
tomreynthat one, out of thousands reported each month?00:11
tomreynin case you're referring to CVE-2024-3094, then based on what's known so far: unless you are using (unreleased, in-development) noble numbat (24.04) with -proposed, you should not be affected. note that i'm not in any formal position, not speaking for (k)ubuntu.00:26
-ubottu:#kubuntu- Malicious code was discovered in the upstream tarballs of xz, starting with version 5.6.0. Through a series of complex obfuscations, the liblzma build process extracts a prebuilt object file from a disguised test file existing in the source code, which is then used to modify specific functions in the liblzma code. This results in a modified liblzma library that can be used ... <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-3094>00:26
IrcsomeBot<Trust> Hello darlings05:59
IrcsomeBot<Trust> I recently installed kubuntu but my wireless network has unknown05:59
IrcsomeBot<Trust> I need it for install softwares05:59
IrcsomeBot<Trust> How can I solve this problem?05:59
=== alucardromero2 is now known as alucardromero
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> Wdym by unknown ?06:52
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> Cant able to use wifi? (re @Trust: Hello darlings06:52
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> I recently installed kubuntu but my wireless network has unknown06:52
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> I need it for install softwares06:52
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> How can I solve this problem?)06:52
IrcsomeBot<Trust> In the icon of network there is no connection07:20
IrcsomeBot<Trust> I need wireless networks (re @milesdredd: Wdym by unknown ?07:20
IrcsomeBot<Trust> Cant able to use wifi?)07:20
IrcsomeBot<Trust> KUEP (re @join_captcha_bot: )07:22
=== TomTom_ is now known as TomTom
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
user|24hola buen día11:35
BluesKajHi all12:37
VanUnamedand i bricked it.15:34
allanBonjour, Sauriez-vous comment on personnalise son masque d'hôte comme ça ~allan@user/allan ?15:49
bombastickeatyourglory: https://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2024/03/29/4 the detect.sh script attached here should tell you15:58
bombasticktell you if you are affected15:58
VanUnamedi just resized a partition, not the one with the OS16:40
VanUnamedand thats what happened.16:40
tomreynVanUnamed: i'm guessing that you modified the file system you are meaining to mount to /media/DATA?17:29
VanUnamedi modified only /media/data17:30
VanUnamednot /17:30
VanUnamedhdd is like / partition, efi stuff partition /data17:30
VanUnamedi just chopped /data into media/data1 and data217:31
VanUnamedand now it does this.17:31
VanUnamedi even attempted grub boot repair with the live17:31
VanUnamedno dice17:31
tomreynVanUnamed: and apparently you have what is to be mounted at /media/DATA listed in /etc/fstab as a required moun, but you forgot to adjust the path to this file system in /etc/fstab17:31
tomreynmoun -> mount17:31
VanUnamedso i should just edit etc fstab?17:32
tomreynthe file system with the uuid printed on your screen probably no longer exists with this very uuid, i.e.t he uuid changed when you changed the file system.17:32
VanUnamedand why boot repair didnt fix it?17:33
tomreynyou need to get the new file system id, and edit /etc/fstab, and reboot (or step through the boot routine manually)17:33
VanUnamedis there a way for me to tell which is the new file system id?17:33
tomreynyour boot did not fail, the system booted fine, or you would not have seen this much output17:33
tomreynlsblk -o +UUID17:34
VanUnamedoh ok, i see17:34
VanUnamedwill try17:34
VanUnamedis this uuid maybe wirtten in some file i can access with an external drive/17:35
tomreynit is written into the file system header17:35
tomreynif you live boot some other linux you can also run the same command and it should list it, given the file system type is also supported there17:36
VanUnamedokk i will try. but why the grub boot repair did not do this?17:36
tomreyni'm not very familiar with boot repair. my understanindg is that it's meant to automatically repair non-booting systems (in those scenarios it covers). as i mentioned, your system did boot fine, just not all systemd units succeeded.17:37
VanUnamedah ok. thanks mr tomreyn . will try tomorrow17:37
tomreynyou can, and probably should, mark removable file systems (or rather file systems locate don removable media/disks) as optional on fstab, so that systemd will not run into an error situation if this file system won't be available in the future.17:39
tomreyni.e. add the "nofail" file system option for this mount in /etc/fstab17:42
=== onepict is now known as tisiphone
=== tisiphone is now known as onepict
stefanathomeukGood evening21:09
stefanathomeukI am using VLC player to watch my movies from our NAS Station but I get only an error21:10
stefanathomeukThat the file can't be shown21:10
stefanathomeukOnline I can't find any assistance21:11
stefanathomeukAs it looks like nobody else has that issue21:13
stefanathomeukGoodnight and Goodbye21:13

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