
syphyrit seems jexec alternatives were purposely removed from openjdk-8's latest update00:11
syphyri guess i wont need it00:11
syphyrbut jexec reference should be removed from .java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64.jinfo00:13
syphyrso the error goes away00:13
syphyrwhen using update-java-alternatives00:14
pragmaticenigmasyphyr, feel free to submit a bug report to recommend the fix00:23
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stennoin order to install offline packages with apt, i need apt-offline, which depends on a few packages07:40
stennohow do i offline-install those packages, do i just have to go down the dependency tree07:40
stennoit would be nice if apt-offline had some sort of bootstrap mode lol07:40
loswedsededdo you offer support to update grub so it shows my OCLP-ed macOS?07:50
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fairwayis  ubuntu similar to  linuxmint ?08:26
loswedsededim trying to update grub so it shows a macOS partition. To do that Im following https://www.maketecheasier.com/create-a-mac-entry-in-grub2/, but when it comes to 'set root=(hd0,X), I don't know what to type instead of X: lsblk and fdisk show /dev/sda partitions (sda1, sda2...), but no hd0 ones08:30
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akikloswedseded: use grub's search command and set the filesystem uuid in it08:46
bobdobbsHi all. How can I install php8.2 on ubuntu 24.04?08:46
nteodosioHi bobdobbs, looks like you don't: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php8.208:51
nteodosio8.3 is not good for you?08:52
bobdobbsnteodosio: I don't think WordPress has full support for 8.3 yet08:53
bobdobbsI guess I could install 8.3. I'm just running some experiments really. Nothing that will go into production anyway08:53
nteodosioGood luck. (:08:54
bobdobbsta :)08:54
jwestmanHello, can I ask for assistance with a technical issue on ubuntu here?10:02
kostkon!ask | jwestman10:04
ubottujwestman: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:04
jwestmanMy question is regarding a really strange bug that started  happening since the last kernel update (Linux wrk 6.5.0-26-generic #26~22.04.1-Ubuntu). I have a screen attached over HDMI to my laptop - but the screen keeps going black. This seems to happen specifically when I open certain tabs in firefox - it is 100 % reproducible with opening PDF-files. I have to exit out of them and the screen turns on again. The10:08
jwestmansame does not happen on the laptop screen. I don't think it's a hardware issue since it's only specific things such as opening PDFs. How do I even begin to debug this problem?10:08
loswedsededstartup disk creator doesn't work on xfce. If you know of any alternative, let me know10:14
loswedsededxubuntu xfce10:14
KangaroooI need to make webinar recordings from different panels. 6 panel discussions i need to record in OBS. How to do that from one computer? Do i make multiple user accounts and in each will work own sound?10:53
BluesKajHi sll11:52
BluesKajHi all11:53
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peirikIs there an app for Ubuntu that lets you download and install Google Fonts? That would be amazing.12:24
pragmaticenigmapeirik: there are a lot of tutorials for how to do that12:51
pragmaticenigmano need for an app... usually you can just download the font file from Google's site, unzip it, then copy to your fonts folder, then trigger a rebuild of the font cache12:52
peirikpragmaticenigma: Thanks pragmaticenigma, but I am aware that it is technically possible to install Google fonts on Ubuntu without an app.12:57
peirikIt would however be amazing if there was an app that could do that for me in an easy way.12:58
pragmaticenigmaI don't understand the need for an app for a single one-off operation12:58
peirikWhy do you assume it would be a single one-off operation? There are more than 1 font available.12:59
peirikDownloading, unzipping, installing and rebuilding of a cache is a repetitive operation that would be tedious after a couple of fonts...12:59
pragmaticenigmaonce you're done with the installation of "n" number of fonts... now you have an app just taking up space.13:00
peirikLuckily, there seems to be such an app: https://fontba.se/ 🙂13:00
peirikWell, I dont have your affliction of a phobia of installed apps on my machine...13:01
pragmaticenigmaIf you had a wish, I think wishing for someone to create a package to install the available google fonts with would be more appropriate. Just like can be done with other font suppliers13:01
pragmaticenigmaprojecting is not a kind thing to do peirik ... I have no phobias... just don't see the purpose of having a single use application13:01
pragmaticenigmapeirik: my point is this `apt search ttf | grep ^ttf` will give you all the font families currently available in your repository. If anything, the "app" already exists and is called "apt".  While I don't see one explicately listed for google, there's probably a repository out there that has one, or someone has bundled them into a .deb package already for easy installation.13:08
peirikpragmaticenigma: I really don't see the need to use the apt app here, honestly. You already have 'curl' or 'wget' installed like everyone else. And then you really just have to write a crawler to grap all the urls from fonts.google.com manually, and then write a shell script to install whatever you want. Why do insist on being so lazy that you delegate all this to the completely bloated and13:11
