
=== ken is now known as Guest9421
=== Guest9421 is now known as hadoken
hadokenhi, I have steam (deb package version) installed on ubuntu and some games freeze running full screen, but run perfectly fine windowed, why is that?00:13
hadokenI had uninstalled the snap version of steam thinking it was the problem but same thing happens with the official deb version of steam00:13
hadokenmy pc specs are amd fx 8350, geforce gtx 1080, 16gb ddr3 ram00:17
rboxsounds like something you should talk to valve about00:18
hadokenbut does nobody else have this issue? Seems like this issue is as common is it can get, I have proton enabled but when I run the game full screen it runs at like 1 frame per 10 minutes but if I window it, runs perfectly.00:20
hadokenI just really want to run games full screen like on windows instead of having them windowed00:21
rboxthat "some" games have issues?00:21
hadokenso is the issue at a per-game basis?00:21
hadokenwell, I figured00:21
hadokenbut even while checing protodb, while the game says it has full compatibility, results still vary (at least on ubuntu, I'm sure they run perfectly on steam deck)00:22
hadokenthis is such a weird quirk to have00:25
hadokenrunning on ubuntu 22,04,0400:25
rboxthat not every game works perectly?00:28
rboxthats weird?00:28
hadokenlike I said, it's 100% fully compatible with proton, but it seems to be an ubuntu thing where you run something full screen and it freezes. It shouldn't be happening00:32
hadokenhttps://steamcommunity.com/app/388210/discussions/0/365172547957969635// seems like this issue has been happening since 2016, jesus christ01:48
JanCthat bug was fixed in 2016, so I'm sure it's not the same02:28
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AscavasaionI ran a do-release-upgrade, and left it running. While I was away the screensaver kicked in, and when I try to log in now it will not request a password and informs me that I am locked out. The upgrade is not complete, so I do not know what to do now.03:06
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Bashing-omAscavasaion: How about seeing what can be done from the recovery console from grub's boot menu ? dpkg   -> repair broken packages.03:10
AscavasaionBashing-om: Um, I don't know... the upgrade is still active, the screensaver has locked me out.03:11
JanCyou should always run commands like that in screen/tmux03:19
Bashing-omAscavasaion: Sorry - here I am at a loss - got to get to a terminal somewhere and I do not know that from the login screen one can activate a terminal :(03:19
JanCCtrl+Alt+F3 or so03:19
tomreyndo-release-upgrade (at least in server mode) starts a backup SSH session on port 1022 and a backup GNU screen session (if you have GNU screen installed).03:22
tomreynsudo screen -list03:23
tomreynsudo screen -d -r (name of the session printed by above command)03:23
AscavasaionBashing-om: Exactly my problem. I do not know how to jump to a terminal, and then figure out a way to 'capture' or log into the session that is running the upgrade.03:23
ubottuTo get to the TTY terminals 3-6, use the keystroke Ctrl + Alt + F3-F6 respectively. Ctrl-Alt-F2 or Ctrl-Alt-F1 will get you back to your graphical login (Ctrl-Alt-F7 on 16.04). To change TTY resolution, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution03:24
JosephurI wonder if TTY was meant to be pronounced titty :P03:25
Ascavasaiontomreyn: I did what you suggested, logged in, and I see that screen is not installed.03:26
tomreynAscavasaion: then i assume your only option to continue from where you  left off would be to either replace the gnome shell (will only work if running Xorg, not wayland), or to use https://packages.ubuntu.com/reptyr with the -T option03:30
Ascavasaiontomreyn: reptyr is not installed, and if I try sudo apt install reptyr I get told that I am locked out of it by a session (the one running the do-release-upgrade I presume).03:33
tomreynyou could install it manually, as described int he first answer here (make sure to pick the correct download link for your ubuntu release, this one is for 18.04 LTS) https://askubuntu.com/questions/1201705/resume-do-release-upgrade-after-screen-terminated03:34
tomreynnote that this approach does not verify that the reptyr package you download is authentic.03:36
Ascavasaiontomreyn: Would I have to hard reboot it to do this? I am worried that doing that will lock me out of the computer completely, as in the terminal I got to with Ctrl+Alt+F3 was riddled with errors.03:36
