[01:23] received a response to RT from something dec-23.. I don't recall anything, but appears to be fixed (thankfully.. I don't see appearance->menus but it's probably in pages I don't touch) [01:29] guiverc: Any way you look at it - the response is good news :) [01:29] yeah... was looking at fridge for 'appearance'.. and found something else pointed to wiki, so adjusting that currently.. [01:32] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Ubuntu Blog: A deep dive into Kubeflow pipelines @ https://ubuntu.com//blog/deep-dive-kubeflow-pipelines [01:32] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Ubuntu Blog: Canonical expands Long Term Support to 12 years starting with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS @ https://ubuntu.com//blog/canonical-expands-long-term-support-to-12-years-starting-with-ubuntu-14-04-lts [01:32] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: The Fridge: Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 832 @ https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2024/03/25/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-832/ [01:33] https://fridge.ubuntu.com/submit-news/ (not very 'neat' so any suggestions welcome) [01:44] maybe should also include https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fridge/Submit (or that page added to discourse is probably better.. no idea where editor.ubuntu.news@gmail.com goes though)) [01:47] guiverc: Looks good to me as is. [01:48] * guiverc adding (& re-tweaking prior edit) [01:50] https://fridge.ubuntu.com/submit-news/ (edited & out again) [05:59] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::fridge:: Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 832 @ https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2024/03/25/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-832/ [06:56] https://ubuntu.com/blog/canonical-expands-long-term-support-to-12-years-starting-with-ubuntu-14-04-lts [07:09] guiverc: is not expanded support old news ? [07:10] i recall it was 'leaked' it would occur, but never officially announced (the finally announced being the news) [07:13] guiverc: Well - I guess is so "announced today" - as is a Canonical blog we can run it as a bulletted item. [07:15] i think it's a little bigger than that.. however if it is larger; people will write about it & thus we'll have entries in blogo etc I bet [07:16] guiverc: Sounds reasonable - we see what develops - got it marked. [07:16] given the leak (summit from memory first) it was expected (MarkS indicated prior to April we'd here official notification.. ie. 14.04 approaching EOL being why now..) [07:22] guiverc: In this event will not keep me awake - toddelling off to bed :P [07:22] sleep well :) [07:22] take care - see ya soon :D