
jotogood evening everyone01:09
jotoI was wondering what Postgresql version would be included with 24.04 LTS?01:09
oerheks!info Postgresql noble01:11
ubottupostgresql (16+257, noble): object-relational SQL database (supported version). In component main, is optional. Built by postgresql-common. Size 12 kB / 17 kB01:11
jotothank you!01:11
jotogood to know that'll be on 1601:11
jotoI'm on 15 now :)01:11
oerheksgreat, read the releasenotes for changes01:13
jotoindeed, valuable info thank!01:15
elhoirTHIS is where i wanted to post :P09:22
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.09:22
elhoirsorry lotuspsychje 09:23
lotuspsychjeask your question with your !paste and wait for volunteers to help you09:24
elhoir"simple".... how to fix this ---> https://pastebin.com/DzgFDqmn09:28
lotuspsychjeelhoir: thats the very same paste you shared yesterday, then told us you bypassed that09:29
elhoiryeah, and its filing now today again09:30
elhoirmay be some software (i.e. skypeforlinux) that conflicts with some new "t64" packages?09:31
elhoiri dont know how to explain09:31
RikMillsfyi, many packages in noble may be uninstallable for a while, as amd64 binaries that were built after the compromised xz-utils published are being deleted09:59
lotuspsychjeallrighty, tnx RikMills 10:00
RikMillsthat will result in the candidate amd64 version in apt version mismatching with for example its arch:all dependency10:01
RikMillsThe following packages have unmet dependencies:10:01
RikMills nmap : Depends: nmap-common (= 7.94+git20230807.3be01efb1+dfsg-3) but 7.94+git20230807.3be01efb1+dfsg-3build1 is to be installed10:01
lotuspsychjeyep thats what im getting10:03
RikMillsi.e. the 3build1 amd64 binary was deleted, so apt sees the -3 as candidate to install. but as the arch:all nmap common is still at 3build1, apt bails10:04
RikMillsonce that affects packages are rebuilt again this should go away10:05
RikMillsnot sure of an ETA for that10:05
RikMillsalso no idea if this will impact the beta as yet10:06
lotuspsychjeok RikMills tnx for the info10:10
elhoirwill it affect finl release date?10:23
RikMillselhoir: can't say for now, but would hope not11:05
elhoirok thanks11:07
elhoirrik i have still facein troubles with the "t64"packages, is it still expected?11:07
elhoirRikMills, 11:11
BtbNIs there some issue with the 24.04 repos at the moment? A bunch of packages like cmake or vim fail to install with dependency issues.13:50
lotuspsychjeBtbN: https://dpaste.org/SFgtc13:50
BtbNhm, fun13:50
BtbNThis grinds an entire CI infra to a halt right now13:51
ravageyoiu should not have any production CI tha depends on a pre-beta release 🙂13:51
BtbNWell, it comes out next month, and people want stuff to work on it on day one13:51
lotuspsychjeone box for testing is good13:52
ravagenot day one yet13:52
ravageso just stop the CI and wait13:52
lotuspsychjeproduction, follow the LTS route and wait .113:52
BtbNYeah, that's not how users operate13:52
ravageyou want packages for the release for sure13:52
BtbNYou don't have working packages on day one, and users get angry13:52
BtbNI assume this is just a matter of waiting for a bunch of build-bots to do their thing, and then it'll work again?13:53
RikMillsBtbN: more or less. archive admins etc are working on what needs to be done13:54
ravagehttps://launchpad.net/builders you can watch it build stuff live if you have nothing better to do13:54
BtbNDoes not look all that busy on first glance :D13:55
ravagei dont think it is a good idea to block all workers for it13:56
ravagethere is regular business going on there too13:56
ravagemaybe they also have some own workers reserverd. i dont know 🙂13:56
ravagei usually just watch my snap builds there13:57
RikMillsBtbN: rebuilds haven't started yet. admins are working on the list of what to rebuild13:57
RikMillsplus one of the main guys driving that is on west coast US13:58
RikMillsso is only just waking up probably13:58
ravagelets hope he is an early bird 😄13:58
lotuspsychjeIT peepz all 24/7 birds :p13:59
ravagei love to sleep. but usually after staying up until 4 am13:59
lotuspsychjeunless your server is borked, wont sleep too good :p14:00
ravageor my bot is misbehaving again 😄14:00
RikMillsbest bet is probably to enjoy your Easter weekend and look at noble again after14:00
lotuspsychjeyeah good idea14:00
lotuspsychjeand watch out for a second exploit in april 1st14:01
ravageupdates my 2 systems yesterday. they are in a good state. will wait a few days now14:01
BtbNwork refused to pay me weekend + holiday emergency pay, so stuff is gonna sit there until tuesday14:02
ravageperfect 🙂14:02
BtbNThough I'm pretty sure we have nothing remotely bleeding edge enough to be majorly affected14:02
tomreynvlm: try with plain http14:38
vlmtomreyn, thanks14:40
vlmthats is it worked when using http14:40
tomreynvlm: apparently there is https://github.com/probonopd/zsync-curl for HTTPS support14:43
tomreynbut there are also gpg signed sha256sums at https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ so you don't strictly need those14:45
vlmtomreyn, im good i got it working with http, nifty program this i think,no active server requirement needed14:46
tomreynyou're welcome - i assumed you were using https in an attempt to ensure authenticity.14:47
vlmtomreyn, actually just copy pasted the link from documentation =)14:48
tomreynright, i'm not sure why it says httpS there14:49
vlmjust so happy i got it working, its easier to test those builds that are not released and update somewhat frequently then with this for of sync14:51
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