
pragmaticenigmasybariten: would think that .bash_history might be able to help with that00:03
sybaritenpragmaticenigma: that's the command history?00:04
pragmaticenigmasybariten: so with something like `grep ^z .bash_history` I'd think you'd be able to get a listing of what was executed. And there's probably a way to remove all but the most recent instance of any given line00:07
pragmaticenigmaprobably `grep '^z ' .bash_history` would be more precise00:08
kubast2Yeah after an upgrade to 23.10 there's no issues with plasma-discover crashing with an active flapak repo00:09
pragmaticenigmaI thought zoxide looked pretty cool at first, but I go to too many random locations, and didn't think the way it presented options when given ambiguous paths00:10
sybaritenpragmaticenigma: bash command history != bash pwd history00:13
pragmaticenigmasybariten: I'm aware... but all the commands issued to zoxide can be greped out from there. Unless you're looking for the full expanded paths that zoxide emitted.00:15
sybaritenpragmaticenigma: i'm not sure i follow... i'm looking for the visited directory locations (paths). Like a history. Exactly like a shell history, but with locations instead00:18
pragmaticenigmaI think we're thinking the same things... I'm just not articulating the idea well00:19
pragmaticenigmazoxide doesn't have an export feature of what it's executed. I was suggesting that maybe bash history could help in that, except you would only see the command `z foo` that you entered, not the fully expanded/qualified path to the destination.00:20
tomreyna bash history record such as "cd .." or "cd $HOME" would not return what was the absolute path at the time, but that's (I'm guessing) what sybariten is looking for.00:21
pragmaticenigmaships crossing in the night tomreyn :)00:21
pragmaticenigmasybariten: I think you have a very good idea for a feature request00:24
tomreyni'm guessing that auditd could record and provide such information00:25
sarnoldoof that's a heavyweight tool for that :)00:27
tomreynyes. but... is there something smaller which provides absolute paths and isn't easily falsified?00:28
sarnoldI wonder if you could get notified of /proc/pid/cwd updates?00:32
tomreyninotify :)00:33
sarnoldyeah, does it work for these magiclinks?00:33
tomreyni never tried00:34
sybaritenpragmaticenigma: well it does have a query command and i'm suspecting that this could be helpful00:43
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jadeiaQuick question on upgrading - can I go from 23.10 > 24.01 LTS without a re-install?03:04
jadeiaor do I have to stay on LTS?03:05
xanguaYes you can03:10
jadeiaPerfect - I thought so, wanted to confirm. Sorry yep messed up that Ver number.03:12
jadeiaThank you xangua03:12
jadeiaProb going to hop to the LTS so I can check out Gnome46 and then go back to the quicker release version when it comes out. Very excited for this release of Ubuntu.03:13
andymandiasyou can download a deb from https://www.google.com/chrome/04:29
bindhttp://explorer.net.ru/share/20%20years.png منذ 20 عاما... توصلنا إلى رمز "الرقم السري" ، فهذا يعني النزاهة05:48
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|N3on21|Hello world - I am having some problems when streaming video (youtube) music (spotify) my audio drops out for two sec. and then gets back.... it is starting to get on my nerves now. My setup is a labtop with a dockingstation (usbc) and a external monitor from where i would like to get my audio output from. Any ideas where to look ?08:04
ice9how to paste text in Vinagre remote desktop viewer? or do you recommend another VNC client what can do that?09:34
stennovnc itself doesn't really allow for that iirc09:39
stennoit's basically an interactive picture of the screen09:39
brian__Yeaah I recommend that09:39
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brian__I have a question09:40
stennothe price for platform independence, would be my guess09:40
stennono pm please09:40
Guest71Hi, I am running ubuntu 23.10. When executing `apt upgrade`, I see the results `The following packages have been kept back: gir1.2-mutter-13 libmutter-13-0 mutter-common mutter-common-bin`. Why?09:54
jeremy31Guest71: Likely phased updates09:55
Guest71jeremy31: thanks a lot. I just googled. So updates to a subset of users? Everyone will eventually updated those packages when it releases to everyone. is that right?09:59
