
mwhudsonoh heh i wrote this too oops00:09
mwhudsonvorlon: is there a more up to date version of https://people.canonical.com/~vorlon/armhf-time_t/ftp-override-map.txt for ubuntu somewhere?00:19
vorlonmwhudson: no00:37
vorlonsorry, that was being maintained as input to the ftp team specifically, and any variations from that would basically need to be looked at on a case-by-case basis at this point (e.g. is this a completely new soname with no revdeps yet in Ubuntu so we don't need to rename? is it an Ubuntu-specific package? etc)00:38
vorlonnuts, notest showing i386 again00:39
vorlonafk again00:39
mwhudsonvorlon: yes fair enough00:39
mwhudsonuh why is there no entry in Sources for sagemath??00:54
mwhudsonuh i should probably try not to recreate britney here00:57
vorlondid you mean to ask "Why are we still shipping sagemath"? :)01:34
vorlonmwhudson: race condition vs a deletion by doko https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sagemath/+publishinghistory01:35
vorlona little NBS cleanup for libcanberra, hopefully cinnamon will be a candidate now01:41
mwhudsonvorlon: ah hah01:45
mwhudsonok i think i have uploaded all the packages with a build-dep that has been replaced in the t64 transition now01:45
mwhudsonprobably not maximally efficiently01:46
vorlonadsys/armhf deleted and it doesn't have a build-dep on sssd only a runtime dep and I'm not worrying about whether it comes back01:49
vorlonlibsss-nss-idmap-dev staaaaaahp01:49
vorlonok sssd armhf binaries on their way out01:50
vorlonok well I did a no-change rebuild of cups-browsed locally and it fixed the segfault.  But the no-change rebuild in launchpad still segfaults...02:38
vorlonah it's apparmor02:51
vorlonLP: #205886602:51
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Launchpad bug 2058866 in cups-browsed (Ubuntu) "proposed-migration for cups-browsed 2.0.0-0ubuntu8" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/205886602:51
vorlonchecking now if it's also reproducible in an amd64 container (since that's also an armhf difference)02:52
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
mwhudsonsomething we can just remove https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/threadscope/+bug/205887804:31
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Launchpad bug 2058878 in threadscope (Ubuntu) "please remove threadscope from ubuntu" [Undecided, New]04:31
mwhudsonubuntu-archive: something we can just remove https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/threadscope/+bug/205887804:31
RAOFmwhudson: I know no-one seems to be caring much about it, but if you _do_ just relax the build depends, does it build?05:12
mwhudsonRAOF: no idea05:12
mwhudsonoh it only takes 2 mins to build, let's find out05:15
mwhudsonRAOF: no05:18
vorlonrmadison knows ssreflect bins are removed on riscv64, why doesn't britney >:|05:18
mwhudsonis there some kind of fashion for putting upper bounds on your deps in haskell?05:18
vorlonhaskell generally uses ABI hashes in virtual packages, or do you mean build-deps?05:19
mwhudsonbuild deps05:19
vorlonno idea05:19
mwhudsonRAOF: if i remove the other build dep constraint it appears to build...05:19
RAOFHuh. I ask because it seems to have been in and out of testing quite a bit, but it _looks_ like the sort of package that might have a quiet userbase.05:21
mwhudsontpm2-abrmd fails because of open/open64 mocking games on armhf, probably sensible to skip tests there05:23
mwhudson(i'm about to have dinner though)05:24
vorlonskip tests, rather than remove armhf binaries from release pocket and fix later?05:25
mwhudsonvorlon: well i don't know. strongswan is in the rdep chain07:19
mwhudsonuploaded a version with tests skipped07:25
vorlonmwhudson: only as a test revdep07:59
vorlonbritney seems stuck08:03
vorlonVM is being squirrely, rebooting08:10
vorlonback up, britney will start again08:16
juliankI ... should only show builds that actually affect the architecture, lots of arch: all only builds08:26
juliankFor the new reverse-build-depends feature08:26
schopinsil2100: t64-related RM: LP: #205891209:31
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Launchpad bug 2058912 in xwiimote (Ubuntu) "t64: please remove xwiimote and rdeps armhf binaries from noble" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/205891209:31
schopinsil2100: erf, nevermind, it seems they're already removed. juliank I pulled this from one of your report ( https://magenta.jak-linux.org/ubuntu-archive/distcheck/noble.armhf/global-ben.reverse.txt ) would it be possible to amend it not to consider these cases?09:33
schopinSorry about that :) Live and learn09:40
juliankschopin: hmm09:46
juliankschopin: it's still there? xwiimote | 2-4                     | noble/universe          | source, amd64, arm64, armhf, ppc64el, riscv64, s390x09:48
schopinjuliank: I didn't see the file in the "Package Files" section of LP so assumed it was gone, but now I see it?09:50
schopinDoing too many things at once :/09:51
juliankschopin: just use rmadison :)10:11
juliankftr: amd64 queue is being cleaned up10:29
juliankubuntu-archive: remove-package -a armhf -b osmo-bts osmo-pcu # leaf; ftbfs in armhf; blocking libosmoabis10 libosmocodec0 libosmocoding0 libosmocore19 libosmoctrl0 libosmogsm18 libosmotrau2 libosmovty910:58
juliankWell I guess osmo-bts is currently in progress building but still we can drop it for now10:58
juliankglobal-ben.reversed.txt says: src:osmo-bts: libosmocoding0 - needs a sourceful upload anyhow10:59
juliankRemoving it first makes the transition view easier though11:00
zhsjafter the amd64 queue being cleaned up, is there script to requeue all the missing tests? i see packages being blocked from migration due to pending results on amd64, but no job is queued.11:04
juliankqueue is being cleaned up be patient11:05
juliankzhsj: andersson1234 is requeuing the tests that were there11:05
juliankzhsj: some tests were purposefully dropped, so rerunning all would be bad11:05
juliankrequeuing will take about 4 hours due to some process issues11:14
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New sync: piuparts (noble-proposed/primary) [1.4.1]11:19
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted piuparts [sync] (noble-proposed) [1.4.1]11:19
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: piuparts [amd64] (noble-proposed/none) [1.4.1] (no packageset)11:21
