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JosephurHrm I need a vsftp wiz03:33
JosephurThere's 3 things I cannot figure out and can't seem to find a good tutorial for that actually works.  Any takers? :D03:33
rboxftp!? what is this, 1980?03:33
JosephurIt's still the easiest way for me to move massive web files around and manage em03:34
akikcool, age shaming is still a thing in 202403:34
rboxnot sure how that makes sense03:34
rboxbut whatever03:34
akikyou could just stop doing it03:35
JosephurHey I was trying to figure out sendmail the other day til someone said switch to postfix you pleb :P03:35
Josephurnow PHP is happily sending mail :)03:35
Josephur1) When I enable ssl it no longer accepts connections (I think the service just doesn't start) and ufw has rules set for it, 2) how to make user only be able to access their own home folder only (I don't understand vsftp chroot), and finally how to make a public_html or similar folder that links to website or websites in /srv/www where I have stored them :P03:37
rboxlinks t o website?03:38
Josephurlinks to apache sites directories basically... I'm not sure if a symlink is the way to go?03:38
Josephurdoes vsftp follow symlinks? I suppose it wouild03:39
JosephurHey at least the FTP isn't accessible via the public, only the local network, give me some credit :D03:40
JosephurI think its "man vsftp" time :P03:41
rboxnot sure how this is "easiest"03:42
devslashJosephur have you heard of tailscale03:42
JosephurI use ZeroTier One and Cloudflare Tunnels03:42
JosephurBasically a zero config vpn like tunnel similiar to tailscale03:43
devslashoh nice03:43
devslashwhat made you choose them over TS03:43
JosephurI've never used TS actually03:43
JosephurSo once I found something that worked, and worked well... I stuck with it03:44
JosephurZeroTier is free up to I want to say 50 devices or so03:44
devslashits really nice. with this, no apps are exposed to the piblic web03:44
JosephurYeah cloudflare protects any public open ports which are only http and https at the moment03:44
Josephurand it super protects any login page that may be on the web server with 2FA03:44
devslashand with TS you get 100 devices03:44
devslashdoes each device count as a node ?03:45
JosephurI think so03:45
devslashyou get 25 nodes03:46
devslashfor free03:46
JosephurYeah it might have changed, I've used it for awhile I think mine is grandfathered at 5003:46
devslashlooks cool. really similar03:46
JosephurThe only issue I have with it, is when I connect to some VPNS03:46
Josephurit makes that network unreachable03:46
Josephurhowever I think that's more a networking thing the VPN is doing than a ZeroTier problem03:47
JosephurI hope Cloudflare never decides to start charging for their Tunnels03:47
devslashwell you can only use 1 vpn at a time03:47
Josephurright now it's a free service03:47
JosephurYou install the cloudflared client on a host on your network, doesn't have to be the server you want to have public access to but it can be.  Then you make firewall rules basically allowing only certain ports etc, it can enforce https only easily, and require multiple factors of authentication to certain paths on the server, etc etc..03:49
Josephuryou dont need a public IP at all to run a web server with it03:50
akiktailscale is free foor up to 100 nodes03:50
Josephuryour DNS points to them and it automagically redirects the traffic to your inside network, and if IP changes it immediately updates03:50
Josephurit's really kinda crazy :D03:50
devslashakik yea. it just works and you can easily access docker containers over https03:52
akikdevslash: it's protocol agnostic03:52
devslashhave you used it03:52
akikyes works really nicely03:53
devslashso youve used tailscale serve/funnel03:53
akikjust the normal tailscale client03:53
akiklast time i installed it on my mother's computer in her city. now when she turns on internet access and the win11 laptop, i can access its vnc server from my home03:56
devslashyou can also set up ssh very easily03:56
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Guest87is it SAFE  here to chat07:24
Guest35Guest87 yes its safer than other chat applicaations07:45
NickHGuest87: what do you mean by "SAFE"?07:45
NickHPerhaps https://ubottu.com/y/gl (also in channel description) will provide the information you are looking for07:47
NickHGone :-/07:48
Guest35how to change nick name07:48
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machineneed help with setting up ntp09:09
CosmicDJmachine: then start asking the real questions09:12
machinei have tried to setup ntp client, however currently my ntp service status is failed09:13
machinealong with chrony09:13
machinei have edited the conf file with syntax - service <ntp server ip> prefer iburst09:14