ubottuSince Ubuntu 21.04, APT may hold back some updates on some systems while they are being phased in. This is called "phased updates". See https://ubottu.com/y/phased and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PhasedUpdates for more info.10:01
Guest71ok, got it. thanks.10:04
Guest71Another issue is I have met three times that ubuntu windows manager or UI? broke. There is nothing I can do. The only thing I can think of is to reboot. Black screen. I am not sure what the cause is. Maybe because I suspended my laptop for multiple times? or maybe because I ran virtualbox at the same time when I suspend? The system (or the UI10:06
Guest71system) breaks randomly. I never shutdown my laptop before. But now, ubuntu 23.10 forces me to reboot it in several days.10:06
Guest71I don't know what broke. I used the word windows manager or UI. maybe wayland?10:09
Guest71ctrl+alt+f1 and then relogin, does not bring the UI back.10:09
Guest71normally, I do ctrl+alt+f3 and then login in text mode and then sudo reboot.10:09
lotuspsychjeif you mean gnome shell Guest71 check your /var/crash dir see if crashes exist there10:10
Guest71lotuspsychje: there are two files in that dir.10:12
lotuspsychjewhat are the called10:13
lotuspsychjeno gnome shell crash then10:13
Guest71two files are created today. 20 minutes differences between them.10:13
Guest71But the system only broke once today.10:14
lotuspsychjebut you mentioned virtualbox issue10:14
Guest71two more times in other days.10:14
Guest71I guess might because of virtualbox. I don't know. just a wild guess.10:14
Guest71no glue. broke randomly.10:15
Guest71mayeb caused by chrome. Because I am opening youtube at that time.10:15
lotuspsychjeGuest71: maybe checkout your full journal logs to see what happened10:16
Guest71lotuspsychje: thanks for the help. Gotta go now. I will check the log later today.10:17
lotuspsychjegood luck10:17
loswedsededwill nmcli connection set wlp2s0 down disable automatic wifi activation after booting permanently?10:18
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nteodosiloswedseded, that is not a valid command for nmcli.10:42
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xxis this official? https://github.com/jspw/Ubuntu-Launcher12:19
xxit has ubuntu in the name12:19
loswedsededwhat command can I use to disable automatic wifi activation after booting permanently?12:28
CosmicDJxx: anything official is under https://github.com/ubuntu/ or the main web site12:29
xxcan some app even use 'ubuntu' in the name, legally, if it's not made by ubuntu?12:29
loswedsededwould this work with ubuntu 23.10? https://askubuntu.com/questions/1445221/permanently-disable-network-interface-in-ubuntu-22-0412:36
loswedsededIm about to copy that code and delete the default config12:36
loswedsededtalking about: network: version: 2    ethernets:        interface:            activation-mode: off12:36
BluesKajHi all12:37
loswedsededjoin #ubuntu-offtopic12:38
CosmicDJxx: please talk to a lawyer if you have legal questions12:44
xxCosmicDJ: I mean, my lawyer said I can even create a linux distro called Ubuntu, using all the official branding, because I'm not in a jurisdiction where canonical could do anything. So that doesn't really help.12:48
pragmaticenigmaxx: If you're talking with a lawyer, you should continue to ask them these kinds of questions. This is a community channel run by volunteers. Very few, if any, here are able to speak on behalf of Canonical. If you really want the authoritative answers to your questions, you should probably direct your questions to legal@canonical.com13:10
sia_xx: Why you may wanna want to use the name ubuntu13:22
ogra_loswedseded, you might want to use rfkill to turn off the wifi chip altogether ...13:29
xxsia_: because 'Ubuntu App' sounds better than 'App for Ubuntu'13:33
sia_Sure but with a different meaning. As the first one can mean ubuntu itself which is an app.13:34
loswedsededogra_, but then I can restart it with sudo ip link set wlp2s0 up and sudo systemctl start NetworkManager.service, right?13:34
ogra_loswedseded, you might need to call "rfkill unblock all" before that13:37
loswedsededogra_, does this command survive rebooting?13:38
ogra_not sure, it should (it is the backend of what you know as "airplan mode")13:39
ogra_but better try it first 🙂13:39
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=== PinkMusen is now known as Kristine
