[00:42] why I can nt enter to Lubuntu forum using FF? with Falkon I can see the forum but not login! with FF Nothing!! [00:55] https://discourse.lubuntu.me/ ? === chris14_ is now known as chris14 [03:16] hmmm I've tried 4 different tutorials on enabling SSL for vsftp in Ubuntu, but soon as I do the server won't accept FTP connections at all [03:17] Do the firewall rules update automatically, or is that my issue maybe that ftp ssl uses different port and its not open? [03:19] Doesn't seem like it should be difficult, created the cert etc [03:19] Only a few lines of config file change.. [03:22] hmmmm when doing an lsof | grep ftp I don't see it running [03:22] but if I comment out the SSL settings then it works [03:23] specifically if I comment out the ssl_enable=yES [03:27] What's even more weird is that if I turn off listen_ipv6 it doesn't work at all... grrr [03:32] Josephur: FTPS uses different ports: 989 & 990 instead of 20 & 21 [03:38] I enabled that in the ufw [03:38] as well as ports for PASV [03:38] Still, no dice [03:38] Every tutorial I've seen shows exactly what I've done so far, I'm stumped [03:38] I guess I'll revert and try SSL later lol [03:40] it's not super important as all FTPing done to that servers is over a VPN, its not public facing for FTP [03:41] It' [03:41] It' [03:42] danget... sorry It's just super weird that enabling SSL option in the config file, I don't even see the server starting then [03:43] sounds like a configuration error, did you check the logs? [03:50] Doesn't seem to log anything in fstpd.log, so I'm thinking perhaps its failing as a service startup and the log file would be wherever that's logged [03:59] ive got a weird problem where ubuntu is reporting that my disk is nearly full. i did du -h -c -s on each folder in the root directory and it shows 29gb total + 3 for the swap file out of 1tb total but df shows that the drive is 96% full [04:01] What's findmnt / --df say? [04:01] Or is it as expected for your root mount.. I should say [04:02] it says /dev/sda2 ext4 915.8G 864.7G 4.5G 94% / [04:02] up until recently it was at ~10% [04:02] So then you have a bunch of new data sitting somewheres I'm guessing? [04:02] i dunno [04:03] i did du h-h -c -s on every folder [04:03] devslash: Logs running amuck ? [04:03] and it doesnt add up to 864GB [04:03] find / -mtime 0 -type f -size +20M -exec du -h {} + 2>/dev/null | sort -r -h [04:03] in /var/logs ? [04:03] SEe if anything funky is listed [04:04] "Find all files with the size larger than 20 MB and modified for the last 24 hours [04:04] " [04:04] Basically what that does [04:04] -mtime is for last 24 hours [04:04] right ? [04:06] that command is not showing any output [04:06] after I removed -mtime0 [04:06] and before [04:06] maybe its +0 [04:06] not just 0 [04:07] I mean you could just do [04:07] find / -mtime -1 -ls [04:07] I su ppose [04:07] That should list ALL files modified in last 24 hours [04:07] Might be a bit hectic [04:07] Why I was trying for 20MB+ only lol [04:09] i dunno but thats too small [04:10] lsblk looks normal too? [04:11] yea 921gb partition [04:11] 931gb [04:12] what bout sudo lsblk -f -m | grep ext4 [04:13] anything fishy? [04:13] define fishy [04:13] └─sda2 ext4 1.0 072ffff4-a982-4170-bc7a-492d7611518a 4.4G 94% / 931.5G root disk brw-rw---- [04:13] very large snap mountpoints? [04:13] 4.4gb is the free space [04:13] oh wait, drop the grep [04:14] ? [04:14] lsblk -f -m [04:14] result is the same for sda2 [04:15] I only ask as I ran into a server recently with large snap cache [04:15] how do i check that [04:15] I believe I had to check /var/lib/snapd/cache/ [04:16] I wouldn't rm it by hand, there's scripts to clear it all if that's the case [04:16] can i clear the contents of that folder safely [04:16] its not much [04:16] hmm [04:16] maybe a few hundred mbs [04:16] 529mb [04:16] You got something going rogue to lose that much disk space [04:16] you went from 90% free