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: piuparts [arm64] (noble-proposed/none) [1.4.1] (no packageset)11:22
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: piuparts [ppc64el] (noble-proposed/none) [1.4.1] (no packageset)11:23
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: piuparts [armhf] (noble-proposed/none) [1.4.1] (no packageset)11:23
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: piuparts [s390x] (noble-proposed/none) [1.4.1] (no packageset)11:23
juliankI got +q on #ubuntu-devel sigh11:25
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted piuparts [amd64] (noble-proposed) [1.4.1]11:29
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted piuparts [armhf] (noble-proposed) [1.4.1]11:29
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted piuparts [s390x] (noble-proposed) [1.4.1]11:30
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted piuparts [arm64] (noble-proposed) [1.4.1]11:30
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted piuparts [ppc64el] (noble-proposed) [1.4.1]11:30
seb128juliank, removed11:39
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: piuparts [riscv64] (noble-proposed/none) [1.4.1] (no packageset)11:40
juliankseb128: ta11:42
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted piuparts [riscv64] (noble-proposed) [1.4.1]12:14
dokomwhudson: left a question in the threadscope removal bug12:35
dokojuliank: your rustc uploads failed to build. do you know if we can remove some old versions?13:26
juliankdoko: I do not know, we should ask our Rust person I suppose13:36
juliank  * rustc-1.74 build-depends on conflicting packages: libllvm17t64=1:17.0.6-9build2 vs libllvm17=1:17.0.6-5build113:37
juliank    - chain 1: libllvm17t64:armhf (>= 1:17.0.2)13:37
juliank    - chain 2: rustc-1.73:armhf -> libllvm17:armhf13:38
juliankOh god13:38
juliankSo the rustc compilers build-depend on the older ones so they go bootstrap recursively13:38
juliankWhat about Ada?13:39
juliank3 packages have unsat BDs13:39
juliankfrog, libgnatcoll-bindings13:39
juliankoh that's just two13:39
juliankalso we have nfs-ganesha build-depends on conflicting packages: liburcu8t64=0.14.0-3.1 vs liburcu8=0.14.0-313:39
juliankI'll go look a bit13:39
julianklibucto5t64 needs rebuild against libticcutils8t64, curious13:40
juliankSomehow did not see that13:41
juliankglobal-ben doesn't see it13:42
juliankbut the Ada ones, weird13:43
juliankOh I guess those are provides13:44
juliankok so libxmlada-unicode-dev needs a rebuild13:46
juliankah wait wrong arch I look at13:47
juliankgnat-13-cab06c16 is old13:47
juliankgnat-13-2eaa09e6 is new13:47
dokojuliank: yes, that should only be a armhf change13:52
dokolibgnatcoll-bindings removed on armhf13:52
juliankubuntu-archive: removal for pyfltk https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gl-image-display/+bug/205893213:58
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Launchpad bug 2058932 in pyfltk (Ubuntu) "RM: pyfltk and rdeps, FTBFS" [Undecided, New]13:58
juliankdoko: I did just upload no-change rebuild for libgnatcoll I believe it though13:59
juliankwhich promptly failed with gprbuild: raised CONSTRAINT_ERROR : a-calend.adb:371 overflow check failed14:00
juliankon armhf14:00
adrienI thought ada had a different time type with more constraints and range :/14:02
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New source: nemos-dev-key (noble-proposed/primary) [1.7]14:10
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: octavia (jammy-proposed/universe) [1:10.1.0-0ubuntu1 => 1:10.1.1-0ubuntu1] (openstack)14:10
sil2100juliank: on it14:14
sil2100juliank: I guess removing mrcal as well, right? Since it's a recommends14:15
sil2100And I suppose only the armhf binaries, right?14:16
sil2100Or do you want the whoel thing gone?14:16
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: dante [amd64] (noble-proposed/universe) [1.4.2+dfsg-7.1~willsync1] (no packageset)14:18
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: dante [arm64] (noble-proposed/universe) [1.4.2+dfsg-7.1~willsync1] (no packageset)14:19
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: dante [s390x] (noble-proposed/universe) [1.4.2+dfsg-7.1~willsync1] (no packageset)14:19
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: dante [ppc64el] (noble-proposed/universe) [1.4.2+dfsg-7.1~willsync1] (no packageset)14:19
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: rejected nemos-dev-key [source] (noble-proposed) [1.7]14:20
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: motion (mantic-proposed/universe) [4.5.1-3build1 => 4.5.1-3ubuntu0.1] (no packageset)14:21
adrienpyxplot is missing builds: they failed on all arches, with "*** buffer overflow detected ***: terminated"; I'd like to retry the builds but I don't see a way to do it (now?), is that something that can be triggered?14:22
adrienI saw that error a few days ago already but I have no idea if it was for the same package so I'd like an up-to-date one (I'm also going to build it locally)14:22
adrienpyxplot is one of the tests blocking readline, specifically on armhf14:23
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: motion (jammy-proposed/universe) [4.3.2-1 => 4.3.2-1ubuntu0.1] (no packageset)14:23
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: livecd-rootfs (jammy-proposed/main) [2.765.40 => 2.765.41] (desktop-core, i386-whitelist)14:34
dokodbungert: mini-iso-tools now depends on dhcpd (universe). don't we have alternatives already in main?14:36
dbungertdoko: I typoed the depends then.  I'll fix it.14:39
juliankSo there is a bug in autopkgtest causing it not to pick the right version of the package when package is the trigger14:48
juliankwhich causes britney to loop and reschedule tests all the time14:48
juliankfor example, https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/results/autopkgtest-noble/noble/i386/n/neutron-vpnaas/20240325_110427_a8513@/log.gz14:48
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: dante [riscv64] (noble-proposed/universe) [1.4.2+dfsg-7.1~willsync1] (no packageset)14:55
* apw orders a new keyboard15:03
vorlonjuliank, doko: remove old rusts: we did talk with the kernel team and they are meant to go away15:08