pycuriousWhat is a good solution to backup a running ubuntu machine to a state (say ./backup now "mystate"). Then I can say (./restore from "mystate") - and reboot the machine. And I want the ubuntu to roll back to the backup state? Is there an easy to use and reliable solution to this problem?15:06
leftyfbrun it in a VM or container15:07
pycuriousI need a VM - which VM ? Virtualbox doesnt pass through15:07
leftyfb"doesnt pass though"   what do you mean?15:08
pycuriousI cant run VM or container, because I cant find an easy to use solution for multiple GPUs to pass through them.15:09
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pycuriousthat is why I'm looking for a bare-metal solution for the problem15:09
leftyfbpycurious: why do you need to "roll back"?15:09
pycuriousleftyfb: Why do you have to reinstall a machine from scratch? To reset the state?15:10
leftyfbpycurious: I do that maybe every 2 years or so to get onto the latest LTS release. I reinstall Ubuntu from scratch and then run an ansible playbook that brings my machine back to the state I prefer it in and restores my files from backup15:11
pycurious@leftyfb I'm testing a software on this machine - which needs a lot of installs. I currently do it in the cloud by creating a new machine from scratch every hour. I want to reduce the cost and do it in my own machine.15:12
leftyfbyou pay for GPU's in the cloud?15:12
pycurioushttps://github.com/bryansteiner/gpu-passthrough-tutorial/ - this is what i've to go through - if i want to do it in a VM15:12
pycurious@leftyfb can we go back to the problem - is there a backup/restore cli that is easy to use on ubuntu, that can reset state?15:13
leftyfbnot in the way you think, that I'm aware of or suggest15:14
leftyfbis your software graphical or can it be run on a server?15:14
pycurious@leftyfb its running on an ubuntu server- and it needs testing. I need ubuntu to be in the original state to test it.15:15
leftyfbso run your tests in containers15:15
leftyfblxc launch ubuntu:23.10 mynewcontainer15:16
leftyfbyou can spin those up in under a minute (depending on internet speed) or create snapshots of them15:16
pycurious@leftyfb The software spins 10 of those - so testing needs more than a container. Docker inside docker is painful, especially when it has to deal with multiple GPUs. Can we go back to my original problem?15:17
leftyfblxc/lxd != docker  and no, it's not difficult to run docker containers in lxd15:18
pycuriousDoes lxc pass through multiple GPUs easily?15:19
leftyfbyou mentioned doing all this in the cloud but haven't confirmed whether or not you're paying for GPU time for your application testing15:19
preachnothing passes through GPUs "easily" to my knowledge15:20
leftyfbspecifically https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/gpu-data-processing-inside-lxd#6-add-your-gpu-to-the-container15:20
leftyfbit's 1 command to pass through GPU to a container15:20
preachI've always had to change kernel parameters and initramfs config to even attempt it15:21
leftyfbnot needed here15:21
preachwhy not15:21
pycuriousCan an lxc container run 10 docker containers? some of which need gpu, and some of which don't?15:21
preachlol what kind of questions are these15:21
leftyfb10 docker containers, sure. GPU within docker, if you can accomplish that on bare metal, then yes15:21
pycurious@preach iommu/vi-flags/… - there is a bunch of things you've to setup before you can do gpu's pass through. That 1 command assumes you've done all that - which is not that bad! The problem is the containers don't play nice with containers inside them.15:22
leftyfbsure they do15:22
leftyfblxc config set mynewcontainer security.nesting=true15:23
preachpycurious: I figured they were trivializing it somehow15:23
leftyfbI run docker in multiple containers15:23
pycurious@leftyfb Thanks! I did not know that lxc containers can run docker containers inside them easily - that might work - will have to investigate that route.15:23
leftyfbI usually set security.nesting=true and security.privileged=true15:25
pycurious@leftyfb how do i enable 3 gpus inside a lxc container?15:25
leftyfbpycurious: I don't know, but fiddling around with https://documentation.ubuntu.com/lxd/en/latest/reference/devices_gpu/ you might be able to sort it out15:27
pycurious@leftyfb can you help me setup a gpu baremetal (ubuntu host) that can do lxc container with docker containers inside it? I do need to kill that container and repawn it everyday :)15:27