to almost full? [04:16] so weird [04:16] yea basically [04:17] something has to be crashing or logs or something [04:17] look at processes, see if one is doing a lot of disk I/O ? [04:17] i dunno [04:17] how [04:17] plus if that was the case i would find it with ncdu -x / [04:18] iotop perhaps [04:18] you should see process read/write [04:19] is it possible that ubuntu is just wrong about the size reported [04:20] I mean.... mines correct :D [04:20] perhaps your fs is screwy and needs checked? [04:20] ahh yes the old it works for me argument... [04:20] i dunno [04:24] are you familiar with ncdu ? [04:25] No but it looks nifty [04:26] yea i always use it to find large directories [04:27] i ran it ncdu -x --exclude /mnt / [04:28] the total size is ~ 26gb [04:28] it shows total disk usage: 26.4 gb [04:31] i think ubuntu is just wrong [04:40] any other ideas where i can look [04:53] devslash: clean up your system with bleachbit and stacer, then try baobab to see your disk usage after [04:53] cant [04:53] this is a server [04:53] no UI === ArchDave is now known as Guest3156 === icedtea is now known as peacefulman [05:40] devslash: if there's a larger difference between what du and df report *for the same file system* (use -x for du), it's usually due to open files, files deleted but still locked. [05:41] rebooting or restarting the process holding a lock on them would solve it. [06:03] [06:06] === JanC_ is now known as JanC [08:35] how come that 'Lunar' and 'Mantic' still doesn't exist here https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/flatpak/stable/ubuntu/dists/ ?? [08:39] ice9: seems like only LTS perhaps? [09:11] lotuspsychje, yeah, could be [09:32] I can't figure out why umask login.defs is 2021, and wish to set it to 027 or 022 === jfsimon1981 is now known as jfsimon [09:51] Hi! Is there anybody who uses links2 in graphical mode? I have tried to find a way to resize the font, but alas no success [09:51] All what I need is just to get my font much bigger since I am running links2 in GUI mode on 4K display and that is soooo small text that not good for neck or eyes :D [09:52] Or, if somebody can recommend another very small and lightweight browser like Dillo or Links2 in GUI what should I test that would be appreciated [09:52] In Dillo I had same that font is just too small to read === PasiZ9 is now known as PasiZ [09:58] 'apt' takes long time to resolve mirror URLS, any idea? [10:01] ice9: does same thing apply to other applications ? try just 'ping' various thing etc ? [10:01] oh I believe this happens when if I enabled, DNSSEC and DNS over TLS [10:01] in systemd-resolved [11:09] Ven a mi telgram >> Marlasxs [11:11] Ven a mi telgram >> Marlasxs === Vercas93 is now known as Vercas9 [11:32] hi there what can be done in ubuntu to remember application window sizes and positions? === Dat_ is now known as Dat [11:51] lotuspsychje, hey there :-) monitor issue is sorted !! guess what... I only had to factory reset the monitor... found that tip in some 2019 dell support forum post... I'd never think it could be a monitor firmware issue... [12:05] blindCommissionr: wow, i wasnt expecting that one! [12:06] blindCommissionr: didnt you say you tested the monitor on a win laptop? [12:07] lotuspsychje, I'd never consider that one as well... but since it's an oldish monitor, DP support was probably sortof new at the time...so issues bound to show up [12:08] lotuspsychje, I did test it with a windows laptop! and it worked at that instance [12:08] thats pretty weird right [12:09] anyway, glad its sorted blindCommissionr [12:10] thanks for your help and assitance also! [12:12] welcome and nice you came back for feedback blindCommissionr [12:13] for mental reference next time someones comes with an DP issue on oldish dell monitors ;-) [12:13] : ) [12:24] xxx === infinity0 is now known as Guest1172 [12:40] Hi all === To_Aru_Shiroi_Ne is now known as ToAruShiroiNeko [13:12] anyone