machinetimedatectl shows ntp service inactive09:14
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Korvo84hi, new installation of ubuntu studio 2204 shows enormous system windows and text size, no way to resize and make it smaller, screen resolution is ok. even after installing tested nvidia graphic drivers, nothing changed09:23
CosmicDJmachine: it's "server pool.ntp.org" in chrony.conf; not *service*09:28
machine@CosmicDJ i have my own local ntp server and i need to sync my linux machine to that server09:29
machineand i have edited /etc/ntp.conf09:30
machinei have not touched chrony.conf till now09:30
CosmicDJmachine: also make sure you don't end up with 3 ntp running services, there could be at least chrony, systemd-timesyncd and ntpd right now09:31
machinei have installed ntp and chrony both09:31
machinesystemd-timesyncd will be already there09:32
CosmicDJmachine: and even with ntpd it's "server <ntp_server>" and not "service <ntp_server>"09:32
machinethat was a typo09:38
machine@CosmicDJ i am using server <ntp server> only09:38
machineshould i go with systemd-timesyncd09:39
machineonly and remove ntp and chrony?09:39
machinei don't understand why ntp and chrony are going into masked state09:39
CosmicDJmachine: when all you need is a ntp client then systemd-timesyncd is good enough IMHO09:39
machineand after unmasking active (exited) or failed09:39
CosmicDJmachine: what's systemctl status systemd-timesyncd showing?09:40
machineits active and running09:40
machinei have removed ntp and chrony now09:40
machinenow ntp service shows active09:41
machineafter hitting timedatectl command09:41
machineand system clock synchronized is - yes09:41
machinehowever with ntpstat i can see that its not getting synchronized to my local ntp server09:42
machinehow can i config my local ntp server using timesyncd09:42
CosmicDJmachine: timedatectl timesync-status should show which ntp server timesyncd is using right now09:42
machineyes, it is showing a different ntp server ip09:43
machinehow can change it to mine09:43
CosmicDJmachine: sudo systemctl edit systemd-timesyncd09:46
CosmicDJmh wait, that's just the service, not the config09:47
CosmicDJmachine: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/systemd-timesyncd09:48
webchat92Hello There, can anyone help with "Repository Server set-up" for Ubuntu 22.04.4?10:20
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Korvo84hi all, new installation of ubuntu studio 2204 shows enormous system windows and text size, no way to resize and make them smaller, screen resolution is ok and application windows work good ad the right resolution and size. even after installing tested nvidia graphic drivers, nothing changed. system and prompt windows are unusable and unreadable11:04
Korvo84because of the size11:04
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Guest72https://kernel.ubuntu.com/mainline/v6.9-rc1/ is this source from ubuntu11:13
ravage!mainline Guest7211:15
ravage!mainline | Guest7211:16
ubottuGuest72: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds11:16
Guest72but is the source with the .deb pkgs from ubuntu? so https://kernel.ubuntu.com?11:18
Guest72I just wanted to try the 6.9 kernel11:18
Guest72oh wait11:20
Guest72god damn11:20
Guest72am I stupid11:20
Guest72I found it11:20
Guest72  amd64/linux-headers-6.9.0-060900rc1-generic_6.9.0-060900rc1.202403242136_amd64.deb is  this here the latest?11:20
Guest72do I need to install all of the pkgs?11:22
ravageinstall the _all package, and generic generic image, modules, headers11:25
ravage- generic11:25
Guest72 amd64/linux-modules-6.9.0-060900rc1-generic_6.9.0-060900rc1.202403242136_amd64.deb and  amd64/linux-headers-6.9.0-060900rc1_6.9.0-060900rc1.202403242136_all.deb?11:25
Guest72cool thanks11:26
Guest72guys ubuntu is the most insecure linux distro or?11:35
Guest72beside arch11:35
Guest72I mean I heard snaps and pacman is same security issue11:36
Guest72I even think emerge is on the same level11:36
Guest72am I unique that I try rc kernel?11:40
Guest72ubuntu hass so many hackers in here lol11:42
Guest72is even more than on debian11:42
kjetilhonah, we are just lamers11:43
Guest72is ok11:44
Guest72still better than arch11:44
Guest72If I would like to gather maleware then I would take arch linux11:44
Stoil89? Is Ubuntu Pro possible to be used on Ubuntu official derivative such as Xubuntu, Ubuntu Mate, etc.11:47
Stoil89*official derivate/flavor11:47
ravageYes you can add it to their LTS releases. But keep in mind the flavor specific packages do not get support for that long11:56
BluesKajHi all11:57
Stoil89Thank you!12:06
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KorvoKorvo84 12:04:1013:18
