
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Unapproved: calamares-settings-ubuntu (noble-proposed/universe) [1:24.04.20 => 1:24.04.21] (lubuntu, ubuntustudio)04:37
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
wxlarraybolt3: what's up with matrix right now? i can't seem to connect on element17:56
arraybolt3me neither, it kicked me out too17:56
wxlruh roh17:56
arraybolt3part of me wonders if that xz exploit was just used to hack the server :P17:56
=== arraybolt3 is now known as arraybolt3-dange
=== arraybolt3-dange is now known as arraybolt3-cmp
arraybolt3-cmpJust in case my bouncer was compromised, I just changed my bouncer IRC nick to indicate that this instance could be compromised while I migrate to a local client.18:03
arraybolt3-cmpgoing to disconnect from this in a bit18:03
wxldid you check with the other matrix council folks to see if they have any idea?18:03
arraybolt3-cmpnot yet, dont' know how to reach most of them18:05
arraybolt3-cmpravage I can reach though18:05
wxlseems to me that there should be some sort of backup communication method amongst you that can be relied on in cases like this18:05
arraybolt3-cmpyeah there probably should be18:06
wxlfor that matter, it makes me think that ubuntu infra could really use a status page18:06
arraybolt3sigh, now I have to fix my connection to OFTC too...18:06
arraybolt3who really has time to fight with backdoors18:06
wxlwait what's the issue with oftc? i'm still connected there18:07
arraybolt3-cmpno issue in particular with them, but...18:08
arraybolt3-cmp* The server my bouncer runs on runs Noble.18:08
arraybolt3-cmp* I keep it up to date18:08
arraybolt3-cmp* I probably installed the backdoored liblzma at some point18:08
wxlah right. probably this morning :)18:08
arraybolt3-cmpfill in the rest of the gaps yourself :)18:08
arraybolt3-cmpoh no, the backdoor was introduced a month ago according to vorlon18:08
wxloh yikes18:09
wxlthankfully all of my daily drivers are running in lts'es. well, except the laptop but i actually haven't used that in a while. even then, it's not a development release18:09
arraybolt3and with that I am safe18:11
wxlgoing back to what you said before, please don't tell me our matrix server is running on a development release?????18:11
arraybolt3shoot, you know what else could be compromised that I need to fix?18:13
arraybolt3My GPG key of all things.18:13
arraybolt3It's on a Noble VM that I also religiously keep up to date.18:14
arraybolt3and there's probably an SSH key I could stand to decouple from LP18:14
wxlwell ping me if it looks like matrix is back up18:37
arraybolt3will do18:39
wxlarraybolt3: a thought that might save you some trouble: have thomas check the logs and see if there have been any unexpected ssh connections. if not, shut down sshd, update, start sshd, and continue like normal19:06
arraybolt3the problem is we don't know if it's just an sshd compromise. Lots of parts of the system use compression and a lot of that could be xz based.19:08
arraybolt3If it turns out that it *also* plants a root shell that connects to a C&C server... you see where this is going.19:08
wxli guess so. maybe what would be better is actually shutting the server down19:09
arraybolt3thought about that... what I did was just disconnected from it, wiped all my IRC data from it, and changed my IRC passwords. The server is still on since i didn't want to disrupt anyone, but I've disconnected from it.19:10
arraybolt3and wiped anything important from it and deauthed anything useful on it19:10
wxlwe could shut it down right now19:11
wxltsimonq2, teward: thoughts? ^19:11
tewardi has ping on IRC which I don't read regularly, anyone want to give me a summary?19:26
tewardoh the xz exploit?19:27
tewardwxl: not affected, this is why I use LTSes and not devel releases or interims for our shit19:27
tewardblah random swear sorry19:27
arraybolt3devel release is used by our sandbox server19:27
arraybolt3but I think only Simon has access there19:27
tewardthen @tsimonq2 should drop the nuke/hammer19:28
tewardor just give me permission to `shred` the disk xD19:28
tewardbut i digress19:28
arraybolt3wxl though if you're logged in still, feel free to issue a `shutdown now`19:28
teward@tsimonq2 WAKE UP MFER19:28
teward(I'll ping on Element too)19:28
arraybolt3good luck, chat-server.ubuntu.com is down19:28
arraybolt3which is why we're all over here on IRC now19:28
wxlshut down19:29
arraybolt3oh, that's probably from wxl19:29
wxloh oops i poofed simon XD19:31
tewardI have simons email and phone numbers xD19:32
tewardi did check with the Security team19:32
tewardthe affected `xz` never got out of -proposed in Noble19:32
tewardand was purgified by Security19:32
tewardno already-released Ubuntu variants are affected19:33
tewardso none of the infra *I* maintain here is affected.19:33
