[12:53] * zxmpi fires up brother laser printer for first time in 6 months and prints 15 pages. shuts it down and it awaits it's next print job. [14:10] at least it's not a Tuesday [14:11] * penguin42 just had a flat bed scanner open on the bench; it has a 'stripe' down it - there's some corrosion on one of the mirrors; https://cdn.mastodon.org.uk/media_attachments/files/112/151/931/765/856/229/original/661a239451409d36.jpg [14:12] I cleaned that off with iso, but there's still a visible stripe which is like a difference in brightness [14:20] people still use scanners? [14:33] well, I did; I've got a pile of 6x4 prints that I need to ingest at some point, I guess the other way would be to mount a camera [19:38] they don't fit down one side of the mark? :) [21:13] daftykins: Alas no [21:14] doh! [21:23] actually, I should triple check that, but I don't think so - failing that I'm going to see if my prehistoric parallel port scanner works; I should eBay something [21:47] well hmm, actually a 4x6 will fit, turned thataway [21:52] \o/ [22:15] it does an impressively high res - albeit at USB1.1 speed [22:18] ooh ouch - perhaps there's a good happy medium of DPI [22:56] yeh at 300dpi/8bit depth it runs continously, at 2400dpi/14bit depth it does a few mm and then thinks about it ... and takes about 5mins