leftyfbdo you? You asked about "rolling back". Can you spin it up, create a snapshot and restore the snapshot every day?15:28
leftyfbpycurious: I've literally given you the exact 4 commands you need to spin up a container, configure it to allow docker and add a GPU. Since I've never added multiple GPU's to a container, I don't know how to do that. I have given you the documentation for it though. You can always ask for help in #lxd as well.15:29
pycurious@leftyfb I was thinking of lxc can do this - then my problem is solved ? I can just create and destroy that container - unless i am missing anything?15:30
leftyfbyou can, but it seems overkill when you have snapshots built in already15:30
leftyfbup to you if you want to do more work15:30
pycurious@leftyfb I think docker does not see the gpus that lxc passes - there are issues there for nvidia - that need to be sorted out15:32
leftyfbI see no reason why docker running in an lxd container server with gpu passed through to the container wouldn't see the gpu if docker running on bare metal can see the gpu15:34
ogra_you dont "enable" anything in lxd containers ... lxd is a hypervisor, it shares the HW with the host15:34
ogra_if your host has 3 GPUs the lxd containers should have access to them15:35
leftyfbogra_: what's the link I posted above for then?15:36
leftyfb(I've never cared about the gpu with containers)15:36
ogra_i know people using it with multiple GPUS and to my knowledge it just worked for them ... (but i have no first hand knowledge, that much is true)15:37
leftyfbyeah, sure enough15:38
leftyfbroot@mantic:~# lspci|grep -i vga15:38
leftyfb00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Raptor Lake-P [Iris Xe Graphics] (rev 04)15:38
leftyfbthat's a container I just spun up on my laptop15:38
pycuriousI just downloaded my first lxc ubuntu image - still havent spun the container - soon :)15:40
leftyfbpycurious: https://canonical.com/lxd/install15:41
leftyfbI would follow that15:41
ogra_sudo lxd init --auto; lxc launch ubuntu:22.04 jammy; lxc shell jammy ...15:41
ogra_or that 🙂15:41
leftyfbI don't follow this "I jsut downloaded my first lxc ubuntu image"15:42
leftyfbthey just use cloud images15:42
ogra_(oh, the last two might need a re-login to pick up the new group membership)15:42
leftyfbworked fine for me15:42
ogra_ah, good then15:42
leftyfbI rebuilt this laptop about a month ago and this is the first time I've run the lxc command on it15:43
ogra_(i mainly use lxd on UbuntuCore nowadays ... there a little tinkering is needed for the groups stuff)15:43
leftyfbyeah, I have some custom networking I do with them sometimes15:43
pycurious@leftyfb https://dpaste.org/FvAsb - can you tell me how i get nvidia-smi inside this lxc container?15:46
pycuriousnvidia-smi works on the host OS15:47
leftyfbpycurious: you undo everything you did up till this point and follow the suggestions and instructions I gave you instead15:47
leftyfbpycurious: I suggested to use lxd, not lxc. It's a bit confusing because the "lxc" command is named as such15:48
leftyfbpycurious: if you want help with lxc, you'll need to /join #lxc. I haven't used that in many years15:48
pycuriouswow! Sorry for bombing this with one character!15:49
leftyfbpycurious: otherwise, you can use lxd and follow the documentation I've provided you already which takes you step by step on how to accomplish most, if not everything you're asking for15:49
pycuriousTrying to remove what i did15:49
leftyfbthe documentation I provided is for lxd, not lxc15:49
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pycurious@leftyfb This time I'm following this one https://canonical.com/lxd/install - and apt update doesnt go through - networking issue - how do i resolve that?16:00
pycuriousthe last command doesnt work on that page16:01
pycuriouslxc exec ubuntu-container -- apt-get update16:01
leftyfbpycurious: login to the container "lxc shell ubuntu-container"16:02
pycuriouslxc-ls --fancy ==> Nothing running. lxc shell ubutu-container ==> Instance not found!16:04
pycuriouslxc exec ubuntu-container -- apt-get update ==> it did run this and gave me a bunch of errors16:04
leftyfbpycurious: which instructions tell you to run lxc-ls ?16:04
pycuriousWhen it gave me instance not found - I thought I would run lxc-ls to see if anything was running. I guess that does not list ubuntu-container? There is another command for that?16:05
leftyfbpycurious: which instructions tell you to run lxc-ls ?16:06
pycuriousI ran it on my own - did that kill what i was running?16:06