tomreynno, you would have to not reboot to do this03:37
tomreynif you see a lot of error messages on tty3 this suggests that there can be worse issues than just loosing control to do-release-upgrade03:38
tomreyndepends on the error messages, though, some could be benign03:39
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Ascavasaiontomreyn: I think the errors are exactly because the release upgrade is not finished. Well, that is what I summise.03:40
tomreyna hard reboot is indeed the worst choice you could make at this point, even a soft reboot would be better, but not advisable for now.03:40
JosephurWhat happened you started an upgrade from a gui gnome session?03:41
Josephurreptyr should get the job done03:41
AscavasaionJosephur: Yes, I op-ened a terminal in GUI and typed sudo do-release-upgrade. I then left it to run, and when I came back to check on its progress the screensaver had kicked in. Where it usually prompts for screensaver password it only showed login name, and does not give me the usual field where I enter my password.03:43
Josephuroh bother03:43
JosephurYeah install reptyr manually as suggested, should get you somewhere03:44
tomreynif you're on gnome-shell on Xorg, running, as your restricted user (unless when using nvidia proprietary driver, i assume),    gnome-shell -r    would be the easier approach - assuming that the desktop is currently in a workable state.03:47
Ascavasaiontomreyn: I have downloaded the reptyr package and typed in ar x reptyr_0.6.2-1.2_amd64.deb it returns to the command line (success I presume). I do not understand what the poster on the link you sent me means by "Inside, data.tar.gz is extracted, then inside the new usr/bin folder was a file called reptyer.".03:47
tomreyncheck what's in the directoy now, what was extracted by ar03:48
Ascavasaiontomreyn: No gnome-shell installed that I can see.03:48
tomreynwhich ubuntu version adn variant is this?03:49
Ascavasaiontomreyn: Am I supposed to decompress the data.tar.gz file?03:50
tomreynyou should have extracted a control.tar.gz and data.tar.gz file. running    tar xzf data.tar.gz   would provide the reptyr binary03:50
Ascavasaiontomreyn: lsb_release gives 20.04.6 LTS03:51
tomreyni see, that's probably where you upgraded *from*03:52
Ascavasaiontomreyn: Yes, definitely the release I was upgrading from. I saw the 20 on the desktop wallpaper ealrier.03:53
Ascavasaiontomreyn: xzf not installed it says.03:53
AscavasaionI missed the trat part03:53
Ascavasaiontar xzf data.tar.gz  returns message saying that it is not in gzip format.03:55
arraybolt3gzip -d data.tar.gz && tar -xf data.tar   ?03:58
tomreynoh it's .xz04:00
arraybolt3unxz data.tar.xz && tar -xf data.tar04:01
tomreynor   tar xJvf data.tar.xz04:01
arraybolt3how on earth do you remember all these esoteric tar commands :P04:01
* arraybolt3 is really bad at remembering the syntax for two things in Linux - tar, and rsync04:02
tomreyni'm bad at rsync, but use tar occasionally04:02
AscavasaionThis worked - unxz data.tar.xz && tar -xf data.tar - thank you.04:02
* Ascavasaion chuckles... Now I need to figure out the PID hehe Have run htop... Am I looking for the terminal I ran in the GUI, or am I looing for the do-release-upgrade I ran within that terminal?04:04
tomreynthe bash shell which is a child process of the terminal emulator, or the do-release-upgrade process04:06
tomreynpstree may help identifying it, or pgrep -a .04:09
AscavasaionThere are two... 2041 and 23289 (I think). but neither reptyr -T 2041 or reptyr -T 232289 did anything.04:09
tomreynyou'll need sudo. make sure you know the exact pid, not one of two possibly matching.04:10
AscavasaionThe two PIDs above are identical and are listed in htop as (let me type this across from the other computer) "/usr/bin/python3 -s /tmp/ubuntu-release-upgrader-517bvyin/jammy --mode=server --frontend=DistUpgradeViewText"04:12
tomreynpstree -hps 2041     and    pstree -hps 23289      would show their process trees04:14
tomreynit's puzzling me why there would be two of those running, though04:15
tomreynworst case you can rebind one to tty3 and the other to tty4, though04:16
tomreyn(switching back and forth between them using ctrl-alt-f3 and -f4, logging in on each, and running reptyr on each (with different pids)04:17
tomreynoften, the one with the lower pid is the one started earlier.04:18