know? === EriC^ is now known as EriC^^ [13:26] nvm found something that will do the trick === dragon_ is now known as bbcinmyass [14:06] Hello, I am new here [14:07] hi there [14:07] enjoy [14:10] Thanks ;^) [15:24] Question, can you install an ubuntu system with a clout-init user-data file? i've been working on setting up a self installing iso for  20.04, it works fine with a server iso, which initiates cloud init properly, but the desktop installation iso boots straight into the desktop environment and halts there. [15:25] use the server iso and add ubuntu-desktop to your packages to be installed. should have the same result [15:26] also maybe i would invest that work in 24.04 instead of 20.04 🙂 [15:28] yeah i already got a working server installation from 20.04 up to 23.10, it just seems the desktop environments work diffrently, also, one of caveats is that this image might be used in airgapped environments, and i would assume that ubuntu-desktop doesnt exist on the server iso medium? [15:32] airgapped as in no network at all? or could you provide a local mirror/proxy to install packages? [15:34] airgapped as in heavily proxied, like DL clusters or machines in factory production and what not [15:34] ok but wouldnt you like to have access to security updates anyway? [15:36] i have no experience with the autoinstall feature on desktops. i guess adapting https://www.pugetsystems.com/labs/hpc/ubuntu-22-04-server-autoinstall-iso/ did not work? [15:36] we have reglar maintanence windows, but tbh, not my area to work with. i mainly work with server templating and automation via packer and terraform etc, which is the complete opposite, this is supposed to be an iso to hand out on a regular usb for unsupervised installation [15:37] yeah ive done that part, server iso finds the clout-init files fine, it however died when i added ubuntu-desktop under packages in user-data [15:38] booting the desktop installer with subiquity instead of ubiquity would be the best solution i suppose, but i have no idea if that can even be done [15:38] maybe you can try https://matrix.to/#/#desktop-dev:ubuntu.com [16:43] hmm, seems it turns out that its an issue with virtualbox which im testing the image on, no dns for some reason [17:08] In the videogame the Tiny Toons on NES there is Duffy the duck, chubby version, you take the NES GUN and you shoot him like if it was duckhunt game, and the NES prints "GO DUCK YOURSELF" in full screen... [17:08] wrong chan. === illuminated_ is now known as illuminated === alucardromero2 is now known as alucardromero [18:31] hello everyone have a question apt if I should install ubuntu-pro-client [18:33] sandra_: the ubuntu-pro-client package is installed by default [18:36] I did an update and then upgrade now I have question if I want to install ubuntu pro client, so it is not installed on my system [18:38] also have this showing Ignoring '20apt-esm-hook.conf' in directory '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/' as it is not a regular file [18:39] sandra_: ( cat /etc/os-release ; uname -a ; apt-cache policy ubuntu-pro-client ; sudo zgrep ubuntu-pro-client /var/log/dpkg* ) | nc termbin.com 9999 [18:40] sandra_: please copy and paste the above command, including the parentheses into your terminal. Paste the resulting URL here [18:45] https://termbin.com/wb01 [18:49] sandra_: ok, so what is different about this machine exactly? It's running an old kernel that isn't even the latest GA kernel and for some reason you don't have ubuntu-pro-client installed and, per your paste, no log showing it was removed [18:50] so I need to update kernel and install pro client? [18:51] sandra_: that wasn't my question. What is it about this device that isn't just a fresh install of ubuntu 22.04 in the past year or so? [18:51] sandra_: what sort of device is this? [18:52] desktop tower home use [18:53] sandra_: when did you originally install ubuntu on it? [18:53] a