leftyfbplease close and disregard any instructions that mention "lxc-ls" as they are for lxc and not lxd16:07
leftyfbpycurious: lxc list16:07
pycuriousthat one shows ubuntu-container running16:07
leftyfblxc shell ubuntu-container16:07
pycuriousThis time when i ran lxc shell ubuntu-container -> it worked!16:07
leftyfbbecause you spelled it correctly this time16:08
pycuriousapt update inside does not work - connection time out issues16:08
leftyfbdoes the container have an ip address?16:08
pycurious@leftyfb Thanks!16:08
pycuriousI selected "auto" in lxd init - for both ip4/6 - not sure about that16:08
preachwhy use lxc over docker?16:08
leftyfbpreach: lets not16:09
leftyfbpycurious: does your container have an ip address?16:09
pycurious@preach its "lxd"16:09
pycurious@leftyfb lxc list does show an ip - both 4 and 616:10
preachI must be missing something16:10
preachit was just a question16:10
leftyfbpycurious: do you know how to check the ip address in linux from the command line?16:10
pycurious# hostname -I —> fd42:1c12:43ac:b675:216:3eff:fe5f:a46f16:12
leftyfbip a # would be a better way, but sure16:12
leftyfbhow about the ip of the lxbr0 interface on your host?16:13
pycurious@leftyfb LXD containers can be spun using vagrant using a plugin - have you ever used that? Can I try that?16:13
leftyfbI haven't used vagrant. I don't see how that would help anything here16:13
leftyfbpycurious: can you ping .1 from the container and vice versa?16:13
leftyfbpycurious: I prefer to get things working and more importantly, understood before I introduce additional tools which layer on top which are meant to "simplify" the original goal which was already pretty simple to begin with16:18
pycuriousping - works from the container - no issues there16:18
leftyfbpycurious: can you ping .1 from the container     and vice versa?16:18
pycurious@leftyfb from both host and guest - ping - works16:19
leftyfbvice versa means can you ping the guest ip (which isn't .1) from the host?16:20
pycuriousboth pings work : From Host:  ping - works16:21
leftyfbpycurious: on the guest: resolvectl status|grep "DNS Servers"16:22
pycurious DNS Servers:
leftyfbpycurious: and running "apt update" on the guest is timing out?16:25
ogra_do you have docker installed on that machine alongside ? IIRC docker does mangle a lot of firewall rules unasked and unannounced that could break stuff16:26
pycuriousto both questions - docker is installed and running. and apt update doesnt work16:26
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 103 in docker/for-linux "Docker blocking network of existing LXC containers" [Open]16:27
ogra_see this16:27
leftyfbpycurious: on the host run this: sudo iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT16:27
leftyfbthen try running apt update on the guest16:27
ogra_(docker is such a mess ... i never understood how it got so popular)16:28
pycuriousogra_: are lxd containers better than docker?16:29
ogra_(... but so got VHS videotapes ... so i should not be surprised 🙂 )16:29
leftyfbpycurious: they each have their uses for different purposes16:29
ogra_pycurious, well, depends, i mean docker is probably a tad more lightweight than lxd since it does not even run an init system inside the containers, they have a different focus16:30
pycurious@leftyfb - isnt that a security issue -> sudo iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT - maybe we should be more targetted towards the host lx interface?16:31
arkanoidhello! how can I configure which DNS my ubuntu should use? I have a single interface eth0, which is configured by dhcp to use 3 dns servers, first is local, second is, third is When I ping local name, ubuntu resolves it using instead of the first DNS server. The server works if I do "dig localname @localserver"16:31
leftyfbarkanoid: if you need local resolution, don't assign public nameservers via DHCP16:32
arkanoidleftyfb: this is not how dns works16:32
leftyfbarkanoid: configure DHCP to only assign your local DNS server which should then forward external requests as needed16:32
arkanoidthere's a primary, a secondary, and so on16:32
leftyfbarkanoid: this is 100% how DNS works16:32
leftyfbarkanoid: false16:33
leftyfbarkanoid: primary and secondary is for failover of multiple DNS servers which all resolve that same way in case one or more of them is completely down.16:33
arkanoidleftyfb: then why ubuntu picks secondary if primary is up and running?16:34
