you considered running that program into some LXC container or similar?23:08
rboxmcc: whats "unsafe" about it23:08
JanCit should only affect such old applications, I guess23:08
cbreak_that's what I do with programs I want to isolate for some reason, like them needing ancient system stuff23:09
mccrbox: my assumption is altering /lib64 or /usr "behind ubuntu's back" could at some later date confuse ubuntu. like what if later i install the package that is the "real" provider of /lib64/ld-lsb-x86-64.so.3.23:09
rboxadding in a symlink isn't "alterting" anything23:10
rboxmcc: it'll overwrite it23:10
rboxapt-file will tell you what provides a file, if a package does provide it23:10
mcccbreak_ i did consider a containerization approach but honestly, i'm not sufficiently familiar with any such tools unless you count VirtualBox. LXC is what you'd recommend?23:10
mccThere seem to be like a hundred containerizer solutions these days23:10
cbreak_I'd use LXC, yes23:11
cbreak_but as you say, there are plenty of alternatives23:11
=== cbreak_ is now known as cbreak
mccI'm sure I should just pick one. Choice paralysis is slowing me down lol23:14
JanCit seems like there is no package providing /lib64/ld-lsb-x86-64.so.3 in recent Ubuntu (not even in 20.04 I think)?23:15
mccjanc: Do you know when "lsb" as a package by itself stopped being a thing?23:17
JanCseems like jammy was the last: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=lsb&searchon=names&suite=all&section=all23:18
JanC(some of the lsb-* packages are still there later)23:19

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