[10:43] cjwatson, I have been investigating the mirror prober invalid SSL certificate issue in the past couple of days and found that the error is probably due to some issue in the TLS negotiation between the client and the affected servers - '' [10:44] So I am thinking of creating a minimal reproducer and then try upgrading the version of treq (which is the HTTP client used here). Is there any dependency on upgrading that to the version of Twisted libraries that we have in Launchpad. [10:44] Do you have any idea? Thanks! [13:27] guruprasad: I don't know, sorry. But maybe you should upgrade Twisted anyway? It was only blocked on still needing Python 3.5 support, and that isn't an issue any more [13:28] cjwatson, thanks! This is useful information. [13:28] guruprasad: I was kind of expecting somebody to go on a dependency-upgrading spree after we upgraded to 3.8 [13:29] I started doing so for libraries with critical/severe vulnerabilities, but haven't proceeded past that. [13:29] :) [13:29] cryptography was a blocker to getting the codebase building on jammy, I recall [13:30] You should probably double-check, but I'm pretty sure that LP's Twisted fork is entirely backports [13:31] >= 22.4.0 should have everything from the fork [13:31] Though might as well go as new as you can ...