peirikunnecessary apt luxury application? 🙄13:11
pragmaticenigmagosh, then why are you even here? seems like you already have this all figured out? calling me lazy when you're the one asking for an app to install fonts... right...13:16
DonTrackMe2Can this be done with special effects? https://www.facebook.com/reel/94279384046613514:00
leftyfbDonTrackMe2: wrong channel14:02
DonTrackMe2leftyfb, Could be, or not!14:03
leftyfbDonTrackMe2: this is an ubuntu support channel. Not here please14:03
DonTrackMe2leftyfb, soon this service will crash, a lot of crap will. then there will be no chanels anymore I fell like...14:04
DonTrackMe2leftyfb, you understand that I argue with you only because you commented in the first place?14:04
leftyfbDonTrackMe2: feel free to /join #ubuntu-offtopic for non-ubuntu support14:04
KangaroooI need to make webinar recordings from different panels. 6 panel discussions i need to record in OBS. How to do that from one computer? Do i make multiple user accounts and in each will work own sound?14:37
plastikmanI dont really understand the use case, but i dont see how you can have 6 different audio/video streams coming in at one time on the same computer.  this is also not a ubuntu problem14:43
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MyWayhi everybody! I have a strange issue with my keyboard, sometimes when I press one time my up arrow, it goes up for 2 items. It's something recent though, before it was working fine lol. Any idea what it could be?14:45
leftyfbMyWay: test it out in your BIOS14:46
MyWayok leftyfb, thank you14:46
pragmaticenigmaKangarooo: 6 live streams at the same time on one machine is going to take some heavy resources. But you're likely going to need OBS to be able to run multiple instances for each stream, and I'm not sure it can do that. You might need to find an OBS comunity channel or forum for help on that.14:46
pragmaticenigma*multiple instances, one for each stream14:47
MyWayleftyfb: yes, same on the bios unfortunately14:49
leftyfbMyWay: then your issue is hardware related14:49
leftyfbnothing to do with the OS14:49
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MyWayyeah, thanks14:52
Kangarooo@pragmaticenigma  but how to make that each records sound into new obs? multiple users, switch users? sound to be different from each chrome tab to obs15:02
plastikmanKangarooo: there is a discord for OBS that might be a better place to discuss.  There *might* still be some users on IRC and probably in something like #obs15:11
pragmaticenigmaKangarooo: like was mentioned earlier... you're going to need to find a group that specializes in OBS... this is just to general of a chat to find that specific kind of help15:12
leftyfbthe channel for OBS on this network is #obsprject15:14
pragmaticenigmaI think you meant #obsproject15:16
leftyfbyup, sorry15:16
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alivewhi! :)16:14
jnthmpv: error while loading shared libraries: libnppig.so.11: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory17:13
jnthit's the same with ffplay17:14
leftyfbjnth: wrong channel?17:15
jnthi use ubuntu and i've also asked on #ffmpeg17:16
ioriadoes mpv use that lib ? jnth17:17
leftyfbjnth: please run the following and paste the resulting URL here:    ( cat /etc/os-release ; uname -a ; apt-cache policy mpv ffmpeg ) | nc termbin.com 999917:18
ioriasounds like an nvidia problem17:18
jnthioria: i get that error when i try to use mpv, ffmpeg, ffplay17:19
jnthioria: nvidia? but i have removed every package related to it17:20
ioriajnth, dpkg -l | grep libnppig17:21
jnthii  libnppig12:amd64                                              amd64        NVIDIA Performance Primitives lib for Image Geometry transforms17:21
ioriajnth, aptitude why libnppig12  (maybe you don't have aptitude installed)17:22
jnthyes, it wasn't installed. i installed now17:23
leftyfbI do not recommend installing or using aptitude17:23
leftyfbit's been known to cause problems17:23
ioriawith sudo,yes17:23
leftyfband you don't need it to accomplish anything17:24
ioriait gives you a little clue about there's a pkg installed17:24
ioriabtw, jnth i 'd investigate why you have that lib installed, and in case purge it... probably it's a CUDA thing17:26
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ioriajnth, you might have installed nvidia-cuda-dev17:26
jnthioria: i had installed some packages related to cuda, it was a very specific version and i had to sign up for nvidia developer account or something and now that i think about it, this problem started since then17:27
ioriajnth, i'd reverse that if possible17:27
jnthyes, i'm deleting it all17:28
zph1nxHi, im trying to set up a zero touch installation iso with cloud-config/auto install, and im trying to get the cloud-config to add an rc.local script in /etc/ for bootstrapping, i've been reading the required cloud-config setting for this is write_files, but it doesnt seem to add anything on the system when i test the installation. do i need to put17:39
zph1nxdown the path as /target/etc/rc.local instead of /etc/rc.local?17:39
Quarkzph1nx: check user-data "write_files" on the reference: https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/examples.html#writing-out-arbitrary-files17:53
Quarkzph1nx: set the path to the final destination (including final file name).17:55