leftyfbDNS queries do not query multiple nameservers until it finds a record. That is not how DNS works16:34
leftyfbarkanoid: that's not how DNS works16:34
leftyfbarkanoid: configure DHCP to only assign your local DNS server which should then forward external requests as needed16:34
arkanoidthis does not answer question why ubuntu queries servers not in the order specified16:35
pragmaticenigmaarkanoid: it's not an ordering, that's what being conveyed16:35
leftyfbmultiple nameservers are not an order, they are queried randomly and only 1 is ever hit16:35
arkanoidreally? I'm pretty sure I've read the opposite on a manual. I might be wrong, let me search for it.16:36
arkanoidbtw thanks, if that is not an ordered list, this explains everything16:36
leftyfbit's a big misconception that there's idea of "primary and secondary" nameservers configured on clients. It's wrong16:36
leftyfbthere's another misconception that a DNS query will hit multiple nameservers until it gets a hit. That's also wrong16:37
leftyfba query will ask 1 nameserver, if it responds with anything, that's the answer you get, transaction is now complete16:38
leftyfbsorry, let me rephrase16:38
leftyfbthere's another misconception that a DNS query will hit multiple nameservers until it gets a valid resolution. That's also wrong16:39
arkanoidthen what is the point of configuring multiple DNS server into a DNS client?16:39
leftyfbin case 1 is down16:39
plastikmanthe only way a resolver "fails over" is if the first in the list fails to respond16:39
leftyfbit will hit one of the 2 randomly, if the one it hits is completely inaccessible, then it will hit the next one16:39
plastikmanThe way I solved this in the past was to put a reverse proxy in front of my DNS servers so there was multiple behind a VIP16:40
leftyfbif one responds and says "I have no idea what that hostname is", then that is the end of the transaction16:40
arkanoidgot it, so there's the implicit assumption that the two dns server respond with same anwers16:40
plastikmanand just so yuo know, its always DNS16:40
arkanoidthanks for the clarification16:40
leftyfbarkanoid: exactly16:40
leftyfbif they respond with different answers, you get intermittent failures and is usually because you configured DNS on the client incorrectly16:41
leftyfbplastikman: it's almost never DNS. It's usually someone's misconception or misconfiguration of DNS :)16:43
plastikmanIm kidding of course, but many times people blame DNS when its a resolver quirk or assumptions of resolvers.  anyway...18:00
whoamiHi - not sure where best to ask about ufw, so I'm doing it here. Please let me know if there's a better spot. I'm writing docs for a product, and trying to give instructions for ufw. With iptables, we install the following two rules to allow forwarded traffic, and return traffic: iptables -I FORWARD 1 -i enp5s0 -o defined1 -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT / iptables -I FORWARD 219:25
whoami-i defined1 -o enp5s0 -s -d -j ACCEPT19:25
whoamiWith ufw, this seems to work: ufw route allow in on defined1 out on enp5s0 from to
whoamiHowever, I'm somewhat surprised when I run iptables -vnL, I don't see a conntrack rule for return traffic. Is this expected?19:26
whoamiHm, I see `ufw-before-forward` has a generic rule from `/etc/ufw/before.rules` which seems to cover this case: -A ufw-before-forward -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT19:28
pragmaticenigmawhoami: if you're still looking for some help, #networking may be a good community to reach out to20:27
whoamithanks :) my question is mostly about ufw behavior (whether ufw route allow creates a rule for reverse traffic / whether that is the intention of the default rule), but perhaps there are some people familiar with ufw over there.20:28
whoamii'll give that a go tomorrow morning perhaps. appreciate the suggestion20:29
pragmaticenigmawhoami: ufw is uncomplicated firewall ... all I could say is that by design it's supposed to be approachable more for a consumer level, rather than enterprise.20:29
pragmaticenigmaI personally don't know what your iptables rule does, to me it's a magic encantation that I'd hope is accurate20:30
pragmaticenigmaI use ufw with my main focus being opening and closing ports20:30
whoamiyeah, i understand. it does have support for forwarding though, so i don't think i'm doing anything it's incapable of.20:31
whoamias it happens, there are customers who would like to use it.20:31
