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ironbearHey guys. New to this community. Any tips for a noob?03:59
rboxironbear: tips?04:01
ironbearrbox: things to look out for in using linux04:01
lotuspsychje!discuss | ironbear04:02
ubottuironbear: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!04:02
ironbearubottu: thanks04:03
jam_is there a program like power director that will upload videos straight to youtube for linux?04:32
jam_guess everyone is too busy04:33
CoffeRoaster42Boycott Libera chat due to tyranical mods04:48
CoffeRoaster42Does modern Ryzen CPUs have any glitches, bugs, hangs, etc on modern linux OSs?04:53
mybalzitchless than intel.04:57
CoffeRoaster42hmm ok05:00
mybalzitchmy 5900x and 7800x3d and 7302p all run just fine on "modern linux OSs"05:05
lotuspsychjeplease leave this channel for serious matters mybalzitch CoffeRoaster4205:06
mybalzitchsorry, I'll stop feeding the troll.05:06
HammitI have an issue with installing Ubuntu on a new SSD alongside my other Ubuntu on a separate SSD05:09
HammitI formatted and partitioned the new SSD for the new install, including creating the ESP partition05:09
Hammithowever, when I install Ubuntu it uses the ESP on the original SSD that has my old Ubuntu05:09
HammitI want to eventually format the whole SSD that has my old Ubuntu, so I don't want to be using the ESP on it, but would rather that be on the new SSD05:10
CoffeRoaster42Im not a troll05:17
CoffeRoaster42I was asking about CPU compatability05:17
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tomreynhi and welcome, deadmorozz, do you have an ubuntu support question?10:32
deadmorozzwhy this distro is so catchy?10:39
blogtenhello... FYI, Ubuntu 22 LTS ships p7zip version 16.02+dfsg-8, and this version can fail at random claiming IO errors.  a way to reproduce this is to compress a 1tb disk image (which xz compressed without issue down to ~150gb) with the command 7z a -mx=9 -mqs=on -mfb=273 -ms=on disk-image.7z disk-image.dd.  on a system with 2 cpus and 24 total10:49
blogtenthreads, doing that may take a few hours to fail (observed anywhere between 1 and 4 hours).  7z never finished the compression job.  there were no hardware errors reported in the logs, and the machine is otherwise stable.10:49
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william_Good morning from Chicago everyone.  It's been years since I played with Linux and I had a question.11:43
william_Is there a linux native camera program for a webcam that is High Definition?11:44
william_Pref for gnome11:44
Habbieguvcview perhaps11:45
william_Thank you11:45
BluesKajHi all12:27
cooleo 14:35
szstr 14:35
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Guest666unreadable but ekkzsekutabl14:38
Guest666i'm gonna create a C conghiler ayn web lanjewijh/slang14:53
leftyfbGuest666: please stop14:53
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ironbear#ubuntu discuss18:04
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oerheks!info xz-utils19:00
ubottuxz-utils (5.4.1-0.2, mantic): XZ-format compression utilities. In component main, is standard. Built by xz-utils. Size 264 kB / 712 kB19:00
angelltsHello everyone I have a problem on Ubuntu 22.04 with the installation of obs studio does not copy me the streaming key in the settings19:18
oerheksobs studio is offered as snap, https://snapcraft.io/obs-studio , i find no bugreports on launchpad19:21
oerheksnor here https://github.com/snapcrafters/obs-studio/issues19:21
oerheksangellts, maybe you could reask in #obsproject here on #libera19:23
angelltsoerheks, tanks19:23
Square2Just checking. Anyone know if ubuntu 22.04 is affacted by the xz ssh backdoor?20:07
leftyfbSquare2: if you read the articles or bugs about it, you'll see that it never saw the light of day other than in a beta version of Fedora which has since been reverted20:08
Square2ah ok20:09
Devrimdebian had it tho?20:12
leftyfbit was never released beyond a tarball and in the beta version of fedora20:12
DevrimCompromised packages were part of the Debian testing, unstable and20:13
Devrimexperimental distributions, with versions ranging from 5.5.1alpha-0.120:13
Devrim(uploaded on 2024-02-01), up to and including 5.6.1-1. The package has20:13
Devrimbeen reverted to use the upstream 5.4.5 code, which we have versioned20:13
DevrimSo not sure :D20:14
oerheks=yes we are sure, it has never been released in ubuntu or the next 24.04 beta20:14
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
arraybolt3leftyfb: According to what I read in debian and Ubuntu development channels, Debian was compromised, Ubuntu 24.04 *may* have been compromised and is about to take extraordinary measures to sanitize the entire archive. No stable release (23.10 or earlier) is affected.20:26
leftyfbno stable release of Debian was compromised20:27
leftyfbI'd like to see anything saying Ubuntu 24.04 was compromised20:27
whoamilots of people run Debian testing though21:16
whoamijust saying21:16
leftyfbwhoami: feel free to discuss in #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopic or #debian21:16
whoamileftyfb: i'm just responding to you21:16
Habbieleftyfb, whoami, not #debian. #debian-next maybe.21:33
Strykarhow do I install CUDA 12 on Ubuntu 22.04?22:39
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=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
tomreynskriba: hello, and welcome to ubuntu support (not chat).23:08
charlesAlt + Control + T will open a Terminal window, but inconveniently it opens a NEW window instead of t he Terminal window I'm already using.23:14
charlesthere are scripts that open the last one used, which is much more useful, but I can't figure out how to install those scripts.23:15
=== charles is now known as Pruners
bpromptPruners:  depends on what terminal app you're using, I  use Konsole, and it has an option for "open in new tab, existing window", now  you can simply issue the command from a keyboard shortcut, either existing or do a keyboard mapping using "autokey"23:24
bpromptPruners: you can check your terminal app's options from a console using the --help argument, on how to open in a new tab23:25
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Prunersgenerally, bprompt, I want to return to the Terminal window I was just using.  Hmm I'm not sure what Terminal I'm using...  but it can and will open another tab, providing another window, and I do so, but usually I want to return quickly to the Terminal window I was just working in.23:44
bpromptPruners: right, well, in Konsole, adding --new-tab will open a new tab in the current session window, not a new one23:45
bpromptPruners: but that's up to the console app if it has such options23:46

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