
seadog007Hi, I apply an new mirror few days ago, but it is still in "pending review" state05:22
seadog007Am I missing something there?05:23
kotodamahi seadog007, sorry for the wait, I'll see if I can squeeze the verifications in my day, else please bear with us06:19
kotodamaand done! ;)06:29
kotodamathank you for your involvement in the community!06:29
seadog007kotodama: Thanks a lot!08:55
kotodamapleasure to help ! :)08:55
seadog007I just noticed that the ports require another mirror entry09:42
seadog007Here is the submission09:42
seadog007Also, if I have https://mirror.twds.com.tw/ubuntu-cd/ as well, how should I put it on the system09:45
seadog007 I saw the probe have versions and flavours detection, so I guess the system might have the ability to handle ubuntu-cd as well?09:45

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