Korvohi all, new installation of ubuntu studio 2204 shows enormous system windows and text size, no way to resize and make them smaller, screen resolution is ok and application windows work good at the right resolution and size. even after installing tested nvidia graphic drivers, nothing changed. system and prompt windows are unusable and unreadable13:18
Korvobecause of the size13:18
Korvohi all, new installation of ubuntu studio 2204 shows enormous system windows and text size, no way to resize and make them smaller, screen resolution is ok and application windows work good at the right resolution and size. even after installing tested nvidia graphic drivers, nothing changed. system and prompt windows are unusable and unreadable15:30
Korvobecause of the size15:30
ogra_Korvo, did you accidentially enable some accessibility setting ?15:32
pragmaticenigmaor window scaling?15:33
pragmaticenigma"screen scaling"15:33
comphhi, not sure where to begin... my title bars are gone in gnome on all apps/windows.15:33
comphi think it happened after upgrade, everything is updated & upgraded15:34
comphalt + tab doesn't work neither15:35
comphit's like the wm is malfunctioning15:35
pragmaticenigmahave you rebooted since running the update?15:36
comphyes, a few times15:36
ogra_do you have any gnome extensions installed ?15:37
comphthe only thing i can think off is that i installed awesomewm some time ago, but it never worked15:37
comphno gnome extensions that i can think of15:37
ogra_to find out if it is a prob with the system or with your user settings you should create a test user and see if it is also broken if you log in with that15:38
ogra_(you can indeed delete that user afterwards)15:38
comphgood idea15:39
comphit's xubuntu for the session, i can't change that it seems15:39
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comphweird, no issue when i create & login with another user15:42
ogra_not weird, that points to some setting in your normal users session that causes the issue ...15:43
comphit's just that i haven't changed anything15:44
comphi wonder if it's a bug15:44
pragmaticenigmayou may have changed something a long time ago, that has only now impacted your session15:44
comphyea could be15:45
pragmaticenigmayou mentioned an extension of awesomewm that "never worked"... perhaps it is working now and causing the issue15:45
comphthis looks more like something is broken tho15:46
comphnot that awesomewm is loaded15:46
comphand the session says xubuntu15:46
comphnot sure where to look even15:47
ioriacomph, what's in ~/.cache/sessions/ ?15:47
comphxfce4.session + xfwm4-stuff15:48
ioriacomph, back them up, logout, login15:48
comphthe same files seems to be there15:51
pragmaticenigmacomph, you mentioned a new user has a working desktop? maybe just make that your new user going forward and migrate your files over there, then delete the broken user and then recreate it, migrate everything to the new-old account?15:55
comphyes that will be plan b15:56
pragmaticenigmathere should be an "or" in there instead of the "and" in front of migarate15:56
pragmaticenigmacomph, you also could use a file compare tool and run that against the working user home and the non-working user home and see what files come up as different. See if moving those around improves the situation15:58
pragmaticenigmaPersonally, I would just do the migrate out and back. Finding what conf file or files that are causing the issue will likely take a lot longer15:58
Korvoi didnt set anything about scaling and accessibility16:00
oerheksapt install -f or dpkg-reconfigure ubuntu-desktop16:00
pragmaticenigmaKorvo, still work double checking those things to make sure they're set as desired16:01
pragmaticenigmawork => worth16:01
comphyes that user seems botched16:14
comphi can actually use the other wm:s with the new user16:14
comphthanks for the help16:14
zph1nxis there a way to inject a script from cloud-init/config that is supposed to run at first startup, /etc/rc.local in this case? i've tried write_files: but it isnt even registering, this is a 20.04.6 system18:07
leftyfbzph1nx: are you just trying to run a shell script on boot?18:10
zph1nxleftyfb: im working on a no-touch installation iso, the idea is that rc.local takes over on first boot for the user, asks for hostname etc, ive tried adding it with write_files: but its not ever registering18:13
leftyfbzph1nx: why not just use the oem install?18:13
zph1nxand its quite an extensive 400 line script18:13
zph1nxand i can add post provisioner scripts in an oem install that will create an modified oem iso?18:18
leftyfbI was just referring to asking the end user to set the hostname on first boot18:19
zph1nxyeah, way more complicated then being asked for a locale, username and partitioning scheme18:23