vorlonsil2100: "since it's a recommends" we don't remove packages for unsatisfied recommends... and are you documenting removal of the reverse-depends in the sync-blocklist repo (extra-removals) or is this not needed?15:09
dokook, removing everything before 1.7415:12
vorlongetting armhf on https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/proposed-migration/update_output_notest.txt, that's convenient15:13
vorlondoko: uh this only applied to 1.62 and 1.68 which were there for kernels, I don't know if there's another reason to keep 1.73, please double-check this with Zixing first15:13
juliankvorlon: merge my critical britney fix before doing other stuff15:14
juliankthis one https://code.launchpad.net/~juliank/britney/+git/britney2-ubuntu/+merge/46302915:14
juliankI haven't told people here but I saw 16 retries for the same package issued by britney15:14
julianktl;dr: autopkgtest does not correctly fetch source packages from proposed when triggered with proposed version; paride knows about the bug15:15
tsimonq2OOC is this expected to retry all non-armhf autopkgtest with all-proposed=1 (iff one has not already been triggered)?15:17
* tsimonq2 crosses his fingers that it'll help with qtbase-opensource-src :)15:18
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: xmms2 (mantic-proposed/universe) [0.8+dfsg-23build1 => 0.8+dfsg-23ubuntu0.1] (no packageset)15:19
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: xmms2 (jammy-proposed/universe) [0.8+dfsg-22build3 => 0.8+dfsg-22ubuntu0.1] (no packageset)15:21
juliankvorlon: added `"migration-reference/0" not in triggers and` line to not add all-proposed for migration-reference/0 ones :)15:27
vorlonjuliank: thanks15:29
juliankvorlon: So we know know that it's the combination of throughput and britney requeuing the same I don't know, 100 tests every run that's making amd64 go sideways15:39
juliankAnd QA team is cowboying some stuff I think to make sure that workers can't loop anymore15:40
juliankWe have run my script today on all queues so they are all 2-3 times smaller :)15:42
liushuyuI believe all those "rust-*" packages failed on any architecture could be removed. Most Ubuntu packages use vendored source anyways15:42
vorlon$ LANG=C join -j1 <(LANG=C sort /tmp/armhf-new-uninstallables.txt) <(LANG=C sort /tmp/julian-recommends-removing.txt) | wc -l15:43
juliankkill them15:43
vorlonjuliank: this doesn't look at all armhf binaries from a given source package, AIUI15:43
vorlonso that won't unblock migration for all of them15:43
juliankbut that is an acceptable tradeoff at this point IMO15:43
vorlonbut I don't want to just take all of the binaries in the list, map to source packages, and remove all binaries15:44
juliankJust drop the binaries and see what happens?15:44
vorlonI will15:44
vorlonI'm just pointing out the weakness15:44
juliankTIL join, I always use comm -1215:45
juliankAlso if you want to see uninstallabilities on armhf in britney, just patch britney "random" architecture to armhf ;)15:45
vorlonof course15:46
vorlonbut as mentioned, the !armhf ones also matter15:46
vorlonparticularly because those don't get fixed by armhf binary removals15:47
vorlonok churning through these binary removals now15:48
juliankI have a list of uninstallabilities on amd64 by dose-distcheck in https://magenta.jak-linux.org/ubuntu-archive/distcheck/noble/proposed.txt15:48
juliankno wait this is build-depends15:48
juliankI can create binary depends though15:48
vorlonyeah I don't care about build-depends today :)15:49
juliankIt's interesting britney findsd 1334 uninstallabilites on armhf15:49
juliankdose-distcheck has like 2015:49
juliankBut it does proposed + release15:49
juliankI'd have to construct a Packages file after migration to make it see a more realistic post-migration scenario15:50
vorlonno, britney finds *3600* uninstallablilities on armhf, when attempting the migration15:50
vorlon1334 is the intersection of these with the things you've identified as leaves15:50
juliankwell yes15:51
vorlonconstruct a Packages file> so you mean the old implementation of update-output-helper that I rewrote, heh15:51
vorlonalright, so churning through those removals now; gotten to 'c'15:53
vorlon(calling for removals one at a time because of the O(n^2) issue I mentioned to you before)15:53
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: ngspice (jammy-proposed/universe) [36+ds-1 => 36+ds-1ubuntu0.1] (no packageset)15:57
vorlonjuliank: and your identification of leaf packages on https://magenta.jak-linux.org/ubuntu-archive/distcheck/noble.armhf/removal-candidates.with-proposed.txt excluded seeded packages, right?  we might want to revisit that16:16
juliankvorlon: that is correct, yes16:17
juliankmostly to avoid ubuntu-meta getting deleted16:17
vorlonif anything, desktop flavors might appreciate not having their beta at risk because of their packages being out of date on armhf16:17
juliankI can make it check if ubuntu-${task} == name or something16:17
* LocutusOfBorg brings a sledgehammer to vorlon for britney16:17
juliankI just want the key packages of the task really16:18
julianki.e. the meta packages16:18
vorlonbut for all flavors not just ubuntu-*16:18
juliankshould I just ignore section: metapackages maybe?16:19
juliankhmm let's see16:19
juliankvorlon: I now check "ubuntu-"+ task or task, which I think catches all of them16:22
juliankvorlon: I think it's only the mimimal task that becomes ubuntu-minimal?16:22
juliankFor the others, task == name16:22
juliankvorlon: please do have a look at the file now and see if it has anything bad16:23
juliankprobably should have diffed it16:24
juliankbut I assume you have a local copy :)16:25
juliankI guess if you join it with brintey, you can use https://magenta.jak-linux.org/ubuntu-archive/distcheck/noble.armhf/removal-candidates.txt16:25
juliankotherwise you will not see a package foo in the release pocket that gets broken by migrating bar if there is no foo in proposed?16:26
adrienwhat do you prefer for source removals? ask here directly or batch them?16:28
vorlonadrien: source removals should have bug reports, unless it's a transient removal because the fix is already in -proposed16:29
vorlonadrien: it can be an existing Debian bug report or a new one in Launchpad16:29
adriensorry, I mean, after having create bug reports16:30
adrien(although I haven't checked yet on debian)16:30
