[12:40] Hi all [23:15] Any progress on the broken emoji bug lately, or is that something I should be trying to debug further? [23:17] I fixed it, well figured it out. A no-bitmap file has to be removed. I have to sort out doing that on install. [23:17] New fontconfig breaks debian/ubuntu [23:26] Neat, if you'd like I can see why the problematic file is there in the first place, and if it has to be there in fontconfig I can probably help with figuring out how to delete it on install. [23:27] though I know you've got this, I just wanted to help out if I could. [23:51] I welcome all help. Thank you arraybolt3 the debian changelog should give you the info about the change in fontconfig. All I had to do was delete the file and bam all my lovely emojis worked.