QuarkJoin #cloud-init as this is more up their turf. :-)17:56
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zph1nxQuark: thanks, ill ask there, i got it up in a pastebin also https://pastebin.com/QwE9NQ4z19:10
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pelonchohello guys20:58
kubast2There's some fix that wasn't backported to 22.04. plasma-discover crashes when flathub repo is present. I think this only happens when adding a flathub repo using 3rd step: https://flathub.org/setup/Kubuntu ; 22.04 repo's flatpak was used not the ppa version20:58
kubast2it crashes whenever I go to application list or search and wait long enough20:59
kubast2rather than gui option in discover20:59
kubast2I'm just going to update to 23.10 and wait for 24.04 next month21:01
leftyfbexcept the upgrade path to 24.04 I don't think will be out till August21:02
nshirelaptopwhat window theme is this? most of my desktop switched to this windows 95-esque theme randomly a few minutes ago lol https://i.imgur.com/skmiYyR.png22:01
nshirelaptopis it the default x11 theme or something? not sure what happened. I was changing some x11/gnome settings trying to get rdp working and suddenly everything switched22:02
oerhekssome gtk2 stuff i guess22:06
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IdrogenoHi There.... Trying to upgrade from 22.04 to 23.10, and upgrade is failing trying to resolve dependancies..  It tells me to look at main.log but it's not particularly clear whats going on or how to resolve it22:44
Idrogeno2024-03-27 18:41:07,866 WARNING Can't mark 'ubuntu-desktop' for upgrade (E:Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.)22:45
Idrogeno looks like the culprit22:45
Idrogenoactually looks like it's nautilus related?22:50
sarnoldput the log on a pastebin site and share the link, someone may be able to give more specific advice22:55
Idrogenohttps://dpaste.com/47W68F6MT is the apt.log.... It seems to be circular but :shrug23:00
pragmaticenigmaIdrogeno: are you trying to jump from 22.04 to 23.10, skipping 22.10 and 23.04 in between?23:00
IdrogenoI'm trying to upgrade ubuntu using do-release-upgrade23:00
IdrogenoI'm currently on 22.0423:01
sarnoldman I hate these logs :)23:01
IdrogenoYes me too :)23:01
devslashyou have to go to 22.1023:01
devslashi think23:01
devslashor 23.0423:01
pragmaticenigmadevslash: the do-release-upgrade will do that by default23:01
IdrogenoI changed from LTS to Normal, and this is what the software decided it should do.23:01
devslashmaybe but its not 100% reliable...23:02
Idrogenoit seems to think it should go straight to 23.1023:02
pragmaticenigmait might be able to, I just know some tutorials sometimes suggest messing in the repos directly23:02
pragmaticenigmawhich can lead to problems23:02
devslashtheres a file you can edit to determine if you install an lts version or not. maybe thats why ?23:02
devslashI mean as var as going to that version23:03
Idrogenobased on this random post, it appears the release upgrader doesn't need to go through intermediate versions any more? maybe? https://askubuntu.com/questions/1489052/how-to-migrate-from-22-04-lts-to-23-1023:03
pragmaticenigmaIdrogeno: Did you add any additional repositories to your system?23:03
pragmaticenigmaoutside of the ones supplied by a default install?23:03
IdrogenoOver the past two years? Most likely.  The script said it disabled them for the upgrade23:04
pragmaticenigmathat's what I thought you might say... and that's where I've had issues in the past23:04
pragmaticenigmait disabled them, but the packages they supplied are probably causing a conflict23:04
IdrogenoThe only one that might overlap is amdgpu... but it doesn't seem like the packages overlap23:05
pragmaticenigmaI'm out of my depth when it comes to removal of repos. In some cases you need to uninstall or rollback the package to the original provided repos23:06
pragmaticenigmabut I don't know how true that is23:07
meustationif a removal of repositories has left some packages stranded, shouldn't one of the options of apt-get (stuff like check or --fix-broken; stuff described in the manpage) perhaps either solve or give pointers to the origin of the problem?23:14
tomreynhttps://github.com/tomreyn/scripts/blob/master/foreign_packages is one way to identify potentially problematic packages or package versions23:15
tomreynaccording to https://dpaste.com/47W68F6MT the first problematic package is rocm-hip-runtime (which is not available in ubuntu), which introduces a non-resolvable dependency on rocminfo version <, but no such version is available in ubuntu23:17
tomreyn(though a package of the same name with higher versions is available in ubuntu)23:18
tomreynthe release upgrader lists "Foreign" packages early on in its log file.23:19
pragmaticenigmatomreyn: sadly you just missed them :(23:21
tomreynoh, thanks pragmaticenigma, i had not realized this23:21
pragmaticenigmame either, I was just about to tag them to see if they had noticed your help23:22
pragmaticenigmatomreyn: would you guess that the rocm-hip-runtime package was provided by the AMD GPU repository they had mentioned?23:23
tomreynpragmaticenigma: i would expect this package to be provided by drivers downloaded from amd.com23:29
sybaritenhey, anyone here using zoxide? I'm trying to figure out if i can get a chronological visited directory list out of it23:59

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