AscavasaionNot sure how to interpret the two outputs from pstree, but they both have the same top line, but the smaller PID has 5 'branches' below it, whilst the bigger PID has 0 'branches'.04:22
AscavasaionSilly thought perhaps, but could the second one be when the GUI pops up automatic notifications for upgrades and updates, and the smaller one be the one I ran?04:24
tomreynyou're looking at a process hierachy, the first process listed in a line spawned the child process lested next to it, and so on.04:24
tomreynthe automatic one should not say --mode=server (and actually i don't think that would use do-release-upgrade at all)04:25
tomreyni assume the first one is the one you want04:25
tomreynlower pid04:25
AscavasaionLet me try the first one then... here goes.. the 2041 one.04:26
Ascavasaioncommand not found.04:29
AscavasaionBut I did the sudo chmod +x reptyr04:29
tomreynyou need to specify the full path to reptyr04:30
tomreynrelative or absolute04:30
tomreynif you're in the same directory the binary reptyr is in, you still need to use    sudo ./reptyr ...04:31
Ascavasaionwhen done as my standard user with sudo as I normally do with 'restricted' actions it gives permission denied. I then did a sudo -s and then tried again and it still said permission denied.04:33
tomreynwhat's the command you ran, what's your current working directory (run "pwd" to tell) and which directory is reptyr in?04:34
AscavasaionExact message is "Unable to attach to pid 2041 : Permission Denied"04:34
tomreynrun sudo without -s04:35
tomreynwhat to learn from this experience? don't run the server updater utility on a desktop, in a terminal emulator. and run it through a teminal multiplexer, which it will do by itself if you have gnu screen installed, so consider installing this.04:38
Ascavasaionsudo ./usr/bin/reptyr -T 2041 scrolls up one line and then waits.04:38
AscavasaionConsider installing gnome-screen you mean? In future I presume?04:39
tomreynGNU screen04:39
tomreynthe terminal multiplexer04:40
tomreyntry pressing question mark and hitting enter now04:40
Ascavasaion? and return does nothing but scroll up one line.04:40
tomreynif this does nothing then leave this tty alone and login to tty4 and retry there with the other PID04:41
tomreynctrl-alt-f4, login, sudo ./usr/bin/reptyr -T 23228904:42
Ascavasaion"Operation not permitted"04:42
tomreynmight be a namespace issue, hard to tell without all the details.04:46
tomreynif you can't get this to work then your best option may be to sudo kill (-1, -3 or -6) the running dpkg process and then to follow some guide to recover a failed release upgrade04:46
tomreynor reinstall, after backing up what you haven't backed up yet04:47
tomreynAscavasaion: i'll have to move on, but try egtting help from someone else with this if you like.04:47
Ascavasaiontomreyn: I understand... Thank you for trying.04:48
tomreynyou're welcome04:48
AscavasaionIs this a bug with the upgrade? I mean, I have done this before without issues.04:48
AscavasaionHave a good one tomreyn04:49
tomreynit's a bug with the user04:49
tomreyn<tomreyn> what to learn from this experience? don't run the server updater utility on a desktop, in a terminal emulator. and run it through a teminal multiplexer, which it will do by itself if you have gnu screen installed, so consider installing this.04:49
Ascavasaiontomreyn: HAHA! Ouch.04:49
tomreynon a server, you would already have 'screen' installed. and on a desktop, you would not run --mode=server, i think04:50
AscavasaionNow to get back to GUI, seeing that Ctrl_Alt+F1 and Ctrl+Alt+F2 do nothing but give me new terminal login screens04:50
tomreynanyways, good luck04:51
AscavasaionThank you very much.04:51
=== diogeness_ is now known as diogeness
Ascavasaiontomreyn: Thought you might like to know. https://askubuntu.com/questions/391620/how-to-resume-release-upgrade helped me to fix and complete the crashed do-release-upgrade issue I had. I had to insert one line of sudo apt --fix-broken install in there and I also did a sudo apt-get autoremove. Just thought you would like to know. Thank you again.06:17
=== sia_ is now known as isak
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zzarrHello! I have a problem, on a server I have that runs Ubuntu 20.04 I wish to upgrade to 22.04, however /boot is only have 118M available and I only have one kernel installed, the upgrade require more than 118M on the /boot partition08:15
zzarrMaking things worse is that the / partition begins directly after /boot08:16
zzarrIs there a way to move / in order to free up space to grow /boot?08:17
akikzzarr: /boot can also be located under your / fs08:18
zzarrakik, can I move it? (I don't have physical access to the machine)08:20
akikzzarr: move the partition?08:20
akikzzarr: you can first try what it says if you try to "sudo umount /boot" and maybe "sudo umount /boot/efi" before that08:21
zzarrakik, sorry, I meant move the files from the partition /boot to the folder /boot08:21
akikzzarr: this is of course risky if you haven't tested it before08:22
zzarrI have not tested it before08:22
akikzzarr: are you able to umount /boot/efi and /boot ?08:23
zzarrI wonder, could I mount /boot in another location and / in yet another location and then move the files before doing anything more?08:23
akikthis is so risky i wouldn't do it now08:24
zzarrakik, there's no /boot/efi, yes /boot is unmounted08:24
akikzzarr: so it's booting in bios mode?08:24
zzarrakik, it's a "cloud vm" I don't know what system it's on08:25
rolandh1992Hi all, looking into music production software for ubuntu could anyone recommend software or a group thanks?08:25
akikzzarr: sudo ls /sys/firmware/efi08:25
zzarrakik, but that would be my guess too08:25
akikrolandh1992: ubuntu studio08:26
zzarrakik, no such file...08:26
akikrolandh1992: ardour works fine08:26
akikzzarr: ok seems to be booting in bios mode then08:26
zzarrakik, yepp08:26
rolandh1992Thanks alot akik08:27
zzarrakik, something came up, but I checked /boot is mounted as ext3 and / is mounted as ext408:30
akikzzarr: it doesn't matter08:30
mcphailrolandh1992: you can also use Reaper, which you may be familiar with from other operating systems08:31
akikzareem: i can't be 100% certain if this works but i'd do it like this: sudo -i; mount /boot; mkdir /boot_new; copy everything from /boot to /boot_new; umount /boot; rmdir /boot; mv /boot_new /boot; then grub-install and update-grub08:31
akikzzarr: that was of course for you :)08:31
zzarrthanks akik now I have a way forward08:31
akikzzarr: you need to provide grub-install with the correct options08:31
akikzzarr: probably: grub-install --boot-directory=/boot /dev/sdX (your storage device)08:33
akikmight be vdX08:33
akikyou can see it with lsblk or fdisk -l08:33
zzarrakik, yes, I have done something like this before, but it was on a hobby machine not a server for a company, thanks a lot for the help, I will have to read up on grub-install and other things08:33
zzarrakik, the disk is called /dev/xvda08:34
akikzzarr: i wouldn't do it if a company is using it for their business08:34
zzarrakik, I will talk to my foreman08:35
akikzzarr: i mean, arrange a service break for it and ensure you have backups08:35
zzarrI have to go to a meeting, akik yes I will, thanks again08:36
ice9disabling ipv6 in sysctl.conf didn't work, but applying 'ipv6.disable=1' to kernel boot parameters did it, why is that? that's 23.1009:12
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BluesKajHi all12:15
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utsweetyfishgrub 2.12 with secure boot seems starts to verify fonts' sig14:58
utsweetyfish`loadfont' errors with `prohibited by secure boot policy'14:59
leftyfbutsweetyfish: disable secure boot15:00
utsweetyfishleftyfb: no15:00
leftyfboh, sorry, I assumed you wanted everything to work with no error messages15:01
utsweetyfishleftyfb: no problem! i've viewed related patches and now thinking what should a distro do in this case..15:03
utsweetyfishfor ex, should distros sign all fonts? Or, should user generate a PGP key locally and sign fonts with local key?15:05
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ice9gnucash isn't starting on 23.10, only showing it's app icon in the dock but no app window and I have to kill it in order to close it19:15
bpromptice9: how about if you run it from the terminal?  does it show any errors?19:19
bpromptice9: an option, might just be to try using the "snap" version of it19:20
ice9why clicking on app icon in the dock, doesn't reset the notification number displayed on the icon?19:23
pragmaticenigmaice9, are you running in a wayland desktop, or X11 desktop. I'm not sure the devs for GnuCash are Wayland ready yet.19:23
ice9pragmaticenigma, wayland19:23
pragmaticenigmatry it with an X11 session... I'm running across bug reports as recent as December 2023 that there are issues running under wayland19:25
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