pragmaticenigmathere always is :)20:31
whoamiand fwiw, it is working in practice, i just want to make sure my understanding is correct :)20:31
plastikmanI feel like both UFW and other tools like it start to get murky after you stop being simple20:32
whoamias all networking seems to... heh.20:33
pragmaticenigmawhoami: totally encourage you to verify your theory. it makes me happy to know there's someone such as yourself that is going that extra mile :)20:34
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arraybolt3If UFW is Uncomplicated FireWall, I don't even want to see what CFW (Complicated FireWall) looks like...20:48
plastikmanthat is called iptables20:49
arraybolt3lol, right... yeah that really is a mess20:49
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JanCUFW is for doing uncomplicated things, not for making complicated things uncomplicated or something like that  :)21:28
JanCif you want to do things that UFW wasn't designed to do, you should look for an alternative21:29
SnoopJThe copy of `perf` provided by `linux-tools-6.5.0-18-generic` is apparently built without `libtraceevent`. I'm relatively comfortable with building my own, but wondering what I need to do to get the appropriate kernel sources to do that. The sources provided `linux-source-6.5.0` do not seem to include `tools/perf`21:44
SnoopJ(alternatively, if there's a way to ask Ubuntu to give me a more useful copy of `perf`, I'd welcome that advice too)21:44
elhoirany 6.5.x kernel from upstream should be fine (the higher version the better)21:45
elhoiryou just have to get config from the installed one and you`re done21:46
SnoopJdoes that mean that Ubuntu itself cannot provide me the non-mangled source that goes with my installed kernel? :(22:16
JanCSnoopJ: with "apt source" you can get the source package of any binary package22:17
JanC(no need for sudo!)22:17
oerheksget it from git?22:18
oerheks   git://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/xorg/driver/xf86-video-radeonhd22:18
SnoopJJanC, is that supposed to work for `linux-tools-6.5.0-18-generic`? It doesn't work for me, it picks `linux-hwe-6.5` instead and then fails.22:19
JanCbecause that's the source package22:19
oerheksoops wrong window22:19
JanCone source package often builds several binary packages22:19
SnoopJI'm afraid I don't speak Debianese well enough to unpack that into a next step22:20
SnoopJMaybe Debian/Ubuntu are sufficiently opinionated about breaking this workflow that going upstream is just the Best Way™22:25
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2051916 in libtraceevent (Ubuntu) "[MIR] promote libtraceevent as a trace-cmd dependency" [Undecided, Incomplete]22:27
oerheksadd yourself?22:27
SnoopJI would like to solve this problem on a timeline that does not depend on sitting on my hands until a maintainer fixes it22:30
oerheksold one https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/201924722:30
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2019247 in linux (Ubuntu) "perf should be compiled with libtraceevent" [Undecided, Confirmed]22:30
SnoopJright, I saw that one when trying to search up a solution22:30
crobihello! I'm having some strange issues with pulling from archive.ubuntu.com  the /Ubuntu directory keeps recurring over and over about 20+ directories deep.  is that normal?  I'm noticing it on the eu mirror as well.22:38
oerheksif you keep clicking ubuntu ... http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/22:39
oerhekshave fun22:39
leftyfbcrobi: that's not how you're supposed to "pull" from the repo22:39
leftyfbcrobi: don't do that22:40
crobiyeah the problem is I'm trying to install 20.04 and the installer is not able to see the mirror22:40
leftyfbwhy are you installing 20.04 over 22.04?22:40
crobisorry poor choice of words, I'm not pulling anything22:40
crobidependencies for ROS noetic is why 20.0422:41
leftyfbcrobi: please pastebin the error you are getting22:42
crobiI'm on my phone unfortunately this system is on a different network.22:43
leftyfbok, feel free to ask for help when you are in a position to troubleshoot the machine in question22:43
crobigimme a sec transcribing the error22:44
crobi"bad archive mirror.  additional details in /var/log/syslog"  I checked the logs and it's not able to resolve the mirror.  the weirdness is that the installer was able to resolve it earlier during the install.22:45
