=== chris14_ is now known as chris14 === alucardromero7 is now known as alucardromero [03:08] Anyone know how I can get some eyes on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-aws/+bug/2054688? Did I submit it against the wrong package? [03:08] -ubottu:#ubuntu-server- Launchpad bug 2054688 in linux-aws (Ubuntu) "Update ena to 2.10.x or later" [Undecided, New] [03:12] you might want to ask in #ubuntu-kernel also [03:21] JanC: thanks [19:17] im having problems providing an rc.local script via cloud-init on an ubuntu 20.04.6 installation, for some reason the file does not show up in the finished install https://pastebin.com/QwE9NQ4z [19:19] zph1nx: so late-commands runs at install time, and write_files isn't a subiquity command [19:20] if you add a autoinstall.user-data section you can write standard cloud-config that runs at first boot [19:20] that should be nested under autoinstall.user-data [19:20] https://canonical-subiquity.readthedocs-hosted.com/en/latest/intro-to-autoinstall.html#cloud-init-and-autoinstall-interaction has what I hope are helpful clarifications here [19:22] dbungert: this is what this is, its a user-data cloud-init file that runs out of nocloud/ on the iso, its intended to be a zero touch installation, and the script im trying to add will pull from a webserver for additional bootstrapping [19:25] zph1nx: right, but you have an autoinstall.write_files directive and that isn't a supported directive, nobody looks at that [19:26] so either it needs to be moved up a level so that the files is written at install time, or down to autoinstall.user-data.write_files so that it is written at first boot [19:32] i added user-data: at the end of the file, and the write_files: block under that, would that work? [19:35] zph1nx: I think that's the right direction. you probably also want to do your chmod as part of write files with the permissions setting [19:36] https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/modules.html#write-files [19:38] ill try, just want to check if the file even ends up on the installed system before i chmod it now [20:01] Hi, I wonder if I could use 2 display adapters: 1. for tty (ssh -X afterwards) on CTRL+ALT+F1 display adapter 1 and another for Cinnamon on CTRL+ALT+F2 display adapter 2, while both remain displaying there respective content? [20:03] I think I must set this into /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf after the creation for a con. file for each display adapter into /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ [20:03] Can someone assist? I use ubuntu 22.04 server on the remote host I want to have on my second screen. [20:10] hmm? [20:11] open xterm, set fullscreen on the second monitor, ssh into server [20:11] oh, you want to change that, you need to adjust your tty's [20:13] you need to adjust systemctl gettty@tty2.service I think [20:13] cause tt1 would be your first one