adriennothing reported debian-side; removal requests: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pyxplot/+bug/2058940 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eso-midas/+bug/205894716:31
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Launchpad bug 2058940 in pyxplot (Ubuntu) "pyxplot: Please RM due to FTBFS" [Undecided, New]16:31
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Launchpad bug 2058947 in eso-midas (Ubuntu) "eso-midas: Please RM due to FTBFS" [Undecided, New]16:31
vorlonadrien: ah - throw us the bug numbers here directly, the "normal" ubuntu-archive queue is not being looked at right now AFAIK16:31
adrienI'm not entirely happy as I'd prefer to investigate these because they seem similar but too little time and I guess it's the time of the year when we look at even more failures than usual16:32
vorlonadrien: we all have the impulse to investigate and fix, but now is not the time for this :)16:34
vorlonah it looks like riscv64 has caught up on coq, only waiting on mathcomp-analysis and coq-unimath builds now AFAICS16:34
adrien :)16:34
vorlonadrien: in general I prefer output from `reverse-depends src:$src` and `reverse-depends src:$src -a source` as part of the removal bug to clearly document what revdeps there are if any16:37
adrienok, I can add that a bit later today (I need to afk a bit)16:38
vorlondon't worry about it for these first 2, I've already confirmed locally and am removing16:39
vorlonjuliank: so confirming the semantics of https://magenta.jak-linux.org/ubuntu-archive/distcheck/noble.armhf/removal-candidates.with-proposed.txt it appears that packages are in this list if -proposed has a new version of the source package for the binary, but it's not guaranteed the binary exists yet on armhf.  so some of these might be ftbfs in -proposed, the armhf binary removal will unblock them16:40
vorlonfor migration, and we'll lose track of the armhf build failures?16:40
vorlonjuliank: sorry, I meant ftbfs in -proposed on armhf only16:41
juliankvorlon: that's correct16:41
juliankThey could ftbfs on other arches too, I don't check16:41
vorlonjuliank: ok. I'm currently going through and getting a list of binaries for which this is the case, and will file bugs16:41
juliankIn this report I only check there is a newer source package16:41
vorlonthe first one on the list, 0ad, is in -proposed and ftbfs on all archs16:42
juliankThere is one where I also check that were are missing binaries16:42
vorlonso that's fine :)16:42
juliankBut I don't have one that checks we *have* binaries, because those are not unblockable by removal16:42
juliankWell ok they might unblock *other* packages16:42
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: lcov (mantic-proposed/universe) [2.0-1ubuntu0.1 => 2.0-1ubuntu0.2] (i386-whitelist)16:44
juliankvorlon: Do you want that report too?16:45
adrienvorlon: thanks!16:50
juliankvorlon: Can we lock the archive now so we don't get new transitions uploaded?16:50
julianksil2100: I did not see your pings but the removal requests were for source packages, and ignoring mrcal16:51
sil2100juliank: ACK16:51
sil2100I'll keep that in mind for next ones ;)16:52
julianksil2100: If it's binary only I send remove-package -b commands with comments here16:52
juliankI feel like someone else asked for locking the archive already but can't find where :D16:53
juliankI think I'll ask QA to do queue cleanup tomorrow again16:55
juliankthe amd64 queues are at 7683 items, but cleaned up we are at 748216:55
juliankthis gets worse with every britney run so a daily purge and requeue sorts that out16:55
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: mathgl [amd64] (noble-proposed/universe) [8.0.1-7.1] (no packageset)16:58
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: mathgl [armhf] (noble-proposed/universe) [8.0.1-7.1] (no packageset)16:58
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: mathgl [ppc64el] (noble-proposed/universe) [8.0.1-7.1] (no packageset)17:00
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: mathgl [s390x] (noble-proposed/universe) [8.0.1-7.1] (no packageset)17:02
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: mathgl [arm64] (noble-proposed/universe) [8.0.1-7.1] (no packageset)17:11
juliankvorlon: sil2100 I propose we also merge https://code.launchpad.net/~juliank/britney/+git/britney2-ubuntu/+merge/463045 to britney for the next run(s) such that it stops queueing the same tests each run17:19
vorlonjuliank: ok, filing 124 update-excuse/time-t bugs for packages whose armhf binaries are being removed, and have built in -proposed but not on armhf17:19
vorlonjuliank: that report too> which report exactly?17:19
juliankThis was the culprit here really I think, we trigger foo with foo/2 and get foo/1 result, result is silently ignored; but pending test was deleted so it gets requeued.17:20
juliankWe have sicne requeued all tests with all-proposed but it takes ages for the queue to be done to the point that it did all the tests that britney is waiting on17:20
juliankvorlon: leaf packages that have a build in proposes17:20
vorlonjuliank: lock the archive> at the moment I'm not aware of new transitions coming in that are a problem for us, and managing an unapproved queue is also overhead, for the moment I prefer to leave it as-is17:21
juliankThere are two queues in NEW17:21
juliank* two transitions in NEW17:21
vorlonjuliank: I don't think that's useful as a separate report, really, since I'm post-processing the existing report to decide what to remove and then further post-processing that to see if I should file bugs17:21
juliankI'm scared someone approves libevent or mathgl NEW binaries, it's fine they are there but we should only approve them after beta17:22
juliankthen we can handle a handful extra transitions17:22
vorlonjuliank: I saw your other MP and I haven't worked out for myself if this will actually fix it.  We're seeing cases of britney repeatedly queuing a test when there has been *no* new result since the previous request17:23
juliankvorlon: Yes I analysed the log and it refetches the same "new" results, because it doesn't "store" the result because it's for an old version17:24
vorlonso if this is because we're seeing a result but it's invalid and then requeuing, shouldn't we filter them out earlier at the point where it detects these as "new" results?17:24
