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holmanmeena: thanks for sharing, good stuff15:08
holmanmeena: i know you had a link to it before but i forgot to bookmark it, how to start a freebsd image in lxd manually15:09
holmanThere was an extra step to avoid a CPU being eaten by the freebsd kernel15:10
meenai would hope that's fixed by now in 14.015:10
meenaor, lemme check15:10
holmanOkay I haven't checked yet on that15:10
holmanIt might be15:10
holmanminimal: thanks for filing the test failures15:11
holmanReminds me I'd love to see an alpine unit test run in our ci to catch stuff like this15:11
meenaholman: yeah: this is *in* 14 https://freshbsd.org/freebsd/src/commit/f1c5a2e3a625053e2b70d5b1777d849a4d9328f215:14
meenai haven't had any issues with virtio_random in quite some time now15:15
meenai forgot how painful it's been15:15
meenabut I wonder if it's in 13.x15:16
minimalholman: np, I hit a 3rd testcase fail but #5082 was already raised that addressed it15:18
* meena is currently trying to see through a forest of pointers and will hopefully emerge from that with some brain cells intact15:19
minimalholman: I'm only getting back into cloud-init dev now as I had to spend the past couple of weeks restructuring how I build things etc now that I'm not directly involved in Alpine15:20
holmanminimal: no worries - understood15:46
holmanminimal: I'm glad you're still around :-)15:46
minimalyeah I still have a list of stuff to add to or fix in cloud-init ;-)15:54
blackboxswThis is great to hear minimal that you're still involved && engaged.15:54
meenahttps://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/issues/5096 maybe then I would know what kubernetes is…15:56
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Issue 5096 in canonical/cloud-init "Kubernetes example" [Open]15:56
minimalblackboxsw: I always intended to stay engaged with cloud-init, it's just that Alpine "politics" complicated things15:57
blackboxsw... it's a shame about that. Yes we had heard through Brett. (and your historical representation of that context a bit a while back)15:58
minimalthe alpine cloud-init & cloud-utils packages are currently without a maintainer and I suspect that won't change for some time, if at all15:58
blackboxswholman: falcojr: I was unable to reproduce any issues with Vultr per https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/4986. Launches look "good" and only interesting issue I saw from 23.3.3 -> 23.4.4 upgrade was the warning about scripts/vendor directory not being executable, which is already fixed in tip of main.16:46
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 4986 in canonical/cloud-init "fix: Don't warn on vendor directory" [Merged]16:46
blackboxswwrong link: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/issues/509216:47
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Issue 5092 in canonical/cloud-init "cloud-init upgrade causes vultr init networking to fail." [Open]16:47

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