
bombastickHi. Will Kubuntu 24 release at the same time as Ubuntu 24, or does it come a few days/weeks later?08:45
bombastickalso, did they fix that ridiculous Konsole behavior where trying to open a new tab requires you to make a 2nd click and select a profile , even if you only have a single profile?08:48
bombastickThat kept me on Kubuntu 20.04 for 2 years08:48
bombastickboy, I sure hope somebody got fired over that blunder08:52
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BluesKajHi all12:37
=== tom is now known as Guest2446
=== rkratky__ is now known as rkratky
oerheksKonqi, how is that spam related to kubuntu support? https://vk.com/kubuntu is totally in russian16:20
Konqiخمي سفخقغ16:23
Konqiըգվ բփվգ16:23
Konqiold story16:24

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