zph1nxim looking for a way to get a rc.local onto the system for an intial boot18:23
plastikmanwhy rc.local19:23
plastikmanguess it doesnt matter he is gone19:23
VetheonHey everyone, can anyone direct me on common reasons for port flapping on ubuntu? I'm trying to get K8s API server to bind to port 6443, but the port keeps flapping on me. The k8s server has connection, then it doesnt, then it does, then it doesn't19:25
VetheonCan anyone direct me on what I should be looking for? Because there's no firewall on the server anymore.19:26
plastikmansounds to me like services are crashing19:26
VetheonSee, I thought that too. But when I uninstalled K8s and tried to test the port with Telnet, it's still flapping19:26
VetheonI can get stable SSH on port 22, but that's about it. I can't get any other port to cooperate19:27
leftyfbVetheon: is this a hosted server?19:28
VetheonIt's a bare metal server with it's own IP subnet19:29
VetheonUplink works otherwise19:29
plastikmanits not clear to me where port 6443 exists19:29
leftyfbVetheon: which release of ubuntu?19:29
plastikmanyou said you "uninstalled k8s" and the issue still exists19:29
Vetheonleftyfb: 22.0419:29
leftyfbVetheon: what other ports/services are you running that are "flapping"?19:30
Vetheonleftyfb: Right now, nothing. This is a bare install and I can only get port 22 to connect with anything. I can't connect a web server, I can't connect the k8s API server, I can't connect Telnet, everything is just "connection refused" except for SSH on port 2219:31
leftyfbVetheon: telnet and a web server aren't installed by default19:31
VetheonI'm aware? I installed one?19:31
leftyfbVetheon: also, never use telnet. Literally for anything19:31
VetheonI've reinstalled this thing like 80 times trying everything under the sun19:31
leftyfbVetheon: python3 -m http.server19:32
leftyfbrun that and see if you can hit port 8019:32
leftyfbVetheon: better yet: cd ; echo "hello world" > index.html && python3 -m http.server19:32
VetheonThat started on port 8000 for some reason, but I've got connection. Watching for flap now19:33
leftyfbright, sorry, I forgot it defaults to 800019:33
VetheonOk so, port 8000 seems to be stable.19:34
Vetheonmaybe it was some stupid temporary routing issue in the dc...19:35
VetheonLet me see if I can get the k8s api server running now19:35
plastikmanhow are you running k8s?  is it from snap?  are you running vanilla k8s?  are you running minikube?  I have a k8s cluster running vanilla k8s on 4x intel nuc and have not had any issues talking to the k8s api19:38
plastikmanand on 22.0419:39
Vetheonplastikman: I'm running it with kubectl and kubeadm. I'm not SUPER experienced with the various versions of K8s other than this one19:50
Vetheonoh, with containerd as well, not dockershim19:50
plastikmanhow are you "installing k8s"19:53
plastikmansince you are saying that port 6443 is flapping, where are you talking to?19:54
VetheonBy installing k8s I mean installing k8s. Kubectl, Kubeadm, and Kubelet were not installed, so I reinstalled them19:56
VetheonIt's not really that ambiguous is it..?19:56
naptasticWhat controls the GRUB menu timeout? I'm using Ubuntu 22.04.19:57
plastikmanVetheon: which service is providing the pirt 6443 binding on your syste,m19:58
vlmis it "noble numbat" that will be next lts release? if so will the current package list for noble https://packages.ubuntu.com/noble/allpackages?format=txt.gz be the same packages in the lts release?20:00
vlmim not very familiar with how this works with ill admit (,")20:01
plastikmannaptastic: its in /etc/default/grub20:01
BlueSmokeUsing Ubuntu20.04 video playback shows white screen with sound on chrome and brave! but works in firefox any idea where to  look to figure it out20:02
plastikmannaptastic: after you change that i beleive that you have to run this.  `sudo update-grub`20:05
naptasticplastikman, indeed. That didn't work the first time, but when I also did `update-initramfs -u` it now uses the value I provided. (5s) Weird but ok.20:06
naptasticThanks :)20:07
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VetheonOk so I'm gonna reinstall Ubu on this node. I broke something lol20:26
OvertaleHello, everyone. I need urgent help with a problem with disappearing folders and files in those folders.20:27
OvertaleHere are some possilby relevant details:20:27
Overtale* what happens: entire folders their contents and/or only some files from a folder suddenly go missing. One moment they were there, the next they are gone.20:27
Overtale* scanning my entire system (all mounted drives) with fsearch does not reveal the missing files and folders.20:27