juliankvorlon: This is during the import stage from the db17:25
juliankbefore it analyzes them17:25
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected landscape-client [source] (focal-proposed) [23.02-0ubuntu1~20.04.2]17:25
juliankIt's literally in fetch_sqlite_results helper functions :)17:25
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected landscape-client [source] (jammy-proposed) [23.02-0ubuntu1~22.04.2]17:25
vorlonI think I'm going to have to look at the code in context to understand17:27
vorlonbefore committing it17:27
vorlonas a general principle, "you got a result from the db but it's not what you wanted" tells me either the schema is wrong or the query is wrong, so I have to assess if I want to go down that rabbit hole right now ;)17:28
juliankthat's true to some extent, we did not install version comparison function inside the table to put them in the query17:28
juliankand triggers are a string rather than their own table that you join17:29
juliankso it's hard to query `if any(trigger == name) and trigger_version == version`17:29
juliankcan't even extract the trigger, let alone the version from it17:29
juliankor rather you'd want WHERE trigger != name OR trigger_version == version17:30
juliankbut you get the idea17:30
juliankSo the query only filters on series, architecture, package being tested, and last run id we imported (which we never update when we ignore new test result, hence you see same tests appear "new" each time)17:31
juliankIt's only add_trigger_to_results() that actually validates the trigger17:31
juliankand checks that if trigger == package name that the package version is not older (I'd have tested for == but meh)17:32
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: landscape-client (jammy-proposed/main) [23.02-0ubuntu1~22.04.1 => 23.02-0ubuntu1~22.04.2] (ubuntu-server)17:32
julianknormally you do actually want it to retry rather than lose results so this is not a perfect patch17:34
juliankthe perfect patch would fetch queued.json from autopgktest.u.c and check the queues whether the test is already queued17:34
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: landscape-client (focal-proposed/main) [23.02-0ubuntu1~20.04.1 => 23.02-0ubuntu1~20.04.2] (ubuntu-server)17:34
dokojuliank: don't try to "fox" rustc-* needs a build with a working rust version17:35
juliankbut that is harder to write?17:35
juliankdoko: not fixing any further17:35
juliankso we want to keep britney's own pending tests but additionally also check queued.json to avoid requeueing tests scheduled otherwise17:36
juliankbut that's too hard this week17:36
juliank(we want to keep britney's own notion of what is pending in addition such that we can skip tests we don't want to run ;)17:37
vorlonjuliank: ok got it, yes will do a quick pass on the code and merge17:38
juliankvorlon: So I need to setup britney locally to run rather than just do pyflakes but then I can submit the full blown patch to consult queued.json before sending new tests17:41
juliankwhich is nicer than this, but this is minimal and easy to read17:41
vorlonhmmm we don't already consult queued.json? terrible, terrible17:41
vorlonalso see internal side channel discussion about the fact that queued.json should be a sqlite db itself17:42
juliankvorlon: uh, I'd rather get rid of the sqlite db we have rather than add more17:43
vorlonin favor of what17:43
andersson1234I think queued.json being a sqlite db is feasible but introduces more complexity where it may not be necessary17:44
juliankit should be a json dump of a postgres db I suppsose17:44
andersson1234what's the rationale behind making it a db? Where's this side channel discussion also, i missed it17:45
juliankI haven't fully thought about it :)17:45
vorlonandersson1234: well queued.json is garbage17:46
vorlonlike literally garbage, because it doesn't get garbage collected17:46
vorlonand the whole thing gets written out by britney after every single autopkgtest query or result17:46
juliankI don't follow, it is rendered by cache-amqp17:47
juliankand cache-amqp needs to visit the entire queue anyway17:48
vorlonah wait sorry17:48
vorlonI was talking about a different .json without checking the name17:48
juliankYou mean the pending test one from britney itself?17:48
juliankthat one is eww17:48
juliankStill need it, because otherwise you can't drop tests from the queues, if britney only consults queued17:49
vorlonyes, we need it but the fact that it's json is awful17:49
juliankOr I need to find force-skiptest hints before looking at scheduling tests17:49
julianki.e. when scheduling a test, search force-skiptest hint (and cache that)17:50
andersson1234ah, okay, gotcha, thought u were talking about a-u-c, ignore me :)17:50
vorlonevery time britney schedules a test and there's an upload of a new version before the test result comes in, you get an orphaned entry17:50
juliankthen you can do force-skiptest followed by dequeuing17:50
juliankand britney sees force-skiptest and doesn't queue any tests despite having no state of what it has queued itself17:50
vorlonso autopkgtest-pending.json grows without bounds, except for when I once a cycle delete it while britney is quiesced17:50
juliankDoes that sound reasonable? force-skiptest not queueing any tests?17:51
juliankIt can be a bit expensive17:51
vorloneh I'm not going to spend the thought on that question right now17:51
vorlonthere's armhf to squash17:51
dokojbicha: gst-python1.0 ftbfs, test failures. Debian added an extra b-d on pygobject >= 3.48.1-1.1. that's a version we don't have17:51
juliankI can make britney garbage collect the pending tests too :)17:51
vorlondoko: there's an open update-excuse bug about this17:52
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Launchpad bug 2057836 in pygobject (Ubuntu) "gst-python1.0 fails to build: test failures" [High, Triaged]17:52
vorlonI know because gst-python is in the list of packages I just removed armhf binaries for, and is built in -proposed on at least one arch (riscv64 because nocheck)17:52
vorlonjuliank: I don't want britney to garbage collect, I want a GC to be able to run in parallel17:52
vorlonby, you know, having a database allowing multiple writers17:53
vorloninstead of a json file that's a dump of britney's brain every minute17:53
