[00:13] wish there were a way to generate my own install image fr4om my working computer with all my software packages and settings set, and install that [00:13] apparently just installing ubiquity is not enough, you have to compress it into an so image properly [00:14] there used to be a tool , cubic, that can do that [00:14] but why? [00:15] because my new hp laptop will install but not boot linux. The errors I get are as follows. intel ish timed out waiting for fw. Initiating reset. Intel ish icp has failed to start. It then drops me into a busybox shelll during the initramfs boot up [00:18] some HP machines wants you to add the new uefi key as trusted. [00:18] in the bios [00:18] thanking god right now the live images of ubuntu still load and work fine or I'd have a bricked computer. I'm on it right now being able to use my computer instead of trying to reinstall windows for the tenth time, only for it to say no sound devices detected. Linux detects and works with all my hardware immediately [00:19] can you give me an idea of how to add it as trusted? I'll do it as soon as I'm done installiny linux [00:19] and check for a bios update, it could resolve many issues [00:21] I'll try checking for a bios update. Assuming it will come in only a windows package. Could use wine to run the set program though [00:23] ubuntu/could do that too, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fwupd [00:26] I love using fwupd, not sure exactly how to use it but i'll try that now [00:27] use your trusted way, windows, freedos, linux [00:27] but this project seems oke [00:29] linux is my preferred method, always. Could you give me the commands to check for a new bios update? There are two applications, fwupdtool and fwupdmgr, not sure which to use or what to tell it to do [00:32] use update tool, and let update manager run in the background [00:32] basicly [00:35] what commands do I give fwupdtool to check for new firmware updates, or does update manager automatically install new firmware? [00:36] sudo fwupdmgr refresh && sudo fwupdmgr update # would do [00:37] else you should do some research, sudo fwupdtool install-blob <.bin> [00:43] the gui firmware tool seems to indicate that there's an update to the hp system firmware but not sure how to update, so I may update from within the bios [00:48] best choice, if you ask me [05:30] hi. Doing some more research the problem seems to be a grub one. Trying to install both from a chroot and not reveals the following errors. "cannot find efi directory" when installing for x86-64-efi platform and "cannot find canonical path of /dev/sdb5" when installing for i386-pc platform. Chrooted into my linux install now updating it [05:30] for those who don't know what I'm talking about I can install linux to, but not run the installed version from, my new hp laptop. There is no bios update and enabling tpm and resetting security settings to their defaults did not fix the problem === JanC_ is now known as JanC [22:25] Hi. In Ubuntu, MATE is in the Universe repository. My understanding is Ubuntu MATE uses the same repositories as Ubuntu, so MATE in Ubuntu MATE is from Universe. Is that right? [22:26] yes [22:29] Thanks. Then the distro has a problem where security updates are not supported by Canonical. [22:31] Better off installing using Debian with MATE where it is in Main repo. [22:34] Flavours still get 3 years support