
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
geniiHow does Noble get a dymanic IP, doesn't seem like dhclient is installed anymore02:59
geniiok, networkctl03:04
=== alucardromero9 is now known as alucardromero
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
machineneed to help with setting up ntp client09:10
blahdeblahmachine: What have you tried so far?09:30
deostrollHello world. Running an ubuntu-server in a virtualbox vm. Also running some software on it to play audio. (Wav files). Do I need to do anything on virtualbox to enable sound output?15:05
Quarkdeostroll: what drove you to pick ubuntu-server, instead of workstation?16:12
Quarkdeostroll: to address your question, I don't know. I think that's more of a VirtualBox question. Sadly, #virtualbox on Libera seems eerily quiet.16:14
minimalQuark: you mean the #vbox channel I assume, I don't see a #virtualbox channel. AFAIK the official channel is #vbox on OFTC, not Libera17:12
Quarkminimal: there is a #virtualbox channel. I am currently in it; but as I wrote, it is almost empty.17:13
Quarkminimal: thanks for mentioning #vbox!17:15
=== iliv_ is now known as iliv
deostrollOh, I was just trying something out. Anyway, I tried linux mint (desktop). On it I opened FF and visited YT and played a video. I could hear the sound. So this somewhat confirmed that pythonic play sound program would work, and, it did.17:43
deostrollSo I am assuming something is amiss in the server installation that makes programs not recognize sound cards. And, at this point, I am too afraid to ask what is that...17:45
Odd_BlokeWhat's the software you're using?  Do you have anything under /dev/snd?17:53
minimalQuark: strange, my IRC client doesn't show #virtualbox18:22
minimalQuark: anyway my point was to NOT ask in #vbox on Libera, but to ask in #vbox on OFTC18:22
minimalthere is at least one member of VB staff who is often present in #vbox on OFTC18:23
* Quark gives thumbs up.18:23
deostrollpython simpleaudio18:30

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