vorlonanyway, the round of armhf binary removals from release pocket is done, and 12 bugs left to file against the missing armhf binaries in -proposed17:54
tsimonq2_CD image lubuntu/noble/daily-live failed to build on 20240325 - FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/www/full/mantic/source/20231011.1'17:54
tsimonq2_uh wat17:54
=== tsimonq2_ is now known as tsimonq2
vorlongood question17:56
vorlonI did some nuking of old source builds over the weekend17:57
vorlonthat particular path was a symlink I used to try to hack up building source images for mantic after they were oopsed out of existence17:58
vorlonso that I could republish them to full/releases/mantic/release/source17:58
vorlonhave dropped the symlink now17:58
juliankAh damn I think I wrote the britney <-> queued integration now, but I should ook at it when actually awake and filled with carbs: https://code.launchpad.net/~juliank/britney/+git/britney2-ubuntu/+merge/46304917:59
juliank(hence still WIP)17:59
mwhudsonvorlon, juliank, doko: please let me know where i should focus my attention today18:00
juliankyes queued.json containing nested json in a string is funny18:00
juliankI'll defer to vorlon18:00
juliankmwhudson: I'll defer to vorlon18:00
mwhudson(once i've had coffee and breakfast and done the school run)18:00
juliankI didn't have breakfast and I worked for 9 hours18:01
juliankor lunch18:01
juliankok I had a banana18:01
vorlonmwhudson: general guidance I gave this morning, in the absence of any specific urgent delegations from me, is to treat it as one big +1 maintenance exercise now for packages uploaded < 25 days ago18:01
vorlonI am hoping to have the underbrush cleared within a couple of hours on glib2.0 specifically18:02
vorlonto be able to recommend specifics18:02
* juliank is mostly doing sidequests of anaylsing and fixing infrastructure18:02
vorlonwhy does update_output_notest now list ada crap that wasn't there yesterday18:03
vorlonmwhudson: ^^ maybe you can answer me that18:03
mwhudsonall the ada stuff is broken on armhf but i thought doko had removed18:03
tsimonq2vorlon: thanks :) kicking off a Lubuntu retry to confirm18:03
vorlonwell the list of new uninstallables on arm64 is now:18:03
vorlon    * arm64: edubuntu-desktop, edubuntu-desktop-minimal, edubuntu-desktop-raspi, gdm3, gnome, gnome-core, gnome-remote-desktop, gnome-shell, gnome-shell-extension-alphabetical-grid, gnome-shell-extension-manager, gnome-shell-extension-prefs, gnome-shell-pomodoro, ibus-tests, libadasockets12-dev, libcoq-iris, libgmpada12-dev, libgnatcoll-gmp21-dev, libgnatcoll-iconv21-dev, libgnatcoll-lzma4-dev,18:03
vorlonand none of the ada stuff was there yesterday18:03
vorlonlibgnatcoll-omp3-dev, libgnatcoll-postgres3-dev, libgnatcoll-python3-2-dev, libgnatcoll-readline21-dev, libgnatcoll-sql5-dev, libgnatcoll-sqlite21-dev, libgnatcoll-syslog5-dev, libgnatcoll-xref22-dev, libgnatcoll-zlib4-dev, libgnatcoll21-dev, libgnatprj10-dev, libmutter-13-0, libplplotada5-dev, librust-libslirp-dev, librust-ripcalc-dev, librust-transmission-client-dev, librust-zbus-1-dev,18:03
vorlonlibsoup-3.0-tests, libtemplates-parser16-dev, libxmlada-dom12-dev, libxmlada-input12-dev, libxmlada-sax12-dev, libxmlada-schema12-dev, libxmlada-unicode12-dev, ubuntu-desktop, ubuntu-desktop-minimal, ubuntu-desktop-raspi, ubuntu-gnome-desktop, vanilla-gnome-desktop18:03
vorlonmwhudson: so run that to ground?18:03
vorlonbecause it's a blocker even if we add armhf to broken arches18:04
mwhudsonvorlon: ok18:04
NotEickmeyerOof, the raspi world broke.18:04
=== NotEickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer
vorlonand it looks like mutter regressed in migratability18:05
vorlonactually it progressed and now other things are broken?18:07
vorlonbecause this is an ABI change, yeah18:07
vorlondoko: ^ I'm not sure why you uploaded mutter, nothing on my side said it was a blocker for getting glib2.0 unstuck. I'm going to block it in britney now so we can calculate an upgrade without it18:08
=== gusnan_ is now known as gusnan
dokovorlon: libcanberra t6418:12
vorlondoko: ok18:12
mwhudsonvorlon: oh the ada nonsense is because britney is trying to migrate gnat18:13
vorlondoko: I'm not sure if we should trigger rebuilds now of the mutter revdeps or if we should remove their armhf binaries from release pocket; do you have time to analyze this in the next couple of hours? If not I'll look at it at some point today18:13
dokothe ada armhf binaries are removed, those that don't build18:13
vorlonmwhudson: shall I block that too?18:13
juliankI'll go paste the corrected queue count with duplicates and obsoletes removed and triggers merged:18:13
juliankamd64 input: 7722 output: 747418:13
julianki386 input: 797 output: 26818:13
juliankppc64el input: 448 output: 36518:13
julianks390x input: 430 output: 35918:13
juliankarm64 input: 1046 output: 87318:13
juliankarmhf input: 0 output: 018:14
mwhudsonvorlon: i think so, i don't think gnat is entangled in t64 stuff18:14
vorlonmwhudson: done18:14
juliankI've asked for i386 to run a merge again so the queue is not at almost 3 times the real size, which should help, even if the current britney run still queues again18:15
juliankbut this way i386 should be done soon18:15
juliankmore space for amd6418:16
mwhudsonright caffeine18:16
dokomwhudson: I don't think gnat blocking is needed. and it's entangled via plplot18:16
mwhudsondoko: libadasockets12-dev depends on gnat (<< 13), gnat (>= 12),18:17
vorlondoko: it's not entangled18:17
vorlonon !armhf18:17
vorlonwhich is the priority18:17
vorlonwe can rip out arbitrary quantities of non-ubuntu-core armhf packages from the release pocket to unblock the transition18:17
dokomwhudson: libadasockets12-dev is gone18:18
dokovorlon: I'm not sure what you're asking about mutter. why extra test triggers?18:19
vorlondoko: trigger rebuilds, I said nothing about test triggers18:22
vorlondoko: mutter can now migrate, but it breaks its revdeps on !armhf because of abi change18:22
vorlonhave you already scheduled builds for these?18:22
dokono, can do18:22
vorlondoko: but the question is *should we* right now or should we just remove armhf binaries18:22
vorlonbecause we can block mutter and remove armhf binaries, or we can unblock mutter but then its revdeps have to all be rebuilt on !armhf18:23
