
lotuspsychjegood morning03:00
=== JanC is now known as Guest6387
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
leftyfbman, there's been a HUGE uptick in ssh attacks on my servers. All of which run on non-standard ports and don't allow password auth. 14:15
pragmaticenigmaleftyfb, how do you monitor your ssh service?14:19
leftyfbI get emails for every block14:19
pragmaticenigmaoh... if I don't have that, do you have a recommendation for a log file to monitor?14:19
leftyfbthe last few nights I wake up to hundreds of emails14:19
leftyfbfail2ban already has built-in rules for ssh. You should only have to enable ssh14:20
pragmaticenigmaI don't have fail2ban... nor emails setup14:20
leftyfbsudo apt install fail2ban14:21
leftyfbyou could install something like ssmtp for outbound emails14:21
pragmaticenigma`tail -fn 500 /var/log/auth.log` seems to be enough for what I need at the moment14:22
leftyfbfail2ban automatically blocks ip's if there's too many failed logins14:22
pragmaticenigmaI'm just trying to see if I have a concern... thanks for the suggestion. I'm just going to close the port on the firewall for now14:23
leftyfbI also have it monitoring email and web logs14:23
leftyfbI wrote some custom plugins specifically for wordpress looking for attempts at vulnerabilities 14:24
leftyfbalso failed logins on the wordpress admin page14:24
pragmaticenigmaI haven't seen this aggressive of attempts to ssh since before I switched to using non-standard report... wonder what's going on14:29
pragmaticenigmathere... that should reduce my unwanted activity... only IPs from my region are allowed... not a perfect solution, but cuts out a lot of the noise15:46
pragmaticenigmanow to look into other tools15:47
oerheksSuricata ?15:57
pragmaticenigmaI'll probably go the fail2ban route like lefty16:03
oerheksyes, that should be standard nowadays.16:05
oerheksSuricata comes in mind after they break in..16:05
leftyfb"after they break in" = wipe machine and start rebuild/restore16:06
oerhekswith root login, sure.16:06
leftyfbany login16:07
leftyfbPEV's exist16:07
pragmaticenigmaindeed... if someone has gotten into the system, time to wipe and start over16:23
arraybolt3this makes me curious...18:47
arraybolt3huh, well that's alarming, I see the SSH server I'm on has plenty of attacks against it too18:49
arraybolt3people trying to log in as root, telecomadmin, test, admin1, webadmin, and some weird ones like yvonne and thomnode (? no one named either of those names uses our server)18:51
leftyfb"plenty of attacks" is normal19:02
leftyfbbut there's been a significant uptick19:03
pragmaticenigmayep... big up tick... especially when running on non-standard port being very intriguing19:04
leftyfbI changed the port on most of my servers and cut down the reports significantly 19:22
leftyfbuntil the idiots update their scripts or they have port scanners and ping my new port which feeds to their ssh attack script19:23
leftyfbusually they don't put that much effort into it though19:23
leftyfbMarch 10th looks to be the craziest for some reason19:23
pragmaticenigmamore like... once tried... why does it keep trying to get in? script kiddie no doubt19:25
pragmaticenigmapossible that this one of those a hack-as-a-service outfits ?19:26
leftyfbit's trying different user/pass combinations19:26
leftyfbthese are the number of attempts per day for this month19:27
pragmaticenigmaprobably coming from rainbow tables19:27

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