
KonqiClient: IRCA 2.16.4 • OS: ROSA Fresh Desktop 12.4 release 2021.1 for x86_64 • CPU: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-12450H (689MHz) • Memory: Physical: 15,0 ГиБ Total (14,1 ГиБ Free) Swap: 7,5 ГиБ Total (7,5 ГиБ Free) • Storage: 65,3 ГБ / 483,0 ГБ (417,6 ГБ Free) • VGA: Intel Corporation Alder Lake-P GT1 [UHD Graphics] @ Intel Corporation 12th Gen Core Processor Host Bridge/DRAM Registers00:56
Konqi• Uptime: 1m 4s00:56
oerheksstop that spam, rosa is not kubuntu01:07
oerheks!ot > Konqi01:07
ubottuKonqi: Please see my private message01:07
KonqiClient: IRCA 2.16.4 • OS: ROSA Fresh Desktop 12.4 release 2021.1 for x86_64 • CPU: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-12450H (400MHz) • Memory: Physical: 15,0 ГиБ Total (14,0 ГиБ Free) Swap: 7,5 ГиБ Total (7,5 ГиБ Free) • Storage: 65,9 ГБ / 483,0 ГБ (417,0 ГБ Free) • VGA: Intel Corporation Alder Lake-P GT1 [UHD Graphics] @ Intel Corporation 12th Gen Core Processor Host Bridge/DRAM Registers01:56
Konqi• Uptime: 2m 31s01:56
Konqiwget http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/39/Spins/x86_64/iso/Fedora-KDE-Live-x86_64-39-1.5.iso02:26
Konqiyes | cp -r /usr/bin/* /bin/06:09
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
BluesKajHi all12:27
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=== arraybolt3 is now known as arraybolt3-dange
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=== arraybolt3-dange is now known as arraybolt3-cmp
iomari891greetings, AFter my last update and reboot, all my desktops in plasma are black. I can move my cursor and cairodock shows but the plasma panel dock is not there and right clicking on black desktop does nothing. Any ideas what might be wrong?18:15
anrianyone here?20:14
anriwhats up20:28
=== tautvydas is now known as tautalas
SpringIs there any proper way to disable the Ctrl+Alt+F4 hotkey that exits the desktop environment?22:04
Spring(if not is there a way to regain the DE after being triggered?)22:04
DragnslcrSpring- should Ctrl-Alt-F2 to get back to the desktop22:25
SpringDragnslcr, hmm, doesn't do anything.22:27
DragnslcrTry the other virtual consoles, F1-F722:28
DragnslcrGoogle says you can disable the hotkeys to switch virtual terminals - https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/3416422:28
SpringAh, F1 did it. Thanks.22:28
DragnslcrI'd be cautious about doing it, though, since it can be really useful having access to a console if something goes wrong with your desktop22:29
cbreaknewer ubuntu seem to put the GUI on F2, older ones had it on F1 I think22:31
Springif the hotkey weren't so similar to Alt+F4 it'd be better since I sometimes accidentally trigger it due to the key placement22:31
cbreakthere are worse things to press, like alt-printscreen-b (after some preparation :))22:34
mybalzitcherr scroll lock?23:43
eatyourgloryDo we need to do anything about this new vulnerability?23:57

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