vorlonso there's a decision to make18:23
dokoI'll do the uploads first18:23
juliankcan we just calculate the minimal set we need for core and rip out *everything* else18:24
vorlonjuliank: that risks having to rebootstrap more stuff so no18:24
vorlonand if you mean "demote everything to proposed and let britney sort it out" also no ;)18:25
vorlontelling britney to let armhf break in the release pocket really is the shortest path when we get to this point18:26
juliankI can't wait until we see the real test queue throughput with next britney run18:28
vorloncoq-iris uploaded, looks like it was the last straggler dependency of libcoq18:28
vorlon(transitive dep)18:28
juliankno more interference with requeuing will be nice :)18:28
vorlonummm more rust uninstallables than there were before, including librust-libslirp-dev, which juliank will recognize18:29
vorlonso what did I miss with my previous removals18:29
vorlonrust-zbus-1 != rust-zbus, maybe that's it18:29
juliankI don't remember anymore the rust-libslirp18:30
vorlonanyway, nothing particularly interesting here, I'll recurse the revdeps and throw them out18:30
vorlonjuliank: this was the rust-nix thing :)18:30
vorlonI said hey why is that on your list when I already threw it out18:31
vorlonwell apparently I didn't throw it out18:31
juliankvorlon: no wonder we don't see progress on amd64 and i386; britney is (for the last time just now) scheduling 200 duplicate tests on i386 every run18:34
vorlonwell let me just delete those all18:34
juliankabove it was 797->26818:34
julianknow it's i386 input: 964 output: 26818:35
juliankvorlon: I think tim wanted to merge again but maybe deleting them all is fine too, I don't think we got any new uploads on i386 today?18:35
juliankin the last hours anyway18:35
vorlonwe can sort that later18:36
juliankThe other architectures only get 30-40 duplicate tests per run which is more decent18:36
vorlonchances of us being delayed by amd64 test queue not being completed >> chances of us being delayed by a couple of i386 tests that we can schedule by hand in a different queue in a couple hours18:36
vorlon979 requests deleted from queue18:37
vorlonafk food18:37
juliankI think britney went through every test 18 times already18:37
juliank(on i386)18:37
juliankI'm waiting for my rice cooker but should get some more cabbage18:37
schopinvorlon: I'd like to upload a new glibc soon-ish (assuming the PPA build goes fine it should be ready), I'm guessing you'd like me to delay until after wednesday (and/or whenever the amd64 autopkgtest thing has been sorted)?18:37
juliankBest after beta at this point18:38
julianksorry schopin18:39
schopinI was hoping you wouldn't say that :/18:40
schopinOh well, c'est la vie.18:40
* Eickmeyer about ready to find cdimage and throw it19:45
EickmeyerToday's cron job of Ubuntu Studio isn't showing, iso tracker pointing to it but 40419:45
mwhudsonvorlon: i guess the current update_output_notest.txt is from a run that started before you blocked gnat?19:50
vorlonmwhudson: would be yes19:50
vorlonschopin, juliank: I'm ok with new glibc after Wednesday, depending.  It's not too late according to our traditional beta schedule19:51
vorlonmwhudson: only barely; timestamp says generated at 18:39 and I left for food at 18:37, so basically a race.  but also I'm not sure a notest run updates the hints directory19:52
vorlonmwhudson: ok so one other thing in the notest output that I still do not have any clue about is the ros uninstallabilities (libdiagnostic-aggregator1d)20:23
vorlonI cannot reproduce this with update-output-helper + chdist apt20:24
vorlonso let's see20:25
vorlon1) let me land update-output-helper in ubuntu-archive-tools since I've gotten no further feedback on my MP; I ultimately want it in ubuntu-dev-tools but let's at least get it somewhere slightly visible20:26
vorlon2) let me dump you commands showing how I run things20:26
mwhudsonvorlon: eh some of these things regress uninstallability on armhf, some on power? that seems odd20:27
vorlonmwhudson: so if you are (or someone else is) game to look at this: get a current lp:ubuntu-archive-tools (I just pushed), then run:20:27
vorlon$ wget -O - -q https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/proposed-migration/update_output_notest.txt | sed -n -E -e'/trying:.*glib2.0/ { s, -[-a-z0-9.]+/[a-z0-9]+,,g; s/trying: //; s/ /\n/g; p; q }' > /tmp/glib2.0-transition.txt20:27
vorlon$ ARCH=ppc64el update-output-helper -u20:28
vorlon$ update-output-helper -f /tmp/glib2.0-transition.txt20:28
vorlon$ chdist -d "/home/vorlon/.cache/brapt" apt u-a-h install libdiagnostic-aggregator1d20:28
vorlonbehold the lack of failure20:28
vorlon(the sed command, for the morbidly curious, finds the first entry in u-o-notest that includes glib2.0; deletes all references to binary package removals, which are meaningless to update-output-helper and can't be processed; convert the rest of the list into a one-source-per-line file)20:30
mwhudson    - splitting the component into single items and retrying them20:30
mwhudsondoes this ever help?20:30
vorlonlol I have no idea20:30
liushuyuHi ubuntu-release, what is the status of this FFe? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rustc/+bug/205298520:32
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Launchpad bug 2052985 in rustc (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Upgrade Rust to 1.76.0" [Medium, Incomplete]20:32
mwhudsonvorlon: so libdiagnostic-aggregator1d in proposed depends on libroscpp4d which comes from ros-ros-common but i don't know if that's relevant20:32
mwhudson(britney isn't trying to migrate ros-ros-common)20:33
mwhudsoner depends on libroscpp4dt64'20:33
mwhudsonoh ros-ros-comm20:34
dokomwhudson: it's dep-wait. synced dh-ros20:36
mwhudsondoko: well ok, still doesn't explain why britney thinks migrating the blob it's currently trying to migrate will make these packages uninstallable20:45
mwhudsonvorlon: what do lines like -libmysql++3v5/amd64 mean in update_output / /tmp/glib2.0-transition.txt ?20:46
dokomwhudson: because ros-diagnostics isn't yet rebuilt against ros-ros-comm20:46
mwhudsondoko: right! but britney isn't trying to migrate any ros things20:47
vorlonmwhudson: they mean that my regexp failed to remember + was a valid char and filter them out20:48
vorlonsurprised that update-output-helper didn't choke on this20:48