Overtale* after rebooting, they failed to appear anywhere. Not in their original locations, not in trash, not visible on fsearch's scan.20:27
Overtale* system:20:28
plastikmanSounds to me like a failing SSD20:29
plastikmanVetheon: good luck20:29
OvertaleDid my message get posted? or did I get blocked?20:30
plastikmanYou cant just start blastin lines in a channel like this20:30
OvertaleThank you for unblocking me. Here's what I was trying to ask on a pastebin: https://pastebin.com/H5YjdQqV; p: LinuxHelp24032720:32
Overtale(hope I didn't get blocked again for pasting a link, haha)20:38
leftyfbOvertale: what release of ubuntu?20:39
BlueSmokeuninstalled and re-installed vlc on ubuntu20.04 youtube ect still playing sound but white creen20:39
plastikmanbased on the ultra long paste is 23.1020:40
Overtaleleftyfb: `lsb_release -a`: No LSB modules are available.; Distributor ID:Ubuntu; Description:Ubuntu 23.10; Release:23.10; Codename:mantic20:41
plastikmanyou have some strange requirements, like, why do yuou care if the disk sleeps?  its a power save mechanism and the machine will wake it back up when its ready to write, i would not trust that cronjob at all that yuo have writing to the disk20:41
leftyfbplastikman: the pastebin link doesn't work for me20:41
plastikmanTo me it still sounds like filesystm corruption.  its not clear what process is writing the files to one of the many available disks.20:43
jeremy31leftyfb: try this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Wq8ZQjhc6V/20:43
plastikmanBad drives, file system corruption, issues with flushing cache to disk etc20:43
BlueSmokeis yhis the place to geyt help with lost video plaback ?20:46
plastikmanBlueSmoke: I don't think that vlc has anything to do with YT video playback20:49
leftyfbBlueSmoke: check your video drivers20:50
plastikmanif it works in Firefox but not other webkit browsers it seems like a webkit problem.20:50
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plastikmani have no experience there sho20:50
Overtaleplastikman: That's what I thought when it happened with disk B, and why disk C was added. Disk C is much newer, so shouldn't that reduce the chances of a similar cause? 2) re: filesystem -- checking the drive through disks-[drive]-check filesystem says "filesystem ... is undamaged"20:50
BlueSmokeIt's all video playback even udemy20:50
leftyfbOvertale: possible bad memory20:50
Overtaleleftyfb: you mean bad RAM on the laptop?20:51
plastikmanthat is a good call leftyfb20:51
BlueSmokeI tried updating soe codecs and somewhere said that vlc add codecs20:51
plastikmanthat is why you get paid the big bucks ;)20:51
Overtaleleftyfb: Assuming that's the case, how can I recover the files before going on with replacing the RAM itself?20:51
leftyfbOvertale: you likely can't20:52
leftyfbOvertale: maybe look at testdisk. But I wouldn't expect it to find anything20:53
Overtaleleftyfb: Why would RAM disappear folders that weren't being copied / moved that exact moment RAM failed though? I.e. if file a.mp4 was being moved and the RAM failed, wouldn't only a.mp4 go missing instead of a.mp4 and a bunch of other files folder near it?20:53
leftyfbOvertale: I don't know. I have a feeling some information is being left out or something is running that you either forgot or aren't aware of that's doing this20:54
plastikmanyou can install memtest86 and check your ram20:55
Overtaleleftyfb: What kind of things could be also relevant, in addition to what I've included in the pastebin?20:55
Overtaleplastikman: I'll do that too, thanks.20:55
Overtalecould too many small files cause the filesystem to become "overwhelmed" and kinda make it go over its capacity in terms of individual file entries it has? i.e. files getting lost because the system failed to properly record them in its filesystem, because it had too many entries (sorry if a silly question)?21:16
leftyfbOvertale: check dmesg for messages about inodes or other errors21:18
marc_hey i need help i got a sgin x15 laptop am trying to install mint but it wont boot into the usb any ideas21:21
oerheks 21:23
OvertaleTestdisk gave this (`;` = new line): Disk /dev/sda - 1000 GB / 931 GiB - CHS 121601 255 63; The harddisk (1000 GB / 931 GiB) seems too small! (< 1956 GB / 1822 GiB); Check the harddisk size: HD jumper settings, BIOS detection...; The following partitions can't be recovered:; Partition               Start        End    Size in sectors; MS Data               1907927591 2222849719  314922129; (3 more MD Data lines like that).21:34
OvertaleWhat does it mean? Sorry, I've never used testdisk before. And the "MS Data ..." lines are selecteable with a "continue" option, is pressing continue going to make it try to recover those sectors?21:34
bpromptOvertale: yeap, continue21:36
