=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^ [14:09] pragmaticenigma: zero hits to ssh on any of the servers where I changed the port# :) [14:16] cool, good to know... I was going to change the port as well. Figured it was someone's script, as when I blocked IP located outside of my region it brought the attempts down to two IP addresses, and they were repetitious. Trying root, admin, and a couple strange usernames. in the exact same order, about every few minutes. [14:21] fail2ban is made for that exact situation [14:40] yeah, at the same time, rather them not get that deep into the network to begin with :) [14:40] I mentioned it... trying to migrate stuff to a new machine... trying really hard not to have to make too many changes to the old one at the moment [14:40] ansible [14:40] tellin ya, it's a game-changer [14:41] that's a whole new thing for me to learn... same as fail2ban [14:41] stretched too thin with other priorities at the moment [14:41] fail2ban is literally just installing it and I'm pretty sure the ssh rule is enabled by default [14:43] in a perfect world, sure... but my luck, something will be overlooked and then I'm locked out until I can get back to the local machine to see what I did wrong... just not an optimal thing for me right now [15:02] my jammy box doesnt grey out packages after updates anymore, did something get changed? [18:22] what do you mean by "grey out packages"?