leftyfbplease pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list22:46
crobiI don't have net-tools available so I can't check much beyond pinging the mirror22:47
crobiwhich it cannot resolve.22:47
crobioh sorry network connection is bad so messages are coming in sporadically22:47
crobiI don't seem to have a sources.list in /etc/apt22:48
leftyfbthen you aren't running ubuntu or have modified it in an way that is not recommended and probably causing your issues22:49
leftyfbcrobi: do you have any files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ ?22:50
crobi91anyway I appreciate the help, my cell signal is cutting out too much I'll try again next week22:50
sarnoldheh, is the bad network connection why you couldn't resolve the name?22:50
leftyfb"bad archive mirror" is not a failure to resolve22:51
crobi91probably but the system in question is on a different network in my lab, I'm on LTE with my cell22:51
leftyfband a lack of a sources.list shows it's either not ubuntu(not official anyway) or modified in a way that is likely causing the issue22:51
leftyfbcrobi91: this should be your /etc/apt/sources.list https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wQ7g5yV3Yn/22:52
crobi91mmk good to know I'll bug the vendor some more and see if they will be able to offer suggestions22:52
leftyfbyou can probably leave out the partner repo22:52
oerheksoriginal can be found in /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/sources.list22:54
leftyfbor that22:54
leftyfbmine is much cleaner though :)22:54
oerheksindeed, original has no universe enabled22:54
leftyfbwhich causes a lot of people grief22:54
preachwhere is the code that copies that file to /etc/apt22:55
leftyfbthe apt package does it22:57
leftyfbpreach: somewhere in the source code for the apt package22:57
leftyfbyou are welcome to go through it:  apt source apt22:57
preachI'm looking here: https://github.com/Debian/apt/tree/main/debian22:59
preachbut I don't see it anywhere22:59
sarnoldthat's not the package source, that's some old snapshot of the upstream git tree23:00
preachlast commit last week is old?23:01
preachand why wouldn't it be in there either way?23:01
leftyfbpreach: why do you need to know?23:02
preachI've always wanted to know and it has come up in conversations several times recently with different people23:02
preachwanting to know how sources.list is generated and how it gets put there23:03
leftyfbpreach: I pulled down the apt source and used grep and it looks to me like it might be in apt-2.4.5/dselect/setup23:03
preachbut the ask anyone has come up with is that the /usr/share file _looks_ like the stock one, but I haven't seen any proof that it is the exact same23:03
sarnoldpreach: (a) I was just going by the banner at the top " This repository has been archived by the owner on Dec 12, 2022. It is now read-only. " (b) it's still just some github clone and it isn't the package source :) apt-get source apt23:03
preachI'm not on an ubuntu machine23:05
preachand why would the github source be different than the package source?23:05
preachand even if it was, why would the same code in question not be there in one and only in the other?23:05
preachmakes no sense23:05
leftyfbpreach: feel free to ask in #debian or the maintainer of that git tree23:06
oerhekswhat package provides  /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/sources.list and /usr/share/keyrings/*23:07
oerheksapt i bet23:07
oerheksi never installed apt though23:08
sarnoldpreach: ah, you should have said that first :)23:09
sarnoldpreach: there's a dozen supported versions of apt https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt and you can click through to grab the tarballs of upstream sources and ubuntu patches from them all. if you've got dget on your system, dget https://something/path/to/apt.dsc  will download the other files for you, and it can even unpack the sources if you give it the right command line arguments23:11
szstrmega good luck to all ayn this channel withaynout 2 minutes withayn/within 20 minutes23:13
sarnoldhey szstr, do keep the sillyness to #ubuntu-offtopic please :)23:13
szstryes no no no yes, sir23:14
sarnoldthankya :)23:14
szstri don't like ubuntu, but i do like that kubuntu 23.10 has: yt-dl3, it needs kwrite, could use abiword, needs C/C-- runners/konguilerz, we need a web sergher gui-auto-aynstaller aynstaller, mantis ayz/is a good nickname,23:58

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