=== pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk === JanC_ is now known as JanC === pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk === pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk === pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk [12:57] hi all, last time I was here jbicha was saying the next LTS was supposed to be released soon, was it? do I need to wait some more and I'm too much in a rush? ;P [12:58] sgmoore: schopin have uploaded the plasma-welcome patch fix [12:58] or is the latest LTS still jammy? [12:58] bochecha: for a few weeks, yes, Jammy is still the latest LTS. [12:59] ok, so I need to wait some more then, thank you :) [12:59] 24.04 LTS is out 25th April [13:00] alright, I didn't have any date last time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [13:00] thank you very much :) [13:00] RikMills: hmm, plasma-welcome doesn't ring a bell? [13:01] schopin: ah, I have the wrong Simon ;) [14:30] arraybolt3: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qwtplot3d/0.2.7+svn191+gcc7-3build2 [14:33] arraybolt3: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/trojita/0.7-0ubuntu7/+build/27926109 (fix, or file a removal bug) [15:34] doko: thanks, will try to do Trojita [15:35] (I tried finding something that looked interesting last night and was unlucky enough to find a package that *never* built on amd64 since the time it was introduced into Ubuntu :P) [16:26] oh what is this garbage, either there's a macro somewhere gumming things up or we've hit a GCC 13 bug, those are my theories so far (looking at the trojita build failure) [16:46] @room: FYI for those who are interested, we now have an Ubuntu Release room on Matrix. https://matrix.to/#/#release:ubuntu.com IRC bridging isn't active yet, but should be in the relatively near future. We already have a port of Queuebot operating in there (written by Nils Büchner a.k.a. ravage), so you can see archive and ISO activity just like in #ubuntu-release. [17:33] arraybolt3: I don't think anybody from the release team is that matrix room so I fail to see the utility of it until bridgin is done. [17:34] bdmurray: Technically that's true, but nothing that's still being built has utility until it's finished. It won't have any utility even after bridging unless people know it exists though. [17:34] So this is kind of a "hey, something's being built, join if it looks like something you'll want to use in the future once it's ready" [17:39] Well splitting the places to have conversations 1 week before beta and 5 weeks before release seems less than ideal. [17:41] you don't have to use it if you'd rather not, when bridging is on I'll give a second notice about it. [17:41] I don't expect it to become a "secondary Ubuntu Release room" until bridging is up. Bridging should be up soon-ish though, the Matrix team is starting to test it already. [19:34] Anyone available who has insight into the deep magic of debian-cd? [19:38] In particular, I'm trying to figure out how the $PROJECT variable gets set (nothing in debian-cd itself seems to set it AFAICT). [19:39] Reason - I see some of the Ubuntu flavors use names like "ubuntu-desktop", where "desktop" is something like "mate". However, others use "ubuntudesktop" without a dash. I can't tell whether to add "ubuntuunity" or "ubuntu-unity" to one of the files here for making GRUB behave correctly. [19:43] nvm, I think I figured it out. [22:16] doko: I give up on Trojita, there's some sort of esoteric compiler failure that is beyond my comprehension going on there. If it perishes, it perishes.