bpromptOvertale: it will try to recover, what it can from the sectors it can read21:36
Overtaleselecting a partition just got me to a step that says "No partition found or selected for recovery". Does it mean there wasn't anything broken to recover or I should've pressed something else other than the enter / continue? Was kinda underwhelming. Also, will using PhotoRec before whatever TestDisk was supposed to do be a problem?21:40
syphyrI have a problem with the latest esm update for openjdk-8-jre-headless on bionic.  It seems that the file "jar.binfmt" was excluded from the package and this causes update-java-alternatives to throw an error21:42
syphyrupdate-alternatives: error: alternative /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/lib/jexec for jexec not registered; not setting21:42
syphyrhow do I report an error for esm updates21:43
syphyrthe problem is with 8u402-ga-2ubuntu1~18.0421:45
bpromptOvertale: ahnn no, testdisk uses photorec to do the recovery21:47
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cryptonectorhow do I control which kernel I'll boot by default?22:28
bpromptcryptonector: usually the boot menu will have entries for each22:29
jeremy31cryptonector: The newest one boots by default22:29
cryptonectorfor some reason the system keeps wanting to go back to 6.1 instead of 6.5, I think?22:29
cryptonector /boot/vmlinuz is a symlink to vmlinuz-6.1.0-1036-oem, and /boot/vmlinuz.old is a symlink to vmlinuz-6.5.0-1011-oem22:30
bpromptcryptonector: maybe a quick "update-grub" will help22:31
Vetheonplastikman: if you're still online, good news! Reinstalling Ubu and switching to microk8s resolved things. Even though the config is basically the same... but it works!22:39
cryptonectorbprompt: hmm, maybe;  is there a way to see what the grub menu would be like, but w/o rebooting?22:47
bpromptcryptonector: sure, check /boot/grub/grub.cfg , requires root or sudo access22:48
cryptonectorbprompt: got it, it seems it will be the newest kernel; thanks!22:57
garrettkajmowiczOn Ubuntu 20.04 LTS how do I switch from Chromium as a snap to a real application?22:58
leftyfbgarrettkajmowicz: the snap package is a "real application"22:58
leftyfbgarrettkajmowicz: to answer your question, it's linux, you are always free to compile chromium from source if you like23:00
garrettkajmowiczleftyfb: It's a pain to use. Trying to get printing working with snap packages and apparmor makes me want to find the relevant developers, fly to their house and yell at them.23:00
pragmaticenigmagarrettkajmowicz, If you would like to have the deb packaged version: `sudo snap remove chromium` followed by `sudo apt install chromium-browser`23:00
pragmaticenigmahowever! that depends on the repository having the chromium browser in it still... It is still there for me on 20.04... it may not be for you23:00
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: that just installs the snap23:01
pragmaticenigmadid they go an butcher apt?23:01
leftyfbit's a transitional package23:01
oerheksdid you check settings> applications > chromium ?23:01
pragmaticenigmaoh for sakes... somehow i missed the keyword transitional in the apt listing23:02
oerheksthere is a cups entry, standard enabled23:03
leftyfbgarrettkajmowicz: if the cups entry is already enabled and it's still not printing, try this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chromium-browser/+bug/2025526/comments/1323:04
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2025526 in cups (Ubuntu) "Printer is not available in chromium snap" [Undecided, Confirmed]23:04
garrettkajmowiczI'm running KDE and not seeing anything that matches what you are describing. I attempted to edit the apparmor profiles manually, but wasn't able to find the relevant thing, and shouldn't need to do so for basic services like printing.23:04
leftyfbyou don't need to touch apparmor files23:05
leftyfbgarrettkajmowicz: pretty sure KDE has the ubuntu settings app23:05
rock8000sudo snap connect inkscape:cups-control did you do that but with chromium instead of inkscape23:05
rock8000i seen it on google now23:06
leftyfb sudo snap connect chromium-browser:cups-control23:06
=== root is now known as xsentinel
ubottuIt's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.23:23
Overtalegpt tells me scalpel can recover files from specific directory with a parameter like `"/media/.../FULL-PATH-TO-FOLDER/FOLDER" y` in its config file and cmd like `sudo scalpel -c /etc/scalpel/custom.conf /dev/sdX -o /path/to/output/directory`. Is this true? It feels like the  `"/media/.../FULL-PATH-TO-FOLDER/FOLDER" y` setting and the `/dev/sdX` cmd parameter  would be telling it to do different things.23:36

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