long time ago I just did upgrades when new version came out [18:54] sandra_: you mean you did a release upgrade? What version were you running before? [18:55] which every version that was running before 22.04 jammy [18:56] I'm using mate desktop [18:57] sandra_: I would recommend installing linux-image-generic-hwe-22.04 . You can install ubuntu-pro-client but it's only useful if you plan on signing up for pro https://ubuntu.com/pro/subscribe [19:02] ok thanks for the information you have been a lot of help thanks again [19:22] Hi [20:00] join /#kennylevinsen [20:04] What is the best way of installing telegram? Telegram is offerring an install from a chrome web-browser page. [20:05] 22.0f updated. https://desktop.telegram.org/ [20:10] I see it on snap. I will choose that. Any things I should know? (for all the usual reasons) [20:22] having trouble installing ubuntu pro client [20:25] sudo apt --fix-broken install [20:25] Reading package lists... Done [20:25] Building dependency tree... Done [20:25] Reading state information... Done [20:25] Correcting dependencies... Done [20:25] The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required: [20:47] I'm trying in upgrade ubuntu mate 22.04 but having trouble wit ubutu pro client [20:49] !paste | sandra_ [20:49] sandra_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [20:51] having trouble upgrade ubuntu pro client [20:51] !paste | webchat66 [20:51] webchat66: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [20:56] The following NEW packages will be installed: [20:56]   ubuntu-pro-client [20:56] 0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. [20:56] 38 not fully installed or removed. [20:56] Need to get 0 B/197 kB of archives. [20:56] After this operation, 1,104 kB of additional disk space will be used. [20:56] webchat66: you need to not post multiple lined hre [20:56] lines here* [20:56] please use pastebin as ubottu told you [21:07] webchat66: can you please go to https://dpaste.com and paste in the text, click "create" then tell me the url it sends you to? [21:09] https://dpaste.com/6WZUL6EHT [21:10] leftyfb: any idea from that? [21:12] no I'm assuming that I'm missing a file or a file is not a plain file I have no idea [21:13] webchat66: run this: echo -e 'APT::Update::Pre-Invoke {\n\t/"[ ! -e /run/systemd/system ] || [ $(id -u) -ne 0 ] || systemctl start --no-block apt-news.service esm-cache.service || true\";\n};\n\nbinary::apt::AptCli::Hooks::Upgrade {\n\t/"[ ! -f /usr/lib/ubuntu-advantage/apt-esm-json-hook ] || /usr/lib/ubuntu-advantage/apt-esm-json-hook || true\";\n};' | sudo tee /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20apt-esm-hook.conf [21:15] https://dpaste.com/4CG9DXY2G [21:16] webchat66: ok, now sudo apt update [21:16] oh wait [21:16] hold on [21:17] sorry [21:17] webchat66: run this: echo -e 'APT::Update::Pre-Invoke {\n\t"[ ! -e /run/systemd/system ] || [ $(id -u) -ne 0 ] || systemctl start --no-block apt-news.service esm-cache.service || true";\n};\n\nbinary::apt::AptCli::Hooks::Upgrade {\n\t"[ ! -f /usr/lib/ubuntu-advantage/apt-esm-json-hook ] || /usr/lib/ubuntu-advantage/apt-esm-json-hook || true";\n};' | sudo tee /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20apt-esm-hook.conf [21:17] then run sudo apt update [21:17] no problem [21:17] then you should be able to install whatever you need [21:19] still getting the same message [21:21] the update came back fine its when I do an upgrade I get errors [21:27] it keeps ignoring 20apt-esm-hook.conf [21:36] webchat66: ( ls -l /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20apt-esm-hook.conf ; cat /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20apt-esm-hook.conf ) | nc termbin.com 9999 [21:39] https://dpaste.com/ [21:41] 24.04 is like mid april release? [21:41] I guess [21:43] w i fi 7 freeboox Freebox Ultra [21:55] do I need to remove the 20apt-esm-hook.conf [22:07] ok === sem_testing is now known as sem