mwhudsonvorlon: i'm confused maybe britney wasn't trying to migrate gnat after all?20:53
mwhudsonfor some inexplicable reason dealing with this file containing lines 100s of ks long is a bit confusing20:53
vorlonmwhudson: you may have raced; current https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/proposed-migration/update_output_notest.txt shows no gnat noise20:54
vorlon    * ppc64el: edubuntu-desktop, edubuntu-desktop-minimal, libcoq-iris, libdiagnostic-aggregator-dev, libdiagnostic-aggregator-tools, libdiagnostic-aggregator1d, libmrpt-ros1bridge-dev, libpcl-ros-dev, libpcl-ros-io0d, librosbag-dev, librosbag-storage-dev, librosbag-storage4d, librosbag4d, librust-libslirp-dev, librust-ripcalc-dev, librust-transmission-client-dev, librust-zbus-1-dev, librviz-dev,20:54
vorlonlibsoup-3.0-tests, mrpt-apps, numptyphysics, pcl-ros-tools, python3-rosbag, ubuntu-desktop, ubuntu-desktop-minimal, ubuntu-gnome-desktop20:54
mwhudsonno i was just confused still20:55
mwhudsonoh i may have made glib2.0-transition.txt out of a different version than i was looking at20:56
vorlonyeah that's the race I meant :)20:56
vorlonremoved rust-isahc, rust-transmission-client20:59
dokojamespage: watcher is openstack related, ftbfs in proposed. could be removed21:05
dokotillkamppeter: please could you have a look at pappl-retrofit? ftbfs in proposed21:13
mwhudsonvorlon: well i'm completely confused too on why u-o-h and britney disagree on this too21:16
mwhudsonvorlon: i suppose it could be some kind of britney bug but ehhh21:16
vorlonmwhudson: librosbag-storage4d might be the easiest one to walk and figure out, it "only" wants to install 110 packages21:18
vorlone-d-s i386 nbs removal from -proposed should unblock gnome-shell21:19
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: qemu (mantic-proposed/main) [1:8.0.4+dfsg-1ubuntu3.23.10.4 => 1:8.0.4+dfsg-1ubuntu3.23.10.5] (ubuntu-server, virt)21:23
mwhudsonvorlon: could it be the attempts britney is making to remove libtinyxml2-9?21:27
mwhudsonthe ros bits depend on that21:27
arraybolt3ubuntu-release: Any chance someone could look over this FFe? It's a trivial config file change to enable a feature that is already in Lubuntu and is just being bugfixed. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/calamares-settings-ubuntu/+bug/205606121:27
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Launchpad bug 2056061 in calamares-settings-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "FFe: Calamares customize menu" [Undecided, New]21:27
arraybolt3tsimonq2: ^21:28
mwhudsonvorlon: yes i think that's it. but why is britney trying to do that??21:29
mwhudsonit's nbs but well21:29
vorlonok do I need to try to figure out how to block a removal21:32
vorlonI'm not sure britney allows that21:32
vorlonmwhudson: ok well I've added a hint to try to block it but I honestly have no idea if britney will respect that21:36
vorlonif it doesn't then I guess we're stuck on being able to zero out notest. I could switch it to show *only* armhf uninstallables but that would also not be ideal21:36
vorlononce we're ready to go, it's straightforward to force things through and just let the ros stuff be broken for a bit21:37
mwhudsonvorlon: yeah i mean force things through let britney delete the nbs tinyxml packages and then republish them?21:38
vorlonoh I could just delete these packages from the release pocket because there are fixes in -proposed, yeah21:38
mwhudsonyes or that21:38
vorlonor maybe I just delete them entirely because upstream wants them not shipped in 24.0421:39
vorlonahhh but rosbag is from ros-ros-comm which has a billion revdeps, so for now we'll resort to binary removals21:40
vorlonoh hey, and amd64 view, that's useful (only way to see regressions in arch: all installability)21:55
mwhudsonand all the oem kernels?21:57
vorlonthe metapackages21:58
vorlonfrom 20.0421:58
vorlonwhich probably just need axed21:58
vorlonI'm looking at intel-opencl-icd which needs a sourceful fix, do you want to look at the metapackages?21:59
vorlonflask, quart is known (just blocked by flask-babel retest)22:01
vorlonactually those are arch: all and tested on other archs already which I should have noticed before, so skiptesting flask22:01
vorlonmwhudson: ok I'm removing linux-tools-generic-hwe-22.04 linux-generic-hwe-22.04 linux-modules-iwlwifi-generic-hwe-22.04 linux-image-generic-hwe-22.04linux-headers-generic-hwe-22.04 from the release pocket which means there's no *regression* in installability anymore22:08
mwhudsonvorlon: sorry, which metapackages?22:08
vorlonmwhudson: "the oem kernels" - it's not any kernels it's all metapackages22:09
vorlonbecause of incomplete deprecation22:09
vorlonI pinged ppisati_ (and now here as well) to fix this in a future upload22:09
dokovorlon: ros-diagnostics built22:09
mwhudsonoh i see22:09
vorlondoko: ok.  I am totally indifferent to ros packages at this point and will throw them out as needed, however :)22:10
vorlon(already threw out ros-diagnostics)22:10
vorlonso, everything showing on the current notest report for amd64 now has a resolution in flight.  going afk for a bit22:11
mwhudson    * s390x: libcoq-iris, libocct-data-exchange-7.6, libocct-draw-7.6, libocct-ocaf-7.6, libocct-visualization-7.6, librust-transmission-client-dev, libsoup-3.0-tests22:53
mwhudsoni haven't seen some of these before...22:53
dokotonight I gave back some stuck builds, one or two coq-* packages were among these22:55
mwhudsonhmm flask fun22:56
vorlonmwhudson: I skiptested flask, it should be resolved soon?23:20
vorlonmwhudson: the occt stuff seemed to be s390x-specific23:20
mwhudsonvorlon: seems very close then?23:21
vorlon(I did see it once before, don't remember having followed up)23:21
vorlonah yes occt was another one I couldn't reproduce with u-a-h23:27
vorlon(I should fix the chdist name)23:27
vorlonoho there we go, Note, selecting 'libocct-data-exchange-7.6t64' instead of 'libocct-data-exchange-7.6'23:28
vorlonok so the issue comes down to the opencascade libraries which would be newly NBS after migration also being uninstallable because of a strict versioned dep on occt-misc.  so in the short term I'll just remove these binaries from the release pocket increasing uninstallability count23:34
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