[01:44] mmikowski: the new plasma on kubuntu 22 cant be 5.27. [01:44] the old version i am using on mint, is 5.5.5 [01:45] On 22.04, you can get 5.27 with the right repos enabled. [01:45] how can i tell which one i am running then/ [01:46] If you are very dissatisfied, then you must be running 5.24. :) [01:46] However, to be more clear, go to System Settings > About this system. [01:48] VanUnamed: Right at the top, KDE Plasma Version: 5.27.10 shows on my system. [01:49] its mint here [01:50] 4:5.5.5-0ubuntu1 [01:51] mmm, Linux Mint isn't supported here as they make a lot of changes to their OS that are not present in Kubuntu. [01:51] (or any Ubuntu flavor) [01:51] so am i running 4.5 or 5.5? [01:51] we don't generally run or develop Mint so we don't know what to expect or what problems it may have, and enabling Ubuntu repos on Mint *could* (not for sure will, but could) have issues. [01:51] You might ask about this on Linux Mint's forums? [01:51] based on the name of the package i posted [01:52] why the 4: [01:52] Not sure. That's what it says in KDE Plasma Version: ....? [01:52] cus i thought new kubuntu had 6 and i just had 5.5 [01:52] 4:5.5.5-0ubuntu1 [01:54] found [01:54] What is the whole line under Software? [01:54] KDE PLASMA VERSION 5.8.9 [01:55] see. How can be kubuntu 22 , much new distro than my mint 18 run 5.27? [01:55] So what do you want to do with it? [01:55] nothing, i just wanted to compare. this is the old one i run, and i tried the new one today. [01:55] it's on another new hdd. itll take time to configure everything [01:56] If you want to run 5.27, the simplest approach is to use the kfocus iso, but that requires a newsletter sign up. It has everything configured on install, including nvidia libs. [01:56] https://kfocus.org/try. Yes, it requires an email address. [01:56] If you want to do it yourself, you will need to do as I posted above: [01:57] add kubuntu-backports, and kubuntu-backports-extra, and upgrade. that will get you most of the way. === alucardromero9 is now known as alucardromero === VanUnamed_ is now known as VanUnamed [05:30] Did backporta added plasma6 on k*buntu 22 [05:31] Did backporta added plasma6 on k*buntu 22?? [08:18] No [10:55] I use a dual monitor setup, and i decided to tilt my secondary monitor vertically. And now in the System Settings > Display settings, i only see my tilted monitor. So i cannot adjust it you know, setting the position to be left or right etc... I only see the vertical monitor, not my horizontal :/ [11:57] Hi all [12:18] BluesKaj: Hi [12:19] sudo rm -rf /* === aleks is now known as Guest6122 === Guest6122 is now known as Azuunerr === Azuunerr is now known as Guest6122 [20:43] Hello, I am using an external authentication provider called Kanidm which has a unixd binary for it to work with pam/nss. Every time I log out or reboot, KDE only shows the local account I created on install. It does not show the account from the other auth server. Is there a way to make that show up? I think it would be the same as if I was using AD to authenticate