arraybolt3right, the problem mentioned in ubuntu-release is the possibility that the malicious code in -proposed could have backdoored things built against it IIUC.19:33
arraybolt3and Many Things stuck in -proposed just came through into -release19:33
arraybolt3teward: btw I need my notes.lubuntu.me password to be sent into a conflict with the Death Star and a new one put in its place plz thank you :)19:40
tewardright but it looks like Debian already has a reverted version, 5.6.1+really5.4.5-* possibly already available19:40
wxlof course we didn't have proposed enabled on the sandbox19:40
tewardso it might just be a nuke-redo-everything19:40
wxlany clues on what's up with matrix yet?19:43
arraybolt3still no clue19:44
tewardi'll poke a contact19:44
tewardbecause things19:44
arraybolt3sigh, this is like the fifth or sixth total password reset I've done in my life... and I'm convinced all websites need to have a generalized *fast* and easy method for doing this.19:46
arraybolt3The fact that every site has a different dance for getting to the password reset feature is ridiculous.19:46
wxlwait you were running a noble with proposed as your daily driver?????19:50
arraybolt3I was not.19:59
arraybolt3I'm worried about the possibility of backdoored applications built against the malicious liblzma that may have made it into -release.19:59
arraybolt3I don't know if it's even possible for this to go wrong, but if the backdoor didn't introduce API breaking changes, I can see it being an issue.20:00
arraybolt3and whoever did this is pretty clever so they could have / probably did pull that off.20:00
wxlthat would still only concern noble, right?20:01
wxlso your issue is that you used a development release as a daily driver20:03
wxlthank the gods i have never done that. i'd be pulling my hair out20:03
arraybolt3yeah, I was.20:04
arraybolt3and now I'm pulling my hair out20:04
wxlyeah i can imagine20:04
arraybolt3aaaaand that was my last password changed20:22
wxlsheesh i would have been at it all week if i had to change all my passwords20:22
arraybolt3grr, I'm now realizing my Noble box had SSH access to my laptop.20:42
wxloh jeez20:42
arraybolt3theoretically that could be bad, but... hmm...20:42
arraybolt3at this point I've taken care of any easy compromise issues. The possibility of an attacker managing to jump to my Jammy machine is *there*, but it would require that they do a *lot* of work in addition to the main exploit, and I doubt that happened.20:47
arraybolt3but who knows...20:47
arraybolt3anyway, for now my GPG key is revoked, my SSH keys are detached from anything important.20:48
wxlif it's some programmatic exploit, they may very well trying to exploit every other server associated with the machine they're exploiting20:48
wxli mean if i was attacking ssh, i'd probably try attacking anything in the ssh config of whatever i managed to get into20:49
wxli mean how many people use pubkey authentication with ssh but with no passwords on the key? too many!20:51
arraybolt3I hate that you're right.20:52
wxli mean if you have a password on the key, then maybe i wouldn't sweat it so much20:52
arraybolt3nope, passwordless20:53
arraybolt3alright, guess now I get to find an uncompromised machine to download a fresh KFocus ISO from.20:53
wxlwere you using a password on your gpg key?20:53
arraybolt3I was... but I also typed that password frequently into a posibly compromised VM.20:53
arraybolt3hey guiverc20:54
arraybolt3https://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2024/03/29/4 if you're wondering what the talk about "compromised machines" is about20:54
wxli mean i guess keylogging is a possibility?20:54
guiverco/  (passing by, as about to head out & feed birbs)20:54
arraybolt3I already revoked my GPG key anyway so no big deal there20:55
arraybolt3the issue is my password DB.20:55
wxlis that not password protected??20:58
wxlmatrix is back ya'll21:59
arraybolt3So here I am again, this time on a Fedora machine that I had laying around that I just finished getting updated.22:10
arraybolt3Currently prepping to download a couple of ISOs for recovering data and reinstalling everything.22:10
wxlarraybolt3: not sure you saw but matrix is back22:19
wxlapparently the problem was a full disk. whoops22:19
arraybolt3did not see that, good to know22:19
arraybolt3and sheesh, I guess that explains it22:19
wxli'm running at 95% on one of my machines and did bump into that issue at one point when i had downloaded too many isos. i was doing an install and you know how drives usually work with vbox where they expand to suit? well, it all pooped out mid-install.22:21
arraybolt3heh, I hit 50% and start having anxiety.22:22
arraybolt3I'm constantly cleaning my disk of excess garbage.22:22
=== Guest55 is now known as arraybolt3

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