=== mzoo is now known as JHOLMESmoth [05:02] PV92 [05:02] 2V8F === diogeness_ is now known as diogeness === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [12:15] Hi all [15:39] i installed kubuntu on another hdd [15:39] it's kinda usable but [15:39] i still retain my right of complaining about the new plasma without reason [15:40] tengo un error en un kubuntu desktop, cuadno estoy en el trabajo y tengo la wifi del tarbajp y una VPN, internet funciona pero en el momento en el que cambio la wifi a otra y pongo la VPN deja de funcionar [15:40] hmmm [15:40] i will have vpn issues too you say? Lol [15:42] que hiciste para solucionarlo? [15:43] i don't know. lol. [15:43] gracias por nada [15:47] VanUnamed, are you trying out KDE Plasma 6 on Kubuntu or what? [16:40] fuck you pedro [16:40] trying kununtu 22 [16:40] as opposed to mint 17 i am running now === NotEickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer [18:19] DI [18:20] huh? [21:41] Hello [22:46] VanUnamed: Plasma 5.27 was generally a good incremental upgrade from 5.24, which had a number of annoying bugs. So 22.04 LTS is what you want with kubuntu-backports and kubuntu-backports-extra enabled